Motivation Of Customers As Essential Tool In Financial Institution

5 Chapters
36 Pages
3,934 Words

Motivating customers is a crucial tool for financial institutions to foster loyalty, drive engagement, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. By understanding and addressing the diverse needs and preferences of their clientele, financial institutions can tailor their products and services to provide personalized solutions. Offering attractive incentives, such as competitive interest rates, rewards programs, or exclusive benefits, serves as a powerful motivator for customers to choose and remain loyal to a particular financial institution. Additionally, effective communication and transparent information about financial products can empower customers, instilling confidence and a sense of control over their financial decisions. Ultimately, a motivated customer base not only contributes to the success of the financial institution but also establishes a mutually beneficial relationship built on trust and value.


This research work clearly brings out the motivational tools used by financial institution for attainment of financial goal. The topic “motivation of customer as essential tool in financial institution” is very essential to be used by institution. For it least for profit maximization. This motivation is applied to retain and gain more customers for institution like Banks.


Title page


Approval page



Table of contents


Problem identification 1

The Rationale of study 1

Significance of study 2

Definition of Terms 3


Review of Related Literature 5

Motivational techniques 10


Statement of hypothesis 13

Methodology of study 15

Sources of Data 16


Presentation of Data 19

Analysis of Data 22


Summary 27

Conclusion 28

Suggestion 29

Bibliography 30


Motivation of customers is a very important tool to be used by financial institution like banks.
Therefore I want to investigate the benefits of banks if they (customers) are being motivated by banks.
Banks can motivate customers by giving sales promotion, increasing the interest rate of depositors especially those that operate savings account, giving loans to prime customers when such cases instruments or article for example, “treasury bills, certificates for deposit”. These financial instruments should be issued at a lower rate to customers, also reducing the interest rate of loans can motivate customers to petronise such institution e.g. bank.

The rationale of this study can be said to be very essential, assuming we are to understand and influence motivation. The important reason of this study could be said to be: guiding against past experience. Not maintaining good relationship with customers an render such a financial institution at liquidation, therefore the past experience of not patronizing banks could be brough to its abrupt end if this study will be absolutely followed.
This study provide an avenue for banks to amend past experience.
The reason could also be said also to be profit reformation. In most cases, banks misuse the opportunity of profit maximization, in order to avert this, motivational process is a very good example to regain such profit.
For customers to know their rights and obligation, it is the right of customers to be motivated and their duty of patronage is certain, there for the reason of motivation process is important.

The study will be of immense benefit to the institution under study e.g Banks. The finding and recommendations of this study shade to be of great importance to the management of a particular financial institution in dealing with problems relating to motivational process. However, the study shall be of great help to the financial institution to have a good working relationship with their customers.
The study shall also be useful to scholars and researchers who are interested in carrying out research work based on the area of motivation in an institution.
The study will also help some financial institution to defeat the cause of backwardness of some of our Banks which also dwindle the rate of income and profit of the institution and the way some of these problems could be solved.

In the cause of going through this project work, some of the words and phrase which are very vital and relevant to the project topic were encountered.
For the purpose of this study the following are defined as follows:
1. Motivation: This is meeting the social and psychological needs of the customers in the fulfillment of an organization goals.
2. Financial institution: A large important organization that has a particular purpose which is connected with money eg. Bank
3. Essential Tool: An important instrument that is extremely necessary in a particular situation or for a particular activity.
4. Patronage: The support especially financial, that is given to a person or an organization.
5. Dwindle: The become gradually less or smaller.
6. Increase income/profit: Greater amount of money that a person or an organization earns from work or business.
7. Interest rate: Financially, is the extra money that you pay back when you borrow money or that you receive when you invest money.
8. Variables: Often changing or something likely to change.
9. Sales promotion: Benefits derived from an organization for buying their goods or services



Motivation Of Customers As Essential Tool In Financial Institution:

Motivating customers is indeed a crucial aspect for any financial institution. Motivated customers are more likely to engage, make use of various services, and maintain long-term relationships with the institution. Here’s why customer motivation is essential and some strategies to achieve it:

Importance of Customer Motivation:

  1. Usage of Services: Motivated customers are more inclined to actively use the financial products and services offered by the institution. This leads to higher transaction volumes, increased asset under management, and utilization of various financial tools.
  2. Revenue Generation: Engaged customers tend to invest more, purchase additional services, and generate more revenue for the institution. This can include trading fees, loan interest, account maintenance fees, and more.
  3. Brand Loyalty: Motivated customers are more likely to develop loyalty towards the institution, which results in a longer customer lifecycle and reduces the churn rate.
  4. Word of Mouth: Satisfied and motivated customers are more likely to refer friends, family, and colleagues to the institution’s services, acting as brand ambassadors.

Strategies for Customer Motivation:

  1. Personalized Services: Tailor services and offerings to each customer’s needs and preferences. Use data analytics to understand customer behaviors and offer customized solutions.
  2. Educational Resources: Provide customers with educational content related to financial literacy, investment strategies, budgeting, and more. This empowers customers to make informed decisions and increases their engagement.
  3. Rewards and Incentives: Implement reward programs, cashback offers, loyalty points, or discounts for using various services. These incentives encourage customers to use the institution’s products more frequently.
  4. User-Friendly Technology: Develop intuitive and user-friendly digital platforms and mobile apps. A seamless user experience enhances customer satisfaction and encourages regular interaction.
  5. Regular Communication: Keep customers informed about new services, updates, and industry trends through newsletters, emails, or app notifications. This maintains their interest and involvement.
  6. Community Building: Foster a sense of community among customers. Organize workshops, webinars, or events that bring customers together to discuss financial topics, share experiences, and learn from each other.
  7. Transparency: Be transparent about fees, charges, terms, and conditions. Clear communication instills trust and helps customers feel more comfortable using financial services.
  8. Gamification: Introduce elements of gamification into the customer experience. Interactive challenges, achievements, and competitions can make financial management more engaging.
  9. Responsive Customer Support: Offer excellent customer service, addressing inquiries and concerns promptly. A positive support experience enhances overall satisfaction.
  10. Impactful Content: Create content that showcases the positive impact of financial planning and investing on customers’ lives. Real-life success stories can inspire others to take action.

In conclusion, customer motivation is a powerful tool for financial institutions. By understanding their customers’ needs, preferences, and aspirations, institutions can implement strategies that enhance engagement, brand loyalty, and revenue generation. A customer-centric approach that focuses on delivering value and building meaningful relationships will ultimately drive the institution’s success.