Isolation And Characterization Of Bacteria Associated With Hawked Suya- Meat

(Case Study Of Enugu)

Bacteria linked with hawked suya meat, a popular West African street food, encompass a diverse array of species, including but not limited to Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus. These bacteria can proliferate during improper handling, storage, or cooking of the meat, posing significant public health risks when consumed. Strategies for mitigating bacterial contamination in suya meat involve adherence to strict hygiene practices during preparation, storage, and vending, as well as proper cooking techniques to ensure thorough heat treatment. Awareness and implementation of food safety protocols are paramount to reduce the incidence of foodborne illnesses associated with this delicacy.


This project work is carried at the isolation and characterization of pathogenic bacteria from hawked suya meat, were bought in full from the sellers and was collected in raps of aluminum foil. It was then taken to the laboratory for analysis the samples were homogenized and serial dilution of the sample was made out using 5 ml sterile pipette and test tubes. The dilution were then cultured on different media, macconkey agar, nutrient agar and blood agar end later incubated at 370c for 24 hours. Discrete bacteria colonies were observed and each colomy was gram stained and examined microscopically. Biochemical test were carried out to confirm the particular bacteria present. Bactering isolated were Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus, lactobacillus, streptococcus and Escherichia coli. Most at this microorganisms isolated are pathogenic and are toxic when ingested in contaminated suya meat. They are capable of causing illness. For instance staphylococcus aureus produce air exotizcin and can with stand temperature of 1000c for 30 minutes. When ingested, if cause intoxication manifesting in 4-5 hours with acute diarrhoes vomiting and gastroertrities lasting 6-8 hours.


Title page
Table of contents

Aims and objective
Statement of problem

Literature review

Media used
Sugar used for biochemical test
Preparation of media
Collection of samples
Method used
Pour plate method
Staining technique used
Biochemical test used
Coagulates test
Motility test
Indole test
Sugar fermentation test

Result of the analysis
Identification of the isolate
Confirmatory result

Discussion and conclusion


Meat is an animal product. It is that part of animal that provides major source of protein in west African food.
There are different types of meat from different types of animals, eg pork meat (pig) multon (goat) beef (cow).
Meat can be served as prepared meat product eg corn beef, fried meat, cooked meat and suya, meat (smoke meat). Meat is perishable food and its composition is ideal for the growth of wide range of spoilage bacteria. Public concern has vison due to numerous food scandals such as those surrounding bovine spongiform encephalopathy and roof and mouth disease epidemics and food borne disease which remain substantial burden . we can meet those challenges with an improved and global food safety control system. One possible improvement would be a repid and accurate detection system for microbial spoilage. This technique should ideally also be non destructive and give result in real time for application in highly automated food processing environment.
Suya meat is produced by smoking the raw beet with the addition of some syices, salt, oil, groundnut cake and flavors. The meat is first sliced into smaller pieces and the spices are rubbed onto it, it is later oven driedor over local source of heart. This allows the meat to get dried properly with the right taste before is gold to the consumers.
This is gold at a specific joint or howked when it is Gold at joint it is constantly kept warm over fire source. The hawked saya meat is carried about in open basin from place to place thereby exposing it to dust and other effects of the environment so doing harmful organisms find their ways into the meat there by coursing for poisoning.
Food poisoning is an illness with acute gastro ertritis as a major symptom caused by the ingestion of food counting my harmful micro organizer or harmful substances. Tomatari (1983).
Some of the micro organisms present in suya causes food poisoning when consumed are Salmonella typhi staphylococcus aureus clostridum butilinum, clostridium preferring Bacillus cereces streptococcus progenies.
Some of these micro organisms in meat cause off shavours which make the meat to be unfit for eating and also reduce the taste value.

This project research is designed to isolate and identify the common spoilage organisms of suya meat often production thereby ensuring the safety of the population at risk in eating containineted suya meat

HO: Hawked suya meat sold around ESBS metropolises contain pathogenic microorganisms
H1 Hawked suya meat sold around ESBS metropolies does not cantinas pathogenic micro organisms.
HI Hawked suya meat sold around ESBS, metropolies contain micro organisms but the load is not enough to cause disease.

The significance of this work is to enable those producers to improve the hygiene of the food (suya meat) and a good knowledge of safe food handling practice, suitable protective clothing to be worm end it will also enable us to be aware of various pathogenic organic and infection they transmit through food (suya meat) . As a result of this, the prevention of contamination of food is to be adhered to .This can be achieved by
keeping high risk food at temperature that will inhibits the growth of bacteria
Ensuring that during preparation, food is in the damger zone foras short time as possible.
Using suitable preservation such as salt and sugar.
Using various packing method like glass wares.

Pathogenic organisms are organization that are referred to as specific health hazards associated with gusto intestinal disturbance counting foxiness. The victim suffering from obdouninal pain and diarrhea with more vomiting thus diarrhea usually manifest the illness, which when unitreat individual in case where it does not result to death it had to unnecessary expanses in seeking medical advice. This has now made interested on how we can improve on our food hygiene to avoid constanination.

The project work is limited to the isolation and identification of bacteria associated with hawked Suva meat sold around ESBS Enugu this will help in increasing the health awareness of the public on the damages of eating hawked Suva meat. The project work would have covered the whole of Enugu urban but it was not possible due to financial and time constraints. During the course of project work, constant power failure was experienced and this possessed a problem to media preparation and incubation.

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Hawked Suya is a popular Nigerian street food made from skewered and grilled meat, typically beef, chicken, or goat. The bacteria associated with hawking Suya can vary depending on various factors, including the handling and storage conditions, hygiene practices, and the source of the meat.

Common bacteria associated with meat, including Suya meat, can include:

  1. Escherichia coli (E. coli): Some strains of E. coli can cause foodborne illnesses when meat is not properly cooked or when hygiene practices are lacking.
  2. Salmonella: Salmonella bacteria can be present in raw meat, especially poultry, and can lead to food poisoning if not cooked thoroughly.
  3. Staphylococcus aureus: Staphylococcus aureus can multiply rapidly in improperly stored or handled meat and produce toxins that can cause food poisoning.
  4. Listeria monocytogenes: Listeria is a bacteria that can survive in cold temperatures, so it can be a concern if the meat is not properly refrigerated.
  5. Clostridium perfringens: This bacterium can grow rapidly in cooked meat that is left at room temperature for extended periods, causing foodborne illness.
  6. Campylobacter: While more commonly associated with poultry, Campylobacter can also be present in other meats, and it can cause gastrointestinal illness if not cooked thoroughly.

To reduce the risk of bacterial contamination and foodborne illnesses when consuming hawker Suya or any other street food, it’s essential to:

  • Ensure the meat is thoroughly cooked, with no pink or raw spots in the middle.
  • Verify that the vendor maintains good hygiene practices, such as using clean utensils and washing hands.
  • Check that the meat is handled and stored at appropriate temperatures.
  • Avoid consuming street food from vendors with questionable hygiene practices.

It’s important to note that while street food can be delicious and enjoyable, it may also carry a higher risk of foodborne illnesses due to variable food handling practices. Therefore, it’s advisable to exercise caution and good food safety practices when consuming street food.