The Perception Of Extension Service Delivery Among Coco-Yam Farmers Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The study aims to assess the perception of extension service delivery among cocoyam farmers, focusing on factors such as accessibility, relevance, effectiveness, and the relationship between farmers’ perceptions and their adoption of improved farming practices. The study employed a descriptive survey design to collect quantitative data on the perceptions of extension services, their accessibility, and their effectiveness. The sample size for this study was 120 farmers. The questionnaire was designed to collect qualitative data. The results showed that the majority of farmers had a positive attitude toward extension services. Higher levels of education were positively associated with a more favorable perception of extensions. Moreover, the findings highlight that the attitude of extension officers, the level of education of farmers, and relevance of the information provided are critical factors in shaping these perceptions. The findings also highlight that positive perceptions are directly linked to the adoption of new farming practices, suggesting that the extension system is effective in promoting agricultural innovation among farmers.
- To evaluate the accessibility of extension services to cocoyam farmers.
- To identify the factors influencing farmers’ perceptions of extension service delivery.
- To assess the relevance and effectiveness of extension services provided to cocoyam farmers.
To determine the relationship between farmers’ perceptions of extension services and their adoption of improved farming practices
- How accessible are extension services to cocoyam farmers?
- What factors influence farmers’ perceptions of extension service delivery?
- How relevant and effective are the extension services provided to cocoyam farmers?
- What is the relationship between farmers’ perceptions of extension services and their adoption of improved farming practices?
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