The Knowledge And Acceptability Of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Female Part-Time Students Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
Cancer of the cervix remains the most common malignant neoplasm of the female genitalia and the second most common cancer in female students. Cervical Cancers screening serves to detect the possibility that a cancer is present. The main objective of the study was to determine the knowledge and acceptability of Cervicals Cancer Screening among Female Part- Time Students in University of Benin. The hypothesis for the study was: there is no relationship between knowledge of cervical cancer and acceptability of cervical cancer screening. Survey research design was used in the study. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample. The sample consisted of 200 Female Part- Time Students in University of Benin. Data was collected using questionnaire. The study findings revealed that slightly above half more than half of (74%) of the respondents were between the age of 20-25 years, 58 (77%) respondents could not remember age of their first sexual intercourse, the majority 168(86%) of respondents have heard of cervical cancer, majority 126 (63%) of respondents heard about cervical cancer from media, hundred and two (51%) participants explained cervical cancer as abnormal lesion on the cervix, sixty four (32%) respondents stated that unprotected sexual intercourse is a risk factor of cervicals cancer, sixty (30%) of respondents stated that abnormal vaginal bleeding is a sign of cervical cancer, 120 (60%) respondents stated that cervical cancer can be detected by cervicals cancer screening, majority 194 (97%) of respondents stated that cervical cancers screening is done in hospital, majority 178 (89%) of respondents had never been screened for cervical cancers, majority 94 (47%) of respondents strongly agreed that cervical cancer screening is important, the majority 144(72%) of the respondents had no intention of going for cervicals cancer screening, majority 80 (40%) of respondents stated that lack of awareness to cervical cancers screening is a major barrier to cervical cancer screening. The study recommends among others that nurses should engage more on giving Information Education and Communication (IEC) at all levels of Health Care Delivery toward cervical cancers screening. Cervical cancers screening center should be made available in university of Benin health center at subsidized amount so that female students can easily access the service.
Cervical Cancer Screening
1.1 Background of the study
Cervical cancer is a spectrum that ranges from Dysplasia to invasive cancer. Dysplasia describes an abnormal organization of cells i.e. Premalignant changes in the squamous epithelium. It is graded as mild, moderate or severe. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is a closely related nomenclature that covers the entire spectrum of changes are graded CIN 1, CIN 2, and CIN 3 according to the third of the epithelium (Upper, Middle, Lower) respectively in which changes occur; corresponding to mild, moderate and severe. Invasive cancer is characterized by invasion of deeper tissues. It usually takes three forms; fungating (commonest), ulcerating and infiltrating. Histologically, 95% of cells are large cell type either keratinized (well differentiated) or non-keratinized (moderately differentiated). Adenocarcinoma arises from Endo-cervical glance, situated anywhere from the internal to the external os. The late stage of the disease usually results into distant metastasis but however, local spread can occur either upward to involve all the cervix, downward to extend into the vaginal vault, laterally, it involves the ureters and anteriorly to involve the bladder, posteriorly to involve the rectum. Lymphatic spread occurs early, while haematogenous spread occurs through systemic circulation mainly depositing in the liver, lungs and bones1.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Cervical cancer kills 270,000 female students each year mainly in developing countries, and in the prime of their productive lives, yet cervical cancer is preventable by screening asymptomatic female students for precancerous lesion and treating the lesion before it progresses to invasive disease. Studies suggest that if a woman were screened for cervical cancer between the ages of 30 and 40 her risk of cancer will reduce by 25-36%. Female students are sometimes looked at as the economic driving force of the family economy more especially in the majority of tribes found in Adamawa state. Therefore their knowledge, attitude and practice to this issue may positively or negatively influence the family and the society at large. It is therefore important to know whether the knowledge, attitude and practice is associated with or determined by certain demographic factors.
1.3 Research Questions
i. What is the level of knowledge of cervical cancer and screening amongst Par time female students in university of Benin?
ii. What is their attitude towards cervical screening?
iii. What is their practice of cervical cancer screening?
1.4 Aims and Objectives of the study
General Aim
To assess the general knowledge and acceptability of cervical cancer screening among Par time female students in university of Benin.
Specific Objectives
i. To assess the level of knowledge of cervical cancer and cervical cancer screen among Par time female students of university in Benin.
ii. To determine the attitude of Par time female students of university in Benin towards cervical cancer screening.
iii. To determine the practice of cervical cancer screening among Par time female students of university in Benin.
1.5 Justification
Par time female students in university of Benin are heterogeneous group of people with different background and therefore likely to represent the general population. Lack of enough data necessitated this study which will form a baseline for subsequent comparison and intervention.
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study
This study tends to be limited to the general knowledge and acceptability of cervical cancer screening among Par time female students in university of Benin in Nigeria. However, in the course of carrying out this research work, the researcher can foresee some limitations which include; insufficient financing, insufficient data for the research work and the time required for the project to be concluded.
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