Knowledge And Attitudes Of Female Undergraduate Students Towards Hostel Sanitation Practice

A Case Study Of Bayero University Female Hostels

By: Yakubu Umar

48 Pages 1 – 5 Chapters12,355 WordsDownload Complete Material

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This study investigates the knowledge and attitude of female undergraduate students towards hostel sanitation practice in Bayero University female hostels. To achieve the purpose of this study, three (3) research questions were raised, and four objectives were formulated. Descriptive design of survey type was adapted for the study. The population of this study comprised all registered female student residents of the hostels. There were two thousand, three hundred and eighty eight (2388) students currently in the hostels. Two hundred (200) respondents from all the hostels were selected for this study. Systematic sampling technique was used to select the respondents at an interval of three (3) doors in within the female hostels rooms to distribute 200 questionnaire to the respondents found at the time of data collection. The instrument of data collection was questionnaire. Descriptive Statistics of frequencies and percentages was used to organize and described the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Same was used to arrange and present the data according to each variable investigated. The result of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were under 25 years and were single in marital status. It study also revealed that students possessed have knowledge in regard to benefits and important of sanitation practice in the University hostels to students health. The study also revealed that there were negative attitude of female undergraduate students of Bayero University towards hostel sanitation practice and this negative attitude was influenced by some factors identified by the students to include inadequate toilets in the hostel, inadequate provision of water, lack of running tap water systems, lack of functional toilet water system, lack of teeth brushing and hand washing sink, lack of strict enforcement of hostel sanitation rules. Therefore, the study recommended that the institution should ensure provision of adequate amenities such as water supply and other vital infrastructure that will encourage and promote students attitude towards hostel sanitation practice and equally derive means of creating awareness among students on the important of sanitation practice through public announcement and social media platform to improve students’ knowledge on the important of hostel sanitation practice to their health.

Chapter One

This chapter introduces the Knowledge And Attitudes Of Female Undergraduate Students Towards Hostel Sanitation Practice and its relevance, states the research problems, research questions, and objectives, provides a background of the study, and should also include the research hypothesis.

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Yakubu, U. (2025, March 21). Knowledge And Attitudes Of Female Undergraduate Students Towards Hostel Sanitation Practice. UniProjects.

Yakubu, Umar. “Knowledge And Attitudes Of Female Undergraduate Students Towards Hostel Sanitation Practice”. UniProjects, 21 March 2025,

Yakubu, Umar. “Knowledge And Attitudes Of Female Undergraduate Students Towards Hostel Sanitation Practice.” UniProjects. March 21, 2025.


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