The Internal Control Mechanism And Its Effect On Organisation Performance Among Selected Production Industries Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study was carried out to examine internal control mechanism and its effect on organization performance among selected production industries in FCT, Abuja. The study specifically was set to determine the extent internal control mechanisms are implemented in production industries in FCT Abuja, determine whether there is a significant relationship between internal control mechanisms and organizational performance, find out the impact of internal control mechanisms on organizational performance of production industries in FCT Abuja, and identify the problems affecting the effectiveness of internal control mechanisms in production industries in FCT Abuja. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprise of managerial staff of selected production industries in FCT, Abuja. In determining the sample size, the researcher conveniently selected 57 respondents and 50 were validated. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analyzed using frequency tables, and mean scores. While the hypotheses were tested using Pearson correlation statistical tool, SPSS v23. The result of the findings reveals that there is a significant relationship between internal control mechanisms and organizational performance. The study also revealed that internal control mechanisms has a positive impact on organizational performance of production industries in FCT Abuja as it ensures compliance with industry standards, it enhances operational efficiency, it safeguards organizational assets, and it prevents fraud and misappropriation of resources. Therefore, it is recommended that management should always practice proper recording of transactions and each and every other transaction should always be recorded and kept for references. To mention but a few.
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