The Problems Of Manpower Development In Government Parastatals Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The focus of this research work is on the problem of manpower development in government parastatals with special reference to Enugu State Marketing Company which is the case study. The researchers presents the introductory part of the write-up which dealt with the historical background of Enugu State Marketing Company. The purpose, statement of problems, research questions, significance of the study and limitation of the study are discussed. An attempt was made in chapter two to review materials and literature by other authors and authorities on the topic. Chapter three deals with the methodology of research and design, the population of the study in Enugu state marketing Company the total population was taken which is based on the number of staff in various departments. The research design used is descriptive design which was selected to look into the problems of manpower development in Enugu State Marketing Company. Questionnaire is the major instrument for data collection but this is complemented by the use of oral interview and direct observation. In chapter four the research questions and findings was presented in tables and in percentages. Data analysis and interpretations gave the following finding: (a) There exist manpower problem at Enugu State Marketing Company. (b) The method of manpower development is expensive especially off-the-job or external training (c) that the training centres are ill-equipped of which some of the training facilities are obsolete. In an attempt to solve the problem the researchers recommended (1) that all the problems of manpower development should be sorted out and solved immediately (2) the staff should be promoted immediately after training to encourage better performance (3) the management should undertake only cheap development programme so that more numbers of staff will be sent for training.
Background of the Study
contemporary thoughts on national development and growth emphasizes the need for the training and retaining of the human resources and potentials of any given political economy as a basic correlate to the attainment of full political and economic independence of nations. The objectivity of this assertion becomes apparent when viewed against the background of the server damages wrecked on the socio-political and economic structure and integrity of most independent developing nations by foreign interests acting under the pretension of assisting them in their development efforts.
The realization of complete independence is therefore a function of an effective development strategies and efficient utilization of a country’s potentials. Studies show that most countries are blessed with abundant natural resources. The lack in the basic technology for transformation and maximizing the benefits of these natural endowment results from the under-development of the human potentials and no nation can be said to be developed without harnessing to full its human and natural resources.
Since Nigeria gained her independence in 1960, we have been faced with the challenges of providing adequate and effective manpower need for the management of our economic resources. Our inability to provide for the necessary manpower need results in the inefficient and under – utilization of the abundant economic resources.
Most organization in Nigeria are so much concerned with the profit maximization motive of business concerns that they tend to ignore the need for retaining their workers in the light of current demands of their job. They instead consider the money they will spend on their training program as waste rather than as an investment. They fail to foresee the desirability of continuous retaining and development of their workers in order to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of their organization. Consequently, instead of growing the business rather falls and much capital wasted.
Commenting on the general poor development of the Nigerian workers, W. R. Haines (1978) observed that the Nigerian workers are under-utilized, under-employed, frustrated and prevented from bringing out their best talents to bear on the well-being of their organizations and the nation at large. The principal culprit is not the worker but his leader – the management. This statement shows that in effect the country is blessed with the manpower resources with which to develop, but lacks in the effective utilization of this potential for the transformation of the natural resources essentially because of the inadequate planning and development of her manpower resources.
Manpower development is recognized as part of the board discipline of management development. Many scholar however have viewed and interpreted it in varying ways raising argument as to its positive in an organization. It is through general knowledge that manpower development is a dynamic processes and that it transverses all levels and phases of management. It is “a response to change in the beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of individuals so that can better adapt to new technologies and challenges.”
In recognition of the need for the development of the human potentials and resources of employees as a correlate to achieving organization’s goal with efficiency and effectiveness, the Enugu State Marketing Company established a training policy for her employees. In pursuance of this noble objective of manpower development by the organization, a lot of difficulties arose which affect the success of their programmes. This research work is therefore directed towards an evaluation of the manpower development programme of corporation with a view to identifying problem areas (were any), and making suggestions on ways of achieving greater success (es) in their manpower development effort.
The Enugu State marketing Company Limited (E.M.C) was incorporated on April 21, 1981 as Anambra State Supply and Distribution Agency Limited, In 1986 it was renamed the Anambra State Marketing Company Limited; and in 1992, following the creation of Enugu on August 27, 1991, it became known as the Enugu State Marketing Company Limited. Although the Enugu State Marketing Company is owned by the Enugu State Government, it is a limited liability company and it operates like any other commercial venture anywhere in the world.
The company is located in Enugu, the famous Coal City which is the socio-political nerve centre of the Eastern States. The Enugu State Marketing Company Limited has few highly qualified and experienced personnel working in their various departments; namely:
a. Marketing
b. Procurement
c. Clearing and forwarding
d. Administration
e. Accounts
f. Research and planning
The Enugu State Marketing Company Limited renders the following services.
i. They import, export, purchase, preserve, prepare, process, trade in and distribute all kinds of consumable goods, agricultural products, and other article including fish, meat, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, milk, cream, butter, cheese, eggs, sausages, hamburger etc.
ii. They manage the business of merchants, exporters, importers, brokers, sales agents and general traders in relation to the agricultural products and other consumable goods.
iii. They provider cold storage facilities and rent out cold vans to government and its agencies, corporate bodies, and the general public.
iv. They clear goods at the various entry points in Nigeria, and forward same with ease to their clients.
v. They also print and supply exercise books at a comparative more affordable prices.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Every organization is established for a purpose. To achieve that purpose, some difficulties have to be encountered.
This study is to find out the problems of manpower development in Enugu State Marketing Company, and how it has affected both the public and the employee satisfaction.
Enugu State Marketing Company which suppose to cater for the greater part of the population in this state is hardly heard of in terms of the social services which was the incitation for its establishment.
It is also a government establishment company which is supposed to sell things at control/subsidized prices, seek at a more exorbitant price than the goods got from the open market.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study are as follows:
i. To identify the problems of manpower development programmes at Enugu State Marketing Company.
ii. To find out whether these problems have any impact on manpower development at Enugu State Marketing Company.
iii. To identify staff reactions to manpower development problems at Enugu state Marketing Company.
iv. To find out whether the company has any remedy to their manpower development problems.
1.4 Scope of the Study/ Delimitation
The scope of this study on manpower development in government parastatals was narrowed down to the Enugu State Marketing Company, Enugu.
The study centered on the problem of human resources of the organization for more effective and efficient performance.
This study was also delimitated to the use of questionnaire method, oral interviews and direct observation.
Finally, this research work is only a case study.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study on manpower development in Government parastatals with partiucalr reference to the Enugu State Marketing Company is significant in various respects.
First and foremost, this study would be useful to the Enugu State Marketing Company, Enugu which serves as a case study. This study is expected to assist the management of this organization in looking into the system of the manpower training and development. It is also expected to help the management in formulating a viable manpower training and development policy in the company. This study will also be significant to policy makers in other organizations in formulating policies with respect to manpower training and development.
For consultancy firms in the area of human resources development, the study would be significant in providing necessary professional advice to organizations both public and private that seek expert knowledge in the area of manpower development. This study would also be useful to educationist, scholars, and students alike for further researches on development and even producing a text book to add to the existing literature on the topic. For teachers, the study would equally serve as a useful instrument in teaching the students especially in the field of manpower development.
Finally, this study would be significant to training officers in various organizations as a guide to development programmes and activities. To the researchers themselves, this study is significant for experience gained, and the employees of various organizations and the general public who would benefit from efficient and effective system of manpower development.
1.6 Research Questions
The following research questions guided the study
i. What are the problems of manpower development at Enugu State Marketing Company?
ii. Do these problems have any impact on manpower development at Enugu State Marketing Company?
iii. What are the reactions of staff to manpower development problems at Enugu State Marketing Company?
iv. Does Enugu State Marketing Company has any remedy to its manpower development problems.
1.7 Definition of Terms
Manpower: Manpower is the totality of energies, skills and knowledge available in a country.
Development: Development is the process of imparting knowledge, skills, and attitude through instruction demonstration, practice and experience to meet the present and future needs of the organization
Training: Training is the procedure used by a firm to facilitate employee’s learning; with resultant effect of acquisition of new skills and ideas which enables him perform better on his job.
Manpower development: Summarily, manpower development is a dynamic process designed to equip employees with the necessary knowledge and skills required to enable them adapt to the changing environment.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
Background of Study
Statement of Problems
Purpose of the Study
Scope of Study/Delimitation
Significance of Study
Research Questions
Definitions of Terms
Definition of Manpower Development
Methods and types of manpower development
Aims and types of Manpower Development
Manpower Development Problem
Determination of Development Needs
Cost benefit consider in manpower development
Evaluation of the Programme
Manpower Development in Nigeria
Summary of Review of Related Literature
Research Design
Area of the Study
Population of Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection
Validation of Research Instrument
Method of Data Analysis
Decision Rule
Distribution and Collection of Questionnaire
Summary of Findings
Limitation of the Study
Suggestions for Further studies
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