Place Of Marketing In The Service Industries

(A Case Study Of Selected Laundry And Dry Cleaning Firms In Enugu Metropolis)

5 Chapters
100 Pages
12,112 Words

Marketing plays an indispensable role within the service industries, serving as the compass that guides businesses towards understanding, attracting, and retaining customers in a dynamic marketplace. In service-oriented sectors such as hospitality, healthcare, finance, and telecommunications, marketing functions as the strategic bridge between providers and consumers, facilitating meaningful connections and value exchanges. It orchestrates tailored communication strategies to convey the unique benefits and experiences offered by services, fostering brand recognition, trust, and loyalty among diverse target audiences. Through segmentation, targeting, and positioning techniques, marketing enables service providers to identify niche markets, anticipate evolving consumer needs, and adapt offerings accordingly, enhancing competitive advantage and long-term sustainability. Moreover, in an era defined by digital transformation and customer-centricity, marketing in service industries harnesses innovative technologies and data analytics to personalize interactions, optimize customer journeys, and cultivate enduring relationships beyond transactional encounters. As services inherently involve intangible experiences and customer perceptions, effective marketing initiatives emphasize emotional resonance, authenticity, and transparency, elevating brand perception and differentiation in an increasingly crowded marketplace.


The major issue in this research work is the place of marketing in the service industries.
Marketing is very vital in every organization especially in the service industry. The laundry and dry cleaning firms in Nigeria are expected to be marketing oriented especially in current times when competition is very intensive.
This project looked to the place of marketing in the service industry, with emphasis on the authentic laundry and dry cleaning firm in Enugu. The study evaluated how the firm marketed its services to its customers and of customers are satisfied with services been rendered by the firm.
The study also tored to ascertain whether the staff of the firm and their customers have cordial relationship. These issues were addressed through theoretical and empirical approach with the help of the secondary and primary data collection method.
In the secondary data collection methods relative literature were reviewed to as certain what various authors have to say on the topic.
There primary data were collected through questionnaire administered on the customers complemented by providers view point drawn from Enugu metropolis as the case study.
The population of study comprised of the staff and customers of authentic laundry and dry cleaning firm.
The method of sampling adopted is the simple random sampling technique. A simple size of 150 respondents was in organizing the collected data, frequency distribution and tables were used while chi – square x2 was adopted to analyze and test hypothesis.
This method were able to revealed that authentic laundry were in line with the marketing concept practice, customers complaints are given prompt attention and good quality services are rendered to them also. There firm do not have parking space for customers.
It is recommended that authentic laundry and dry cleaning firm should continue with it good quality service.
To inculcate more of the marketing concept practice.
There firm should make available and enough parking space for their customers. Customers satisfaction should be continue to be their watchword.
The firm should continuously monitoring the effectiveness and efficient of their firm services through marketing research.


Title Page
Approval Page
List Of Table

Chapter One
1.1 Background Of The Study

1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Objectives Of Study
1.4 Hypothesis Formulation
1.5 Scope Of The Study
1.6 Take T. Ciii
1.7 Significance Of The Study
1.8 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 An Overview Of Marketing
2.2 The Marketing Concept
2.3 The Marketing Mix
2.4 An Overview Of Service
2.5 An Overview Of The Service Industry
2.6 The Role Of Marketing In The Service Industry
2.7 The Role Of Marketing In The Dry Cleaning Industry In Enugu.

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Sources Of Data
3.2 Population Of The Study
3.3 Sample Size Determination
3.4 Sampling Size Determination
3.5 Treatment Of Data
3.6 Questionnaire Distribution And Collection
3.7 Research Instrument Used.

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation Analysis And Interpretation

4.1 Data
4.2 Presentation And Analysis Of Data
4.3 Interpretation Of Data

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary, Recommendations And Conclusion

5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusions



The people understanding of marketing has in most times been restricted to marketing of tangible products. Taking marketing to only applying to distributive trade and those activities that are involved in the marketing and distribution of manufactured goods. However, broader strategic and conceptual philosophy recognizes and sees marketing to also applying to services firms like laundry and drying, hospitals, banking, insurance, education, legal services, entertainment, transportation etc.
Due to changes and more sphistication in the life of individuals, there has been a greater change in the demand and needs of man. The urge for acquisition of tangible products has not been dominating in the satisfaction of human wants or needs. There has a greater de3mand for services which helps to sustain the life of man, the need for legal services, need for entertainment, need for medical care, transportation service etc.
This has also given rise to the establishment of many firms to take care pf these needs.
Also there has been a great been for companies to introduce not just marketing functions in their activities but also there is need for a strategic marketing operations to their activities so as to be able to satisfy the needs of the consumers and that of the company profit.
For the greater satisfaction of human needs and maximum profit for service industries, there is need for these companies to understand that their survival is based o effective and efficient satisfaction of their consumers. Their needs and wants, attitudes and life style must be well understood so as to bring about a better operation in their work.
Service companies should also understand their “Services account for close to on behalf of the consumer expenditure” and that also even firms themselves spend most of their working capital on services for sustenance repair and maintenance of legal, insurance, banking, credit service etc. this therefore means that service companies would recognize the essence of marketing to be able to satisfy there services need of both firms and individuals.
There is need at this stage to explain what marketing in services industries.
Marketing has been defined as meaning “The set of activities that facilitate exchange transactions involving economic goods and services”.
The services must therefore conform with their requisition. It must also be worth the value they paid for it. In the course of the transaction, the customer gets the best deal that is supposed. The opportunity of their firms to make profit will depend on the customers services and patronage the get. In as much as there is emphasis on profit for companies survival, this cannot be done outside the customer backing patronage. The essence of marketing here therefore come in marketing emphasis should therefore not be neglected. Service industries must therefore recognize the idea.
But due to the nature of services the only thing that should be understood is that although marketing is everything where the application to services industry will take a different farm only that the aim still remains the same, the customer satisfaction profit motive and proper co – ordination of the marketing related activities.
Service industry is simply firms who do not engage in production, exchange or marketing of tangible items rather they engage in creating satisfaction through offer of non – tangible things.
Transference is done without necessarily involving any tangible items. What is mostly emphasized here is the satisfaction gotten in exchange of value from the customer. It might involve a direct treatment on the customer education, medical services or it might involve many product usage laundry dry clearing, banking etc.
Marketing emphasis is greatly needed here to be able to satisfy the needs of the customers due to this sophistication in human life and subsequent establishment of service firm, there has also been greater increase in competition in the market place. Service firm need a proper interpretation of marketing functions in other to be able to survive in the industry.
A proper check of competition will automatically not neglect the emphasis and recognition of marketing functions and activities to check this competition. Firms cannot afford to see them selves operate at below expectation due to the non – applicability of marketing in their firms activities.
Most of these firms have practiced marketing without knowing what they are doing promotion, pricing etc, or even without calling it that. The emphasis should be that these firms should understand that there is a great need for them to identify and bring in marketing to their activities in a more sophistical and outward ways.
Since service industry whether engaging in consumer services, industrial services or professional services depends on customers for survival and there is effective and better understanding of customer needs through marketing “Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers requirements profitable.
Also according to Philip Kotler in his books marketing management, analysis, planning and control, he defined marketing “as a social process by which individual and groups obtain what they need and want though creating and exchanging products and services and value with others” from all the above definitions, we can see that the core marketing and his functions rests on customers satisfaction.
The satisfaction of the customer / customers is regard as supreme. It can also be seen that there is a great emphasis on:
Product or services
Exchange process
Set of activities
Profit motives.
The essence of satisfying consumers or customers will rest on providing them with either their service or products needs. Management of these firms should therefore not just know what customers are very important in their operation but also should see marketing as one of the most important management function needed for their survival and profitability.
The study should therefore concentrate on the place of marketing in the service industries but with a particular emphasis on the laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu.

Greater sophistication in human life has brought about divergence in his needs and wants. Also this has brought increase in the services needs of man within the environment. Increase in his service needs has also brought about more establishment of service firms within the society.
These firms needs to satisfy the needs of the needs of the consumers in order to sustain increase competition within the industry for the effective satisfaction of human needs and sub-sequent survival of these firms, there is need for proper integration of marketing functions in all their activities.
This study is therefore intended to look into the place of marketing in the service industry. In doing this, it is hoped that the extent of marketing methodology application in our service firms could be assessed.
Need in their marketing activities is hope to be established and also the notion trade should reassessed and corrected.
This research is going to examine and study all the laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu. The research will be carried out from the magazine laundry and institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu application in our service firms could be assessed.
Need in their marketing activities is hope to be established and also motion that marketing activities only applies to distributive trade, should reassessed and corrected.
This research is going to examine and study all the laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu.

The restricted understanding of marketing and its applications has been myopic. The idea that marketing is concerned only with marketing of tangible goods that is erroneous. And the fact that most people have not been able to understand the importance of marketing to services industry, need to be corrected and explained.

The objectives of this research work include;
1) To assess the place of marketing in our service industries, the need to evaluate marketing functions and its proper application to service industry for a better and greater growth
2) To correct the impression that marketing as a management function is not needed in the service industry.
3) To bring to light benefit of application of marketing functions to service industry.
4) There is also the need to find the problems which service industries meets in marketing of their services.
5) To bring to the knowledge of management the difference in the marketing of product to that of services.
Since this project is going to involve systematic and comprehensive study in the area of marketing of services, it is hoped that it will help bring to light the fact that marketing is not only a function of manufacturing industries.

The following hypothesis formulated are:
Ho1: The customers are not satisfied with the services of laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu.
Ho2: The customers are satisfied with the services of laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu.
Hi1: The standard and quality of service rendered by laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu are not satisfactory to their customers.
Hi2: The standard and quality of service rendered by laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu are satisfactory to their customers.
H31: The staff and the customers of laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu do not maintain cordial relationship with their customers.
H32: The staff and the customers of laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu do maintain cordial relationship with their customers.

This research work covered laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu.
This research work covered mainly the laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu metropolis.
It is also covered selected laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu metropolis.

The essence of this research work should not be seen as merely for the sole purpose of the requirement for the award of certificate in marketing.
The study is beneficial and important in the context of the problem under study. The benefits of this research can simply be stated as follows.
This research will be beneficial to the management of the service firms by providing information towards a better application of marketing function in their firms.
It will help in the identification and service of customers and subsequently bringing in a greater profit margin for the firm.
It is hoped it will be beneficial to new comers into the service firms serving as a reference guide for better setting of marketing functions in the firms.
The better understanding of marketing in service firms will bring about better allocation of resources to the different functions of marketing activities.
This will help to dictate where resources should be better allocated and monitored.

Marketing – AGBO (2000:40) Is an economic activity that is oriented toward the sales function of needs and wants.
Colhr (England) defined it as the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating, analyzing and satisfying customers requirements profitably.
Service – Kotler (2002:444) can be defined as any act of performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not resist to the ownership of anything.
Dry cleaning – This is the act of cleaning cloths material items etc without using water. This is done without backing, dipping or actually washing an item using water.
Laundry – These are business or place where cloth are washed, dried and pressed.
Advertising – Ebue (2000:54) it ay paid form of non – personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor.
Market – Iwuozor (1998:4) is when two or more persons who are in contact with one another and carry out business transactions in any commodity or service. It can be regarded as a theatre where economic actors perform.
Marketing concept – AGBO (2000:41) It is a management orientation that holds the key table of organization is to determine the needs and want of target market and adopt the organization to deliver the desired satisfaction efficient to effective.

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Place Of Marketing In The Service Industries:

Marketing plays a crucial role in the service industries, as it does in any other sector of the economy. Service industries encompass a wide range of businesses that primarily offer intangible products or services to consumers or other businesses. These industries include hospitality, healthcare, finance, education, consulting, entertainment, transportation, and many others. Here’s how marketing fits into the service industries:

  1. Customer Acquisition: Marketing helps service businesses acquire new customers or clients. Through various marketing channels such as digital advertising, social media, content marketing, and traditional advertising, service providers can reach potential customers and generate leads.
  2. Brand Building: Building a strong brand is essential in the service industry. Effective marketing strategies help establish a brand’s identity, reputation, and credibility. This, in turn, helps attract and retain customers who trust the brand.
  3. Customer Retention: Marketing is not just about acquiring new customers but also retaining existing ones. Service businesses use marketing to communicate with current customers, offer them value-added services, and build long-term relationships. This can involve email marketing, loyalty programs, and personalized communication.
  4. Differentiation: The service industry is often highly competitive, and marketing helps businesses differentiate themselves from their competitors. Through branding, unique value propositions, and marketing messages, service providers can stand out in the market.
  5. Market Research: Marketing includes activities like market research and analysis. This helps service businesses understand customer needs, preferences, and market trends. This information is invaluable for designing services that meet customer demands effectively.
  6. Product Development: Marketing insights can guide service businesses in developing new services or improving existing ones. By understanding customer feedback and market trends, service providers can create offerings that better meet customer needs.
  7. Pricing Strategies: Marketing plays a significant role in determining pricing strategies. Service providers use marketing to communicate the value of their services to customers, helping justify pricing decisions and potentially enabling premium pricing for higher-quality or differentiated services.
  8. Promotion and Advertising: Promotion and advertising are key elements of marketing in the service industry. Service providers use various advertising channels to reach their target audience, inform them about their services, and persuade them to make a purchase or engage in the service.
  9. Customer Experience: Marketing can shape the customer’s perception of the service experience. Through marketing messages and branding efforts, service businesses can create expectations and deliver on those promises to ensure a positive customer experience.
  10. Feedback and Improvement: Marketing channels, especially digital ones, allow customers to provide feedback and reviews. Service providers can use this feedback to make continuous improvements to their services and address any issues promptly.
  11. Crisis Management: In the service industry, negative incidents or crises can occur. Effective marketing can play a role in managing these situations, mitigating damage to the brand’s reputation, and rebuilding trust with customers.

In summary, marketing is a fundamental component of the service industry. It helps service providers attract and retain customers, differentiate themselves in a competitive market, understand customer needs, and ultimately, create value for both the business and its customers. Effective marketing strategies can significantly impact a service business’s success and growth