Management Of Abattoir Waste

(A Case Study Of Bodija And Akinyele Market)

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The aim of the study is to examine the management of abattoir waste in Nigeria. A total of 86 respondents were selected from the population figure out of which the sample size was determined. Data collected will be analyzed using frequency table, percentage and mean score analysis while the nonparametric statistical test (Chi-square) was used to test the formulated hypothesis using SPSS (statistical package for social sciences). It is advocated that man should embrace personal hygiene as a priority and take program on hygiene exercise on meat sold in Bodija and Akinyele market in Oyo state to ensure the safety of food consumption. It is also advocate that far healthful condition and safety purposes, proper management must be put in place to forestall the spread of zoometric disease that can be transmitted from animal to man. The local government health personnel should rise up to the challenge and carry out intensive and sustained health education programmed in the area.

Aims and Objectives

The major aim of the study is to examine the management of abattoir waste in Nigeria. Other specific objectives of the study include;

  1. To examine the negative consequences of lack of adequate treatment of abattoir waste in Nigeria.
  2. To determine the level of treatment of abattoir waste in Bodija and Akinyele market in Oyo state, Nigeria.
  3. To examine the effect of abattoir waste on the socio economic development of Oyo state.
  4. To investigate the role of the federal and state governments towards adequate management of abattoir waste in Oyo state.
  5. To recommend ways of effective management of abattoir waste in Bodija and Akinyele market.
Research Questions
  1. What are the negative consequences of lack of adequate treatment of abattoir waste in Oyo state?
  2. Are abattoir waste effectively managed in Oyo state?
  3. What is the level of treatment of abattoir waste in Bodija and Akinyele market in Oyo state, Nigeria?
  4. What are the effects of abattoir waste on the socio economic development of Oyo state?
  5. What are the roles of the federal and state governments towards adequate management of abattoir waste in Oyo state?
  6. What are the ways of effective management of abattoir waste in Bodija and Akinyele market?
Chapter Two


1.1    Background of the study

Management of Abattoir wastes has been of great concern in Nigeria. Almost every day in all the urban and rural markets in our county Nigeria, animals are slaughtered while the meats are sold to the public for consumption. Meat wastes sprang up from killing and also dehairing, paunch handling, rendering, trimming, processing and clean-up operations. That is the reason we will say that abattoir wastes often contain blood, fat, organic and inorganic solids, and salts and chemicals added during processing operations….

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