The Proximate Analysis Of Seed And Coat Of Velvet Bean (Mucuna Pruriens) And Camwood (Baphia Nitida) Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
1.0 Introduction
Velvet bans (Mucuna pruriens) is an excellent cover crop and soil improver[1,2]. In addition, it commonly produces 200 to 600kg of seeds per hectare which are very rich in protein. However, the regular use of velvet beans ,for soil fertility enhancement is hampered by the lack of appropriate processing techniques of the seeds[3].
Velvet beans has a long history of traditional use in Brazil and India as an aphrodisiac. Clinical studies in India have validated that the plant does indeed have aphrodisiac activities[4]. Velvet beans is an annual climbing vine that grows 3-18m in height. It is indigenous to tropical regions, especially African, Indian and the West Indies. Its flowers are white to dark purple and hang in long clusters. The plant also produces clusters of pods which contain seeds known as Mucuna beans. The seed pods are covered with reddish orange hairs that are readily dislodged and can cause intense irritation to the skin. The species name “pruriens” (from the latin,’ itching sensation”) refers to the result of itching when someone comes in contact with seed pod hairs.[5]
Velvet beans has been gaining in popularity over the last few years in the natural product market especially the sports nutrition industries. With its documented ability to increase testosterone and stimulate growth hormone (thereby increasing muscles mass). Several companies have launched new products using mucuna beans including several which are standardized to the L-poda content. It is also showing up as an ingredient in various weight loss, libido, brain/memory, anti-aging and body builder formulars[6].
Baphia nitida
Baphina Nutida belongs to the family of Leguminosae-papilonaceae, Common name – camwood.
The seed is very nutritious for man consumption, a part from its nutritive contents, the roots of Baphina nitida yields a red dye that was used locally untill recently, to dye raffia and cotton textiles.
The name camwood is derived from Serra Leone Tamne. It was exported on a large scale to Europe from the 17th century and to North America from the 18th century as one of the main “red wood” dyes for wood cotton and silk. Basically, the total dry matter content of leaves in Nigeria has nutrients such as crude protein, ether extract ash, crude fibre, lignin cellulose.
More recently, the tree is used as an interesting timber and often serve as an ornamental shade tree or as fense or hedge[7].
1.1 Objective of the Research
In carrying out this research, the researcher have in mind the following objectives;
To identify the quantity of nutrients contained in (i) Seed and coat of velvet seed (Mucuna pruriens) and (ii) seed and coat of camwood (Baphia nitida).
Seed and Coat of Velvet Bean (Mucuna Pruriens)
The result obtained from the proximate analysis of seed and coat of Mucuna pruriens in table 3.1. showed that the sample is nutritious and could also nourish the body. The seed and coat of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) has appreciable quantity of protein which implies that the sample could serve as proteinous food.
The seed and coat of Mucuna pruriens also have high calorific value and high carbohydrate content which signifies high energy content and can serve as an energy giving food.
The mineral composition of the sample are quite appreciable particularly phosphorus content which make the sample essential in bone and teeth formation and in various metabolic processes.
The water content is fairly appreciable, so the sample is prone to microbial invention to a small extent.
Seed and Coat of Camwood (Baphia Nitida)
The result obtained from the proximate analysis of seed and coat of Baphia nitidain table 3.2 also make the sample nutritious and can nourish the body.
Camwood seed and coat contain high moisture content, which shows that the sample has high water content and is prone to higher microbial invention. The seed also have appreciable amount of crude protein content which can serve as proteinous food. It can also be used as feed for grazing animal. Baphia nitida seed and coat can also have high calorific value and carbohydrate content which can provide the body with energy, it also have high fat content.
The mineral composition of the sample (Baphia nitida) seed and coat are quite appreciable. The presence of calcium and potassium in the sample make them essential for growing children. High concentration of sodium in the sample makes it essential and recommendable for the maintenance of acid-base balance, osmotic regulation, control of body pH and digestion in the body.
Seed and Coat of Velvet Bean (Mucuna Pruriens)
Since the nutritive value of the sample have been ascertained, it is obvious that the seed and coat of velvet bean makes good consumable food, because it consist of variety of nutrient like protein, fat, water and some minerals which could nourish the body.
Based on the literal review of the sample, it is found to be highly medicinal and can be used in preparation of drug for Parkinson disease and enhancement of sexual libido in men and women.
Seed and Coat of Camwood (Baphia Nitida)
The sample can make good consumable food since it contain nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fats and water, together with some important minerals needed in the body.
Seed and Coat of Velvet Bean (Mucuna Pruriens)
The sample can be used to prepare nutritious animal feed, and are used mainly for grazing. The matured seeds are recommended for the preparation of compound feeds, due to its high proteinous and energy together with little fibrous content. The seed and coat are also recommended for consumption by human.
Note: The seed is soaked for 48 hours in water and water changed several times to leach out the levadopa present which could be very toxic and can kill. Then the seed can be eaten in advance of cooking.
Seed and Coat of Camwood (Baphia Nitida)
The sample is recommended in preparing food for grazing animals and can also be consumed by human due to its high proteinous content and some important minerals which could be beneficial to the body.
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