Physical, Chemical And Microbiological Quality Of Locally Made Drinks

In Ilorin Metropolis

The Physical, Chemical And Microbiological Quality Of Locally Made Drinks Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)

Chapter One

This chapter introduces the Physical, Chemical And Microbiological Quality Of Locally Made Drinks and its relevance, states the research problems, research questions, and objectives, provides a background of the study, and should also include the research hypothesis.

Chapter Five

5.0 Discussion

This study examined the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of locally made drinks in Ilorin metropolis. Related literature review was made considering scholars explanation of the subject matter. Relevant data for the study was generated through laboratory experiments conducted by the researchers. Three hypotheses were postulated and tested for the purpose of the study. The hypotheses stated that (1) there is no significant difference in pH and temperature of locally made drinks in Ilorin metropolis, (2) there are no microorganisms in locally produced drinks in Ilorin metropolis, and that (3) pathogenic bacteria and fungi from some locally made drinks in Ilorin metropolis will not be significant. The hypotheses were tested in this study using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan test. All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

A total of fourbacterialspecies were isolated from the beverage drinks, and they were identified as; Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Salmonella spp. However, there was only one fungi isolated; Candida spp. The distribution of isolates within the beverage drinks from the different locations are shown in Table 4.6 and 4.7. Candida spp(14) have the highest frequency in the beverage drinks from Kwara Central geopolitical zone followed by Escherichia coli(8),Escherichia coli(57) have the highest frequency in the beverage drinks from Kwara North geopolitical zone followed byStaphylococcusaureus (37),while Salmonella spp(88) has the highest frequency in the beverage drinksfrom the Kwara South geopolitical zone followed by Escherichia coli(49). Salmonella spp was not foundin the beverage drinks from Kwara North and Kwara Central geopolitical zones.

The mean bacteria and fungi counts of the beverage drinksare shown in tables 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 respectively. The mean bacterial count ranged between 3.33 x 104cfu/ml and 13.33 x 104 cfu/ml on Nutrient Agar, it ranged between 3.33 x 104cfu/ml and 11.33 x 104cfu/ml on Kieglar Iron Agar, while the fungi count ranged between 6.00 x 104cfu/ml and 12.00 x 104 cfu/ml on Potato Dxtrose Agar.

The pH values 6.19 to 7.32 obtained indicated that the food were slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, this favoured the proliferation and survival of bacteria. The bacteria count obtained are indicative of post contamination in the light of the amount of heating that goes into beverage production, similar post treatment contamination has been reported by Ogugbueet al. (2011). This can occur during cooling and exposure to the air which has been identified as the main source of microbial contamination of most beverage drinks.

Also, there was no significant difference in Temperature of locally made drinks in Ilorinmetropolis. As observed there were pH and temperature in the locally made foods and the pH and temperature is statistically the same across the five locations examined. This result is in line with Demuyakor and Ohta (2008) who found that pH and temperature usually grow in locally made beverage drimks.

This work revealed that all the beverage drinkswere contaminated with different bacteria and a fungi. These include Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Salmonella spp. and Candida spp. The finding is in agreement with the work Ajao and Atere (2009) and Oranusi and Braide (2012).

This study also found a non-significant bacterial count of Pito and Kunu-zaki but there is significant bacterial count of Soy milk and Zobo, as cultured on NA. This suggests that Soy milkandZobo were not properly done in the study area. There is no significant bacterial count of Pito, ZoboSoy milk and Kunu-zaki as cultured on Kieglar Iron Agar (KIA).

On the occurrence of microbial isolate, the study revealed that occurrence of microbial isolate in the Kwara Central was not significant. This study also found a significant occurrence of microbial isolate in the Kwara North and Kwara South Geopolitical Zone. This result is in line with the earlier work of Milosevic (2012) who found a significant occurrence of microbial isolate in his study area.

The presence of Staphylococcus aureusin the samples is indicative of human contamination after production. This could be from direct human contact such as fingers or indirectly through additives or utensils. The organism is associated with endotoxin characterized by short incubation period (1-8hours), violent nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

The presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. suggested fecal contamination. Although some E. coli are harmless, EnterohaemorrhagicE. coli (EHEC) are capable of producing one or more toxin and a particular serotype O157:H7 have been associated with haemorrhagic colitis, haemolytic uraemic syndrome and thromboticthrombocytopaenicpurpura. Also EnterotoxigenicE. coli (ETEC) is associated with traveler’sdiarrhea. Similarly, Salmonellaspp.have been associated with severe typhoid fever (Adams and Moss, 2008).

The presence of Candida spp. in the food sample is not surprising as they disperse in the form of spores which is abundant in the environment and can be introduce through dust and soil (Apinis, 2003). Their presence in these beverage drinks is of serious public health concern as this fungi have all been implicated with the production of mycotoxin (Makunet al., 2009).

5.1 Conclusion

This study examined the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of locally made drinks in Ilorin metropolis. Therefore based on the findings from this study, it was concluded that;

There was no significant difference in pH of locally made drinks in Ilorin metropolis.

There was no significant difference in temperature of locally made drinks in Ilorin metropolis.

There is no significant bacterial count of Pito and Kunu-zaki but there is significant bacterial count of Soy milk and Zobo, as cultured on NA

There is no significant bacterial count of Pito, Zobo and Kunu-zaki but there is significant bacterial count of Soy milk as cultured on Kieglar Iron Agar (KIA).

There is no significant bacterial count of Pito, ZoboSoy milk and Kunu-zaki as cultured on PDA

Occurrence of microbial isolate in the Kwara Central was not significant

There was significant occurrence of microbial isolate in the Kwara North and Kwara South Geopolitical Zone.

Hence, Null hypothesis is rejected since p-value is greater than tabulated value.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the results of data study and tested hypotheses, it is hereby recommended that:

The government, through the Ministry of Health should intensify effort at monitoring the quality of locally made goods in our society to ensure a safer environment and food for all.There should be awareness on the need to ensure that producers of locally made good maintain good hygiene irrespective of the kind of food. Food nutritionists and other food related officers should be encouraged towards the use of Kieglar Iron Agar in the analysis of food bacterial.There should be a task force that will be saddled with the responsibility of monitoring the occurrence of microbial isolate in the Kwara North and Kwara South Geopolitical Zone, and in Nigeria as a whole.

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