Need For Training And Development Of Suppliers Personnel In The Public Sector

(A Case Study Of Ministry Of Agriculture And Natural Resources Imo State)

5 Chapters
59 Pages
7,435 Words

Training and development of suppliers’ personnel in the public sector is crucial for enhancing efficiency, transparency, and accountability in procurement processes. By investing in continuous learning initiatives tailored to suppliers’ needs, public sector entities can cultivate a skilled workforce capable of navigating complex regulatory frameworks, adopting innovative technologies, and adhering to ethical standards. Such training fosters a culture of compliance and fosters trust between suppliers and government agencies, leading to improved service delivery and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, empowering suppliers with the requisite knowledge and skills not only strengthens their capacity to meet procurement requirements but also stimulates healthy competition, driving innovation and quality improvement in the delivery of goods and services to the public. Therefore, prioritizing the training and development of suppliers’ personnel is essential for fostering a resilient and responsive public procurement ecosystem that aligns with the evolving needs of stakeholders and advances the public interest.


The focus of this research work is on the need for training and development of supplies personnel in a public sector. The researcher has chosen Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Imo State as a case study whose result and findings will be used to generalize with the need for training and development of supplies personnel in other public sector or organizations. The problem found in this sector is that government are yet to be conceived of the need for efficient and organized department to be run by properly trained unqualified and unskilled personnel who cannot cope with the present day complexity of administration and management thereby endangering the smooth operation of the sector. It is the purpose of this study to determine the need for efficient and effective supplies operation with trained personnel in the public sector. The research was carried out with the use of interview and questionnaire. During the course of this research, the researcher found out that though the supplies department was effective in its own way, it encountered one problem; the suppliers department is a sub-division of the administration, another problem is finance hampers the effective operations, development is very poor.


Title Page:
Approval Page:
Table of Content

Chapter One:
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background/general overview of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research question
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of study
1.7 Limitation of study
1.8 Definition of terms

Chapter Two
Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Training and development of staff
2.2 How ministry of Agriculture and natural resources conduct their training
2.3 Departments in the case study
2.4 The need for training and development of staff in the case study
2.5 Recruitment, selection and suppliers
2.6 Recruitment and supplies
2.7 Sources of supplier personnel
2.8 Personnel selection
2.9 Suppliers personnel development
2.10 The activities of supplies department in relations to purchasing department.

Chapter Three:
Research design and methodology
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research design
3.2 Questionnaire design
3.3 Sources/methods of data collection
3.4 Population and sample size
3.5 Sample techniques
3.6 Validity and reliability
3.7 Method of data analysis
Data sources
Secondary data
Primary Data
Data analysis method

Chapter Four
Presentation and analysis of data
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Analysis
4.3 Interpretation of Results
Discussion on findings
Conclusion on findings

Chapter Five
Summary, conclusion and recommendation
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations


Training is the process of acquiring specific skills to perform job better (Jucious, 1963). It helps people to become qualified and proficient in doing some jobs. (Dahama , 1979) usually an organization facilitates the employee learning though training so that there modified behaviour contributes to the attainment of the organization goals and objective. Van Dersal (1962) defined training as the process of teaching, informing, or educating people so that:
1. They may become well qualified as possible to do their job.
2. They become qualified to perform in position of greater difficulty and responsibility.
Flippo (1961) differenciated between education and training located these at the two ends of continuum of personnel development ranging from a general education to specific training. While is concerned with these activities which are designed to improve human performance on the job that employees are at present doing or are being hired to do, education is concerned with increasing general knowledge and understanding of the total environment.
Education is the development of human mind and it increases the power of observation, analysis, integration, understating, decision making and adjustment to new situation.

Learning theories are the basic materials which are usually applied in all educational and training activities. The more one understands learning theories the better he or she will be able to made decision and apply visits, and the humanities emphasizes different aspect of teaching-learning process in their approaches. While the behavioural visit stress external conditions (environment) resulting in observations, and measurable changes in behaviour, the cognitive are more concerned with how the mind works, (mental processes such as coding, categorizing and representing information in memory). The humanities on the other attitude of human behaviour that influence learning (IRRI, 1990)
In extension system, effective training must be able to take of all the theories of learning in order to change the action belief and knowledge components of a trainees simultaneously. Andragogy (a theory of adult learning) is usually used rather than pedagogy ( a theory of child learning in existence training).
Training approach
There are three approached to training, they are:
i. Traditional approaches
ii. The experimental approaches and
iii. The performance based approaches (Rama, Etling and Bowen 1993), in the traditional approaches the training staff design the objective, contents teaching technique, assignment, lesson plans motivation test and evaluation. The focus in this model is intervention by the training staffing, in the experiences approach the trainer in cooperates experiences wherein the learner becomes active and influence the training emphasis real or simulated situations in which the training will eventually operate in this model, the objectives and other elements of training are jointly determine by the trainers and trainees. Trainers primary serve as facilitators, catalysts or resources person.
In the performance based. Approach to training goals are measured through attainment of a given level of proficiency instead of passing grade of the trainers. Emphasis is given to acquiring specific observable skills for task. This performance based teacher education PBTE) model, development by Elem (1971) is mostly task or skill concerned and is also applicable to non-formal educational organizations such as extension.

In Nigeria ministries and government prostates the need for training and development of suppliers personnel in public sector cannot be over emphasized. This is important when there is need for training and development of supplies personnel in the organization both private and public sector. The following problems have been identified by the researchers.
i. How efficient is it? Is it the suppliers organized and operated so that efficient, accountability, dedication and so on are granted.
ii. Are the store personnel professional in the field or store operation skilled enough to know the objective of effective store operation and practice according to the ethics of the professional?
iii. Is the security adequate to reduce theft and pilferage?
iv. Is the store department organized and effective so that materials are always available as and when needed?

An organization and efficient suppliers department operated by trained professionals is an important part of any industrial concern, public and private organization undertaking, agriculture entertainment and government ministries. The suppliers department is set up in any concern to assist in the production of goods and services and no industries unit or public firms of any size can efficiently and economically mange without it. If it’s the purpose of this study to determine the need for training and development of supplier personnel in the public sector with particular references to the ministry of finance Imo State.

In the course of making the required and desire discovery answers will be made to the following questions.
i. What type of procedure is being used in recording the inflow of materials from stores?
ii. How organized is the system of controlling materials in Imo State Government?
iii. What can hand equipments are you using in off loading your materials or goods.
iv. Are there very well trained person in the storehouse the top management as very essential to the organization.
v. Are the store personnel professional in the field or store operations skilled enough to know the objective of effective store operating and practice according to the profession?

The important of this work does not lie in the promise that no previous study has been made on the need for training and development of suppliers personnel in public sector. But will also make available guide into efficient and effective training and development of suppliers personnel in Imo State government now that they are embanking on so many project which involves the use of a lot of materials most of which are purchases and stored.
It is however, influenced to draw the attention of government to have organized supplier department to ensure that the right material are procured adequate storage of material are made and also improve more on the training and development of their personnel in the supplier department.

The scope and limitation of this study is limited to the activities of Ministry of Agriculture and natural resources Imo state. It embraces activities of the suppliers department of them and also the problem associated with it store and purchasing department in the entire sector should have well training and development of their staff.

In the country but it is unfortunate that time does not permit to do so. The research was also faced with other problem like:
a. Finance: Finance is not enough to use in the operation project in the effective way needed.
b. Time: Time sharing is not enough for the project because when you want to do the project. You have another thing to do sometime.

It is obvious that words have meaning leads to defer directly or indirectly under different contents and usage.
i. Training: Is a process that involves the acquisition of skill, concept and rules of attitude to increase the effectiveness of employees in doing their job.
ii. Right time: This is the time at which the requirement ordered are the supplied.
iii. Supplied personnel: They are staff that work in both store department and purchasing department. Suppliers shall ensure that employee have the education training and competence required for their position. Staffs have obtained the necessary training, the hospital may be held responsible suppliers users guide.
iv. Development: this is systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or requirement.
v. Resources: This is an economic or productive factor required to accomplish an activity or as a means to undertake an enterprise and achieve desired outcome.

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Need For Training And Development Of Suppliers Personnel In The Public Sector:

Training and development of suppliers’ personnel in the public sector is essential for several reasons. These reasons revolve around improving the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of suppliers, ultimately benefiting the government and the public. Here are some key reasons why training and development are crucial:

Quality Assurance: Training helps suppliers’ personnel understand and adhere to quality standards and specifications. This ensures that the products or services supplied meet the required quality levels, reducing the risk of substandard goods reaching the public sector.

Compliance: Public sector organizations often have strict regulations, policies, and procedures that suppliers must adhere to. Training helps suppliers’ personnel stay updated on these requirements, reducing the chances of non-compliance and associated legal or financial penalties.

Cost Reduction: Well-trained personnel are more efficient, which can lead to cost savings for both the supplier and the public sector. Reduced errors, rework, and downtime can contribute to cost reduction in the supply chain.

Innovation: Training can promote innovation among suppliers. When personnel are knowledgeable about the latest industry trends and technologies, they can bring innovative ideas and solutions to the public sector, potentially improving service delivery and cost-effectiveness.

Risk Mitigation: Public sector organizations face various risks, including security breaches, environmental issues, and supply chain disruptions. Proper training can help suppliers’ personnel identify and mitigate these risks, ensuring the continuity of services and minimizing potential liabilities.

Ethical and Social Responsibility: Public sector organizations often have ethical and social responsibility expectations for their suppliers. Training can help suppliers’ personnel understand and align with these values, contributing to a more responsible and sustainable supply chain.

Improved Communication: Effective communication between suppliers and the public sector is crucial. Training can enhance the communication skills of suppliers’ personnel, leading to better collaboration and understanding between the two parties.

Adaptation to Change: Public sector requirements and regulations can change over time. Training ensures that suppliers’ personnel can adapt to these changes promptly, reducing disruptions in the supply chain.

Performance Improvement: Regular training and development programs can help suppliers identify areas where their personnel need improvement. This leads to a continuous improvement cycle, where suppliers become better equipped to meet the public sector’s evolving needs.

Competitive Advantage: Suppliers that invest in the training and development of their personnel can gain a competitive advantage in public sector procurement. They are more likely to secure contracts and maintain long-term relationships with government agencies.

To implement effective training and development programs for suppliers’ personnel in the public sector, organizations should collaborate with suppliers, provide access to relevant resources and materials, and monitor the progress and effectiveness of the training initiatives. Additionally, periodic evaluations and feedback mechanisms can help ensure that training programs remain aligned with the evolving needs of both the public sector and the suppliers.