The Issues And Challenges In Alienation Of Family Land Holding In Nigeria Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
Our aim of the research is to critically examine the cause of difficulty associated with the conveyance of family property in respect of polygamous families in Nigeria. The specific objective is to critically examine the effect of abolition of family land holding under the Land Use Act and the position of the Act in respect of an individual member of the family occupying a portion(s) of family land rather than the family holding land as a corporate unit.
- What are the issues and challenges family conveyancers face in alienation of family land?
- Has the issue of consent by the head and principal members in alienation of family land resolve or reduce the increasing rate of litigation by purchasers?
- What is the effect of the Land Use Act in respect of family land holding in Nigeria?
- If the answer to question 2 and 3 above is in the negative, what factors are responsible; and what can and should be done to resolve the difficulties faced by conveyancers in alienating family land in Nigeria?
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