The Problems Affecting Efficient Performance Of Secretarial Functions Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The researcher in this work, examined the major problems affecting the efficient performance of secretarial functions in selected organizations and ministries in Enugu metropolis.
In carrying out this project, the researcher initially stated the background of the study, significance of the study, research questions scope and limitation.
Equally, in chapter two of the project the researcher review the literature that had relevance to the research topic.
The research gave general features of the research, description of respondents method of data collection, population, sample procedure and analysis of data in chapter three
Furthermore, the presentation, analysis, of data and findings came in chapter four
Finally, the chapter five encompasses the discussions on findings, summary of conclusion and recommendations.
The role of the secretary in any organization has often times generated a lot of debate among contemporary staff. Before the secretary had been regarded as a disposable employee who should be hired and fired at will of employers. This was in accordance with the case of Nernelt Hoarses and company US south London away (19-877) when Lord Esher (stated that “the secretary is a mere servant, his position is to do what he is told and no person can assume that he has authority to represent anything at all”
Nowadays, the postion of a secretary has improved from what it was in the past. According to Panorama Development LTD Vs Fidelis furnishing fabric ltd (1971) where lord Denning stated that “but time has changed. A secretary is a much more important person nowadays than she was in 1877. she is an administrative officer of the company. As regards matters concerning administration in my judgment. The secretary has ostensible authority to sign contract on behalf of the company. Furthermore, if a company is hiring cars to meet its foreign customers at the airport, it is more natural that the company would hire these cars through its secretary”
The place of the secretary in an administrative office according to Agnew and Mechan (1974) in business, industry government scientific research educational institutions, radio and television, as well as in a host of other fields, the person who ensures the efficient and smooth functioning of office is the secretary” from this one can understand that the presence of the secretary in the office is always remarkably felt right from the time she arrives in the office in the morning until the end of the day’s work.
While appraising the tasking and dynamic position of the secretary in the office, Magnini (1982) remarked that the secretarial work is a career indeed “according to her for the smooth and efficient running of office, a highly skilled secretary possessing organizational skills is an asset because she is the one who has a general knowledge of all phases of the office and the business procedures.
The role of the secretary in the office has been described as that of a public and human relations experts. The secretary with the capacity of the office portrays as a positive image of the employer to the public and generates good human relations in working with her daily business associates for instance those above her level, her subordinates and applies the best principles of human relations at each level. She also does the work of a receptionist where there is none, thereby assuming the role of and office rest.
A good secretary is an officer whose work is interview with the work of every other person in the organization. She is the link to onside and outside the working of the organization. The smooth and efficient working of the organization depends upon her ability as she has more to do with practical running of the organization than any other office.
Generally, it is believed that when factors affecting secretaries performance on duty are not conducive, the secretaries cannot discharge their responsibilities efficiently as expected. In effect the fundamental duties of secretaries in selected organization and ministries in Enugu prejudiced by many factors militate against them.
Presently there are many factors affecting the efficient performance of secretarial functions in selected organization and ministries in Enugu metropolis. Amongst these are inadequate entry qualification. Most secretaries in selected organization and ministries in Enugu metropolis are not carrying out their duties effectively because, they do not have the adequate qualification required. They are referred to as secretaries of yester-years. According to Denigbo (1996) “they were conceived as typists and stenographers” they were not trained in the use of modern office equipment. This pulls them back in carrying out their duties. In addition secretaries in selected organizations and ministries in Enugu metropolis do not go on refresher course. As a result of this their promotion become stagnated and put them into fear of being replaced anytime by more qualified employees.
Furthermore a good number of secretaries in selected organizations and ministries in Enugu metropolis do not keno exactly what is required of them, that is concerning their duties.
They believed that their duties are just typing, keeping of records and taking down dictations. They cannot carry out their duties and independently without some one supervising or directing them. An effective secretary should be able to work without supervision and in accordance with the code of conduct of secretarial profession.
Moreover, most secretaries in selected organizations and ministries in Enugu Metropolis do not exercise inter-personal relations in the office with their boss and the entire staff. Their manner of approach is too poor and these affects their performance
This study is meant to investigate the following
1. The effect inter-personal relationship in the office of the secretary’s efficiency
2. The effect of physical environment inadequate facilities and equipment or the performance of secretary’s duties.
3. The duties of the secretaries and how they affect their efficiency
4. The need for adequate entry qualification, staff, training and promotion.
This study is meant to benefit the present and future secretaries in selected organizations and ministries in Enugu metropolis the outcome of the study will help the organization factors that affect the efficiency of the secretaries in carrying out their duties. And the secretaries will know what is expected of them for efficient performance
The selected organization and ministries in Enugu metropolis also benefits from the study as it will take care if the factors that lead to the problems. So there by enabling them to plan for refresher courses for the staff and motivate them.
The study will also increase and widen the knowledge of the researcher and act as a source of information to those wishing to read secretarial administration.
1. What are the duties of secretaries in selected organization and ministries in Enugu metropolis
2. To what extent does physical environment, inadequate facilities and equipment affect their performance
3. What is the importance of good qualification, good incentives and refresher courses to secretaries in selected organization and ministries in Enugu Metropolis
4. How does inter-personal relationship effect the performance of secretaries in selected organizations and ministries in Enugu Metropolis.
This study focuses only on the problems affecting efficient performance in the secretarial functions. It does not cover the problems affecting the performance in other professions. This is to enable an in-depth study to be made in the area of secretarial profession. The study is to be carried out in the selected organization and ministries in Enugu metropolis, because of the existence of the factors required to carry out the study in the ministry.
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Approval page
Table of content
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope and limitation
1.6 Definition of terms
2.1 Literature review
2.2 Duties of the secretaries
2.3 Physical office environment
2.4 Facilities
2.5 Equipment
2.6 Qualification
2.6.1 Formal Education and training
2.6.2 Experience
2.6.3 Professional interest
2.6.4 Business and personal qualities
2.7 Incentives
2.8 Refresher courses
2.9 Inter-personal relationship
Psychological factors
Invasion of privacy
2.10 Summary of literature review
3.1 Methodology
3.2 Sample size
3.3 Population of study
3.4 Sources of data
3.5 Methods of investigation
3.6 Methods of analysis
4.1 Data presentation and analysis
5.1 Findings
5.2 Summary
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 Area for further study
Appendix I
Appendix II
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