Problems Confronting The Teaching And Learning Of English Comprehension Among Selected Secondary School Students’

In Ilorin West Local Government

72 Pages 1 – 5 Chapters10,227 WordsDownload Complete Material

The Problems Confronting The Teaching And Learning Of English Comprehension Among Selected Secondary School Students’ Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)

Research Questions

The following research questions are raised to guide the study:

  • Will there be any significant difference between the view of male and female teachers of the selected secondary schools with respect to the problems facing effective teaching and learning of comprehension in their schools?
  • Will there be any significant difference between the view of trained and untrained teachers with respect to the problems confronting the teaching and learning comprehension in their schools?
  • Will there be any significant difference between the view of experienced and less experienced teachers with respect to the teaching and learning of English comprehension in their schools?
  • Will there be any significant difference between the view of teachers and students with respect to the teaching and learning of English comprehension in their schools?
Hypothesis Of The Study

H01Will there be any difference in the view of male and female teachers’ with respect to the problems facing effective teaching and learning of English comprehension in secondary schools?

H02Will there be no difference in the view of trained and untrained teachers’ with respect to the problems facing effective teaching and learning of English comprehension in secondary schools?

H03Will there be any difference in the view of teachers and students with respect to problems facing effective teaching and learning of English comprehension in secondary schools?

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