Motivation As A Management Tool For Increasing The Production Of Worker

(A Case Study Of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation Enugu)

5 Chapters
72 Pages
8,647 Words

Motivation serves as a potent management tool for enhancing the productivity of Worker one. By understanding and catering to individual needs, preferences, and aspirations, managers can effectively inspire Worker one to perform at their peak potential. Implementing motivational strategies such as recognition of achievements, providing opportunities for skill development, fostering a positive work environment, and offering incentives aligned with performance goals can significantly boost Worker one’s morale and commitment to the organization’s objectives. Additionally, clear communication of expectations and feedback channels facilitates continuous improvement and reinforces a sense of purpose, driving Worker one to consistently deliver high-quality results. Through proactive motivation management, managers can cultivate a motivated workforce, ultimately leading to increased production and overall organizational success.


The important of this work is to investigate motivation as a management tool for increasing the productivity of worker in an organization.
This research is divided into five chapters. Chapter one deal with statement of the problem, purpose of study, statement of hypothesis, scope of the study limitation of study, motivation and management decision making, management respective in increasing productivity of worker and summer of literature review.
However chapter three deals with research metrology and design. Population of study and research instrument chapter four concerns with data presentation and analysis and test of hypothesis.
Whereas the last chapter five deal with summary of finding, conclusion and recommendation. Bibliography and sample questionnaires include.
In conclusion, management should appreciate the partnership role of their worker and also management should recognize the work of internal audit.


Title page
Approval page
Table of con tent

1. Statement of problem
2. Purpose of the study
3. Significant of hypothesis
4. Statement of hypothesis
5. Scope of the study
6. Limitation of the study
7. Definition of terms.

1. Historical foundation of the study
2. Motivation and management Decision making
3. Management perspective in increasing productivity of worker
4. Summary of literature review
5. Limitation of motivation tool
6. How internal Audit Department operate in Enugu state Housing Department corporation

1. Population of the study
2. Sample method
3. Choice of instrument
4. Method of data analysis

1. Data presentation and analysis
2. Test of hypothesis

0. Finding
1. Conclusion
2. Recommendation


In a work place individual employees have different aim and aspiration for instance some worker would prefer to work very hard and yet be satisfied at least for working just to contribute to the job. Other might have aims of showing appearance ion the office or place of work and would not like to be usefully engaged but like to collect their salary as is when due s still some would prefer working for short periods hence their aim would be to reduce the time they spend in the workplace to a minimum Level since they were not interested with what they are doing.
Therefore, the determination roles of manage goals in an organization and their actives are not always taken for granted. However .due to the co-ordination of human an material resources in an organization in both sectors of their economy are able to establish a company. Management going to increase the productivity of worker are not just a process by which people (manger) crests direct, maintains and operated an organization rather it is through systematic co-operative human effort and control measure it also involves making suggestion for improved performance and prevention of future short coming if any
We now want to asses how effectiveness manager are and relation to productive and constructive services that offer to management therefore the question we want to ask is how the manager maintains the high performances to increase the management tools answer to the above question will go along way in clarifying and explaining what the manager does or is all about and how effective the management decision policy .the overall purpose Is to assist management in achieving the most effective administration of the operations of the operation of organization that will attract the incentive of increasing the productivity of worker in public sector

The main aim ‘of this research is to specialize and discuss some factors which determine the effectiveness of Enugu state. Housing Development Corporation and its general impact to both government and management decision policy in an organization. This study is carried out to examine the motivation tools employed by the management to improve productivity of workers in Enugu state housing development corporation (ESHOC). Motivation is crucial to human being and survival of any enterprise. Management by virtual of their position as decision makers in the corporation view a massive influence in the operation of the organization and this determine what direction the firm should go.
Therefore the researcher does not limits itself to only investigation into the motivational tools the management uses to motivate its human reseach but how management achieve their motivation by following the required method of a good motivation.
Some requirements are:
(a) Security is vital element
(b) A good system must be comprehensive in providing for
The satisfaction of all need.
(c) Subordinate must Included to work and produce more
(d) Provision must be made for financial opportunities
Particularly those given more person freedom
Another important finding of the study is that when employees are highly motivated they have a high tolerance for dissatisfaction arising from the maintains factors.

Certainly the importance of this project is for the benefit of the Enugu states housing development corporations toward motivating as a management tool for increasing the productivity of worker to the staff of the establishments. It is also to expose the knowledge to the student who will be engage in the study of this course in times to come. The writers research will be of aid to write in solving the problem and highlight the prospect of motivational factor are job centered research will be.
,that is they relate directly to the job itself, the individuals performance ,the job responsibilities and growth and recognition obtained from it. Finally the benefits are all corporate bodies, institutions of high leaning and public servant.

• Internal audit unit Enugu state development corporation is effective in the performance its function in helping the organization to increase the productivity of worker
• Internal audit unit in Enugu state housing development corporation is not effective in performance its function.
• Improper utility of the housing project by management has helped the organization in achieving its goals
• Proper utilization of the housing project by management has helped the organization in achieving its goals
• Staff show and maintain a prefect performance of their duty as management increase motivation tool
• Staff have not show and maintain a perfect performance of their duty as the management increase their motivation tool .

This study is invited to the of now the motivation is well increase production of Enugu state development corporation (ESHD) and effect and efficient it the company. This investigation however not be taken as and exhaustive piece

Constant are common to research project that limited the nature and scope of this research they include.
Management point of view
They do by viewing the project topic with suspicious. This was later conquered with the explanation that the whole out come of the research is for academic purposes. To what extent will it help the management in understanding what really motivation as a management tool for increasing the productivity of worker is, as well appreciating its contribution to management decision process.
Again has financial contribution: –
These have to do with cost associated with the gathering of the facts. That is the cost of trips to various location as well as the risk associated with such long trip on busy road.
Another constrain was the generic committeemen of the researcher which include attending lecture and writing term paper in some course offered by the researchers.
Time: Time given for the study is rather for short and small as the researcher being a student should read and take lectured in other courses during the period of the study.
Accommodation the researcher had neither a relation nor a friend resident at the are he is carrying out his research work.

This are some unique and difficult work used in this project. However, they are carefully explained for essay comprehension of their meaning.
(1) MOTIVATION: This simply means ensuring appreciate behaviors of workers in an organization by providing an environment in which people can satisfy their human need through their work and working environments.
(2) TRANING OR SEMINAR: The importance of staff development in any organization cannot be over emphasized. For an accurate, account, ability and skill acquired by any staff depends on the mode of training given to him which will be applied to the teaching of the relevance duty and to motivate other staff.
(3) WAGES OR SALARY: – Employees consider wages/salary as the most important way of motivating worker. These wages/salary are paid according to their grade level and steps and also provide for an effective and efficient source of motivation for employees after adding other allowance or increase of their salary generally by government.
(4) LEAN ALLOWANCE: – This allowance is paid once annually whether you are on leave or not provided you are a public servant and in exception those that is retired from service.
(5) FREE MEDICAL TREAMENT: This treatment only allocate to public servant by given them medical report from signed by direct to go to any government hospital for treatment.
(6) SALARY IN ADVANCE: – This is another way of helping a staff who need help. The office will grant a salary in advance for him or her to solve his/her problem and specify how he/she is given to pay back from his/her salary
(7) STUDY LEAVE WITHOUT PAY :- Management also allow such study to exist in the organization which help staff to acquire additional certificate when he/her is still working but will not be receiving any salary till he/her finish the study and present the certificate which will attract arrears the salary.
(8) CAR LAON:-This kind of loan have its own category of staff that can allocate to it. It belong to grade& level.10 and above officer who can be paying back installment according to the way specify
STUDY LEAVE WITH PAY: -This is also one of the instrument used to motivate staff by allowing them to acquire more additional certificate. With the above mentioned subject matter, staff are allowed to go school while there are in service in service and collect their salary and other allowance attached to it.
PROMOTION: -This very essential to all public involve increment of once state and the high in promotion demands a lot of responsibilities and it involve a lots of arrears of fund .
Promotion are of different types:-
(a) Conversation
(b) Advancement
(c) Internal transfer
(d) Transfer of service.
(11) OVER TIME:- Management take control of over time which are paid to some people who are serving the top government officer .These people don’t office except the time their boss directed them to leave the office. From that time spend after work will be calculate for the based on their grade level and steps.

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Motivation As A Management Tool For Increasing The Production Of Worker:

Motivation is a powerful management tool for increasing the production of workers. When employees are motivated, they are more engaged, productive, and committed to their work. Here are some key strategies for using motivation effectively in the workplace:

  1. Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements can be a strong motivator. This can include monetary rewards such as bonuses or non-monetary rewards like public recognition or additional time off.
  2. Clear Goals and Expectations: Ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities clearly. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. When employees know what is expected of them, they are more likely to stay motivated to achieve those goals.
  3. Regular Feedback: Provide regular feedback on performance. Constructive feedback helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement. It also shows that their contributions are valued.
  4. Professional Development: Offer opportunities for employees to develop their skills and advance in their careers. This can include training, workshops, or support for further education. When employees see a path for growth, they are often more motivated.
  5. Autonomy and Empowerment: Give employees a degree of autonomy in how they complete their tasks. Empowering them to make decisions within their roles can increase their sense of ownership and motivation.
  6. Create a Positive Work Environment: A positive work environment, characterized by respect, trust, and open communication, is essential for motivation. Encourage teamwork, foster camaraderie, and address workplace conflicts promptly.
  7. Intrinsic Motivation: Help employees find intrinsic motivation by connecting their work to their values and interests. Encourage them to take on projects that align with their passions and provide a sense of purpose.
  8. Flexible Work Arrangements: Consider offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, when possible. This can boost motivation by improving work-life balance.
  9. Incentive Programs: Implement incentive programs that tie rewards directly to performance. This could include performance-based bonuses or profit-sharing arrangements.
  10. Career Advancement Opportunities: Create a clear path for career advancement within the organization. When employees see that hard work can lead to promotions and increased responsibilities, they are more likely to stay motivated.
  11. Regular Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with employees. Regularly check in with them to understand their concerns, needs, and ideas. This helps employees feel valued and engaged.
  12. Lead by Example: Managers and leaders should lead by example. Their enthusiasm, dedication, and work ethic can be contagious and inspire employees to do their best.
  13. Employee Involvement: Involve employees in decision-making processes when appropriate. When they have a say in matters that affect their work, they are more likely to feel invested in the outcomes.
  14. Wellness Programs: Promote employee well-being by offering wellness programs that address physical and mental health. Healthy, happy employees are more likely to be motivated and productive.
  15. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate both individual and team achievements. Recognizing successes, no matter how small, can boost morale and motivation.

Remember that different individuals are motivated by different things, so it’s essential to tailor your motivational strategies to the unique needs and preferences of your employees. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your efforts and be willing to adapt your approach as needed to keep your workforce motivated and productive.