Problems Of Managing Public Sector

(A Case Study Of Nta Television Authority Aba Abia State)

5 Chapters
111 Pages
11,556 Words

Managing the public sector involves navigating a complex landscape of challenges that require adept solutions. One significant issue is the intricate web of bureaucratic processes, hindering efficiency and responsiveness. The labyrinthine nature of these procedures often leads to delays in decision-making and implementation, hampering the sector’s ability to promptly address societal needs. Moreover, the perennial challenge of resource allocation poses a constant dilemma, with limited funds necessitating strategic prioritization. Balancing the diverse demands of various stakeholders, including citizens, policymakers, and employees, adds another layer of complexity. Additionally, the ever-evolving socio-economic landscape requires continuous adaptation, putting pressure on public sector managers to stay abreast of dynamic trends. Effectively addressing these challenges demands innovative strategies, robust leadership, and a commitment to enhancing the public sector’s efficacy and adaptability.


It is a fact that there are some factors that are responsible for the poor performance of public sector in Abia state. Public sector play a vital role in the Abia state n economy and also in the lines of the people.
Public sector is like an organization that is motivated by a number of tractors in government either state or federal to utilize input like raw-materials, land and man-power in the production of physical or tangible products for their consumer satisfaction. The primary objective of carryout this study, is to critically examine the factors responsible for the poor performance of public sector in Abia state The various functions, achievements, etc. contributes to individuals as well as the sectors of the economy.
This study would examine the evolution of public sector from inception to date, to lay more emphasis on the importance and gains of public sector in the rural area and take a look at the problems and suggestions to solve these problems.
This project is also needed, in order to see how public sector can be of assistance t the rural sectors and to the country of large.
It is likewise needed to serve as a prerequisite for the establishment of more manufacture industries. This study can be used to study the extent of program of the federal government and public sector have made in their efforts to see equal distribution of manufacture industries in Abia state .


Title page ii
Approval iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of content viii

Chapter one
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problems 4
1.3 Objective of the study 4
1.4 Scope of the study 5
1.5 Research questions 5
1.6 Formulation of hypothesis 6
1.7 Significant of the study 7
1.8 Definition of terms 8

2.0 Review of Related literature: 10
2.1 Brief history of the study 10
2.2 Concept of industrialization 12
2.3 Objectives of public sector 27
2.4 The role of public sector in the economic development of Abia state 29
2.5 Classification of industry 31
2.6 Location of industrial estate in Abia state 32
2.7 Source of funds for public sector 33
2.8 Support giver to public sector by ministry of industry
Problem of managing public sector
2.11 Prospect of public sector 41

Chapter Three
3.0 Research design and methodology 44
3.1 Research design 44
3.2 Area of study 44
3.3 Population for the study 45
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure 45
3.5 Instrument for data collection 45
3.6 Reliability of instrument 46
3.7 Method of administration of instrument 46
3.8 Method of data analysis 46

Chapter Four
4.0 Data presentation and results 47
4.1 Introduction 47
4.2 Presentation of data in accordance with the research question. 47
4.3 Analysis of data 58
4.4 Discussion of results 61

Chapter Five
Summary of findings, conclusions and Recommendations 63
5.1 Discussion of Results 63
5.2 Conclusion 64
5.3 Recommendations 65
Reference 67


The identify of research has been establish as one of the most powerful tools and a panacea to many of the worlds greatest problems. Research is a good oriented and its goals determine its nature ad form. Government establishment from the inception was meant to give its service to Abia state at a subsidized rate with the impact of our oil revenue.
In recent time, the mismanagement of public sector s has been a subject of debate. This is unconnected with the level of corrupt practices, which has permeated into the veins of wide range of Abia state n populaces.
Since the attainment of independence by west Africa countries, successive governments have taken serious interest in industrialization. Industrialization can be defined on the conversion of an agrarian and commercial society to more comprehensive machinery oriented. Social – economic system.

The NTA is one of the numerous public parastatals set up by the federal government of Abia state primary to provide utility to the public. It undertakes the delivery of document, parcels, keeping of valuables and money perittances. The service rendered by NTA Aba Abia state s (NIPOST) is very crucial and indispensable that all diligence is needed to deliver it to right quality at the right time. Is the improvement in the services that necessitate the use of management concept.
The NTA Aba as a entity in the federal ministry of communication came existence on the first of January 1985 as a department in the ministry by virtue of degree No.18 of 1987 and because of full fliedged autonomous body on July first (1st) 1992 with functional service to the nation at large.

The NTA Aba has lots of problems that militates against effectiveness. The problems in the NTA Aba are poor quality services. Indeed, it is one of the problems that hinder desirable productivity and growth in the NTA Aba, Another problem that is predominant in the NTA Aba is the lackadaisical attitude of workers to work which is negative attitude to work, poor or inadequate support for industrial drive.

All research study is aimed at achieving certain objectives. The objectives of this study include the following.
1) To examine the state of infrastructural development in the country with reference to NTA Aba Abia.
2) To examine the alternative sources of funds and associating costs of public sector with a focus on NTA Aba Abia.
3) To examine the causes of increasing demand for imported goods by Abia state.
4) To recommend how the problems facilitating against Abia state guest for industrialization can be mitigated.

To guide this project work, the following – research questions were formulated to ensure clarify.
(1) What are the required infrastructure necessary for industrial growth and development in Abia state?
(2) What is the state of these infrastructures in Abia state?
(3) What are the alternative sources of funds valuable to finance industrial – projects?
(4) What is the cost of the investible funds?
(5) What are the needed industrial machinery and equipment?
(6) What is the cost of acquiring these machinery and equipment?
(7) What is the level of support by the government
(8) Why the increasing penchant for imported good by Abia state?

This study is designed to cover as much as possible, all aspects of poor performance of the manufacturing industrial with emphasis on the problems and solutions to its poor performance and also the effect of the production aspects of the industries.
The study essentially deals with the application of problem of managing in public sectors. This study is restricted to only NTA Aba Abia.

A lot of problems were encountered during the course of this work. One major constraint to this work was financial constraint. The look for the work and the possible works that can be formed with them could not be achieved in the time frame for this work.

(1) It is hope that when two study is completed, it will assist stake holders in public sector in the management of their business.
(2) It is also hoped that this study will provide a base for other researcher who – provide a base for other researcher who – might want to conduct further researcher on the area of problem of managing , of public sector .
(3) It is hoped that the recommendations of this study would be of empirical – relevance to management, so as to adopt them to suit their objectives.

The following terms are defined in the content in which they are used in this research work.
(1) Industrialization: This is the process of been industrialized
(2) manufacturing: The activity of making things big an industrial process.
(3) Manufacturing: The activity of making things by an industrial process of developing
(4) Performance: The ability to operate efficiently
(5) Problem: Things that are difficult to deal with
(6) Unemployment: The act of not been employed.
(7) Instability: unstable atmosphere
(8) Infrastructure: Basic needs
(9) Revolution: An attempt to change a situation or government
(10) Respondent(s): A person or persons who answer questions
Management: Means a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they want and need through creatively and exchanging products and values with others. Management is the performance activity that directs the flow of goods from the producers to the consumer.
Problem of managing : Is defined as customer oriented backed by integrated management aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfy organizational goals.
Customer Satisfaction: Means customer problem solving by giving the customer those goods, services or things of value need at the right price, in the right place and in the right combination.
Customer Orientation: Means that then markets gears his activities towards customer needs, that has being oriented of learning favourable towards the customer.
Extrovert Approach: Means a person coming nearer to be more interested in what goes on around him that in his own thoughts and feeling.
Philatelic Services: Mean expert knowledge of collecting postage stamps.

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Problems Of Managing Public Sector:

Managing the public sector can be a complex and challenging task due to various inherent problems and issues. These issues can vary from one country to another and may change over time, but some common problems of managing the public sector include:

Bureaucracy: Excessive bureaucracy can hinder decision-making processes and slow down the implementation of policies and programs. Red tape and a rigid hierarchical structure can make it difficult for public sector organizations to adapt to changing circumstances.

Political Interference: Public sector organizations are often subject to political pressures, which can lead to decision-making that is driven by political considerations rather than the public interest. This can undermine the effectiveness and efficiency of public sector management.

Lack of Accountability: Accountability in the public sector can be challenging to enforce, leading to issues of corruption and misuse of public funds. Ensuring that public servants are held accountable for their actions and decisions is essential for effective public sector management.

Budget Constraints: Public sector organizations often face budget constraints, which can limit their ability to deliver services effectively. Balancing the need to provide essential services with fiscal responsibility is a constant challenge.

Workforce Management: Managing a diverse and often large workforce in the public sector can be challenging. Issues such as employee morale, recruitment, retention, and performance management can pose significant problems.

Changing Demographics and Public Expectations: As demographics change and public expectations evolve, public sector organizations may struggle to meet the demands of a diverse and demanding population. Adapting to these changing needs can be difficult.

Technology and Innovation: Keeping pace with technological advancements and leveraging innovation can be a challenge for public sector organizations, especially when outdated systems and processes are deeply entrenched.

Complex Regulations: Public sector organizations often operate in highly regulated environments, which can lead to compliance challenges and the need for constant monitoring and reporting.

Public Perception and Trust: Maintaining public trust is crucial for the functioning of the public sector. Negative public perception or scandals can erode trust and hinder the effectiveness of public sector management.

Resource Allocation: Deciding how to allocate limited resources among competing priorities and programs can be a contentious issue, as different interest groups and stakeholders may have conflicting demands.

Long Planning and Implementation Cycles: Public sector projects often have long planning and implementation cycles, which can lead to delays and cost overruns.

Globalization and Interconnectedness: Public sector organizations are increasingly interconnected in a globalized world, which can pose challenges related to international cooperation, trade, and security.

Addressing these problems often requires a combination of political will, administrative reform, transparency measures, and effective leadership. Public sector managers must navigate these challenges to ensure that government institutions can fulfill their missions and serve the public interest effectively.