The Online Civil Registry Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
Civil registry is an online services or agency that helps citizen to register with the government. Through their services cut across almost every disciple but in this project work, the birth, the death and marriage registration is considered. The implementation of this project work is designed using CS4 Dreamweaver (Adobe Collection Suit), PHP (Hypertext processor) scripting language and java script and MYSOL (Structural Query Language) database in other to have a robust design.
General Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Civil registration is the system by which a government records the vital events of its citizens and residents. The resulting repository or database is called civil register or registry, or population registry. The primary purpose of civil registration is to create legal document that are used to establish and protect the civil rights of individuals. A secondary purpose is to create a data source for the compilation of vital statistics in most countries; there is a legal requirement to notify the relevant authority of any life event which affects the registry (Herber, Mark D).
The United Nations defines registration as “the continuous permanent compulsory and universal recording of the occurrence and characteristics of vital events pertaining of the population as provided through decree or regulation in accordance with the legal requirements of a country.
Civil registration is carried out primarily for the purpose of establishing the legal documents provided by the law. These records are also a main source of vital statistics. Complete coverage, accuracy and timelines of civil registration are essential for quality vital statistics.
Vital events that are typically recorded include live birth, death, foetal death, marriage, divorce, annulment of marriage, judicial separation of marriage, adoption, legitimization and recognition. Additionally, in some countries, immigration, emigration, and any change of residence may require notification. Among the legal documents that are derived from civil registration are birth certificates, death certificates and marriage certificates.
A family is a type of civil register which is more concerned with events within the family unit and is common in Continental European and Asian countries, such as Germany (Familienbuch). France, Spain, Russia (propiska), China (Hukou), Japan (Koseki), and North and South Korea (Hoju). A register of residents is a type of civil register primarily concerned with the current residence.
Civil Registry is the online system or agency to help the Indian citizens to apply for there government records like passport, driving license, voter’s ID card, PAN card etc… And register certificates like birth, death, marriage etc.
The primary objective of this web site is to give awareness about the government or legal documents and its registration details as well as to help to register or apply for those documents. This also acts as a consultancy agency to assist the public. The main purpose of the web site is to reduce the effort by the candidate and save his time and avoid unwanted rushes at the government offices and assure a smooth working schedule at government offices.
The project Civil Registry still requires more development of IT solution and its applications to improve the issuance of copies of government certificates and legal documents. Civil registry team trying to get more affiliation to government offices and departments. Now civil registry team acting as an agency to help the public.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The study was limited by several factors, of which some posed serious constraints towards the development of the project. One of the major drawbacks was due to financial incapacitation. This is among other frustrations such as program failures during modular construction stages.
In ability to procure personal internet access for uploading made it difficult for the development at testing stage.
There was distance and availability of research materials problem. It was absolutely difficult to source most of the important that helped me to develop the form and database was another serious issue.
1.3 Aims and objectives of the study
To improve the efficiency in the system.
To create safety of information about a user in more secure way than using the manual system (writing on paper).
Having this in mind the list below contains our objectives, starting with the most specific (short term).
Providing online access to the data in the Information System adding new features on a regular basis. Users of this service are authorized government at national, regional and local levels. This is a closed service (not publicly available), because personal data are confidential information, available to authorized staff only.
Eliminating most of the paperwork and the number of difficulties when exchanging data at all levels.
Our ambition is to participate actively in deploying the creation of standards for electronic services.
1.4 Significance of the Study
If this prototype is fully developed will be very useful in many areas such as it will ease the work of the personnel department of the any organization, it will create more employment opportunities for our youths, the government can also review and deploy it to other sectors private individuals can also find it interesting.
1.5 Scope of the Study
This project will go as far as deploying web technologies in the implementation. The scheme used is closed tag to the information collected at the point of research. All forms and database designed followed the pattern of the manual means by the employers of labour.
This project was deployed using a local sever, which runs on a standalone Pc and not deployable to the internet.
1.6 Definition of Terms/Variables
Information System:
It is a collection of procedures, people, instructions and equipment to produce information in a useful form,
It is study of techniques or process of mobilizing Resources (such as information) for accomplishing objectives that benefits man and his environment.
Information can be defined as the process of gathering, transmitting, receiving, storing and retrieving data or several items put together to convey a desired message.
Computer Network:
Computer Network is a system that connects two or more computers together using a communication link.
A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated. It is also called databank.
File Transfer:
Any kind of computer file can be sent via the internet from one internet user to another. Table of accounts on spreadsheets, design by a graphic artists, music sound files etc, can all be exchanged in this way.
1.7 Organisation of the Report
This project work is divided into five chapters. The breakdown of the project work is as giving below.
Chapter one gives the introduction to the study, statement of the problem, Aims and Objectives, Significance of the study, Scope of the Study, Organization of the report.
Chapter two gives the review of the past work on the subject, review of General Test.
Chapter Three gives the research methodology, Analysis of Data and the Existing System, Problems of the Existing System, Description of Proposed System and Advantages of the proposed system.
Chapter four gives Design of the system, system implementation, system documentation.
Chapter five give summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation for further investigation. References, appendix.
Summary and Conclusion
5.1 Summary
At the end of this research work, several lessons were learnt. These include among others, how web pages can be hosted on the internet.
Again the primary aim of this work was achieved, which is the design of a registration web portal.
The primary objective of this design is to give awareness about the government or legal document and its registration details as well as to help to register or legal document and its registration details as well as to help to register or apply for those documents. The main purpose of the web site is to reduce the effort by candidate and safe its time and avoid unwanted rushes at the government offices and assures a smooth working schedule at government offices.
5.2 Conclusions
Web portals are essential aspects of the internet that provide temporal link to vital information resources. The project work has been able to implement one job registration exercise.
5.3 Problems Encountered and Solutions
There are several problems encountered in the process of this design. The most important aspect of the problem was the aspect of information gathering. It was very difficult to for me source information for the relevant thing that I needed to do.
Finance was another important aspect of the work that rendered everything almost impossible.
5.3 Suggestions for Further Improvements
I would rather here suggest that anybody wishing to repeat this work should dwell more on incorporating sound into the system. Higher programming languages such as Java, .Net, etc may be used for future development.
5.4 Recommendations
I will strongly suggest more time should be allocated to school project. This will go a long way to truly participate actively in developing his work.
Another important suggestion is financial support. Government and agencies should come to the aid of the student carrying out such project work as this financially. This can only be possible if the school will link the student to such agencies and governmental institutions.
Title page
Certificate page
Table of content
Chapter One:
General Introduction
1.1 introduction
1.2 statement of the problem
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Definition of terms
1.7 Organization of the report
Chapter Two:
Literature Review
2.1 Review of the past work on the subject
2.2 Review of general text
2.3 Overview of web portal
2.4 History of web portal
2.5 How portal function and component
2.5.1 Channels
2.5.2 Directory service
2.5.3 Customization back end integration
Chapter Three:
Methodology and Analysis of Existing System
3.1 Research methodology
3.1.1 Sources of data
3.2 Analysis of existing system
3.3 Description of present system
3.4 Disadvantages of the existing system
3.5 Analysis of the new system
3.5.1 Online Application Form
3.5.2 Form Validation
3.5.3 Database
3.5.4 Job Advert Page
3.5.5 How the side is run
3.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of the news system
3.6.1 Advantages of the new system
3.6.2 Disadvantages of the new system
3.7 Justification of the new system
Chapter Four:
Design and Implementation of the System
4.1 Design of the system
4.1.1 Output Design
4.1.2 Input Design
4.1.3 Database Design
4.1.4 Procedure Design
4.2 System Implementation
4.2.1 Choice of Programming Language
4.2.2 Hardware Support
4.2.3 Software Support
4.2.4 Implementation Techniques used in details
4.3 System Documentation
4.3.1 Program Documentation
4.3.2 Operating the System
4.3.3 Maintaining the system
Chapter Five:
Conclusions and Recommendation
5.1 Summary and Recommendation
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
D. Appendices
1. Algorithm
2. System Flowchart
3. Sources Codes
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