Role Of Imo Broadcasting Corporation Television In The Rural Education Development

(Case Study Of Educational Development Of Emekuku In Imo State)

The Imo Broadcasting Corporation Television (IBC TV) plays a crucial role in fostering rural education development through its extensive coverage and tailored programming. By leveraging its reach and influence, IBC TV disseminates educational content specifically designed to cater to the needs and interests of rural communities in Imo State. Through a diverse range of programming, including educational documentaries, interactive learning shows, and televised classroom sessions, IBC TV facilitates access to quality education in remote areas where traditional educational resources may be limited. By addressing local educational challenges and highlighting opportunities for skill development and academic advancement, IBC TV contributes significantly to bridging the educational gap between urban and rural areas in Imo State, thereby promoting equitable access to learning opportunities and fostering socio-economic development in the region.


1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Significance of the study

2.1 Introduction
2.2.4 Rural education development
2.3 Review of related studies
2.3.1 Isaac, C. (2011) The Relevance Of Mass Media In Rural Development (A Study of
2.4 Theoretical framework
2.5 Summary of literature review

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research design
3.3 Population of study
3.4 Sampling technique/sample size
3.5 Description of research instrument
3.6 Validity/reliability of data gathering instrument
3.7 Method of data collection

4.1 Introduction

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestions for further studies


1.1 Background of the study
The mass media perform a number of functions in every society. In performing its functions they do not work in isolation of their own but work hand in hand with other social institutions like family, religions institutions, educational institutions, economic institutions and
cultural institutions. This work is on the role that Imo Broadcasting Corporation (Television) play in the educational development of Emekuku in Imo State.
The Mass Media beyond being a socializing agency, Umechukwu, (200,p.21) made us to understand that the mass media with their incalculable potentials, derived fundamentally from their transitional roles of education, entertainment, cultural transmission and surveillance of the society. Okunna (1999, p.108) in her reflections on the social functions of the mass media maintains that mass media as a socializing, agency work closely with other socializing agencies like family, church, school and the peer groups through the process of socialization, the individual is made aware of the value, norms, and acceptable behavioural patterns of the society, they provide a common body of knowledge, the internization of which enables people to operate as effective members of the society.
The invention of television had a very good influence as a medium towards information, dissemination, education and entertainment; that is why scholars like Gebner (2000, p.21) went into intense study to find out its effect on the viewers, Murrow, (1998, p. 90) states that this instrument can teach, it can illuminate, it can even inspire, but to the extent that human beings are determined to use it to those ends otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box, this tells us that though television is powerful, we can only harness its powers through effective use.
Another role which the television play especially in rural development is on influencing and shaping our behavioural patterns. Virtually no aspect of our habits, desires and relationships both as individuals and as groups escape examinations in our public media, getting along with neighbours, personal problems and our taste in popular music, social and religious tensions, athletics and trends in fashion among others are constantly reported and discussed in the press, book, television and radio programmes.
It is known that rural communication in Nigeria have always been a beacon of hope throughout history in Nigeria and has always sustained the urban communities but yet the hope of the rural communities is yet increasing everyday as regard to Emekuku, in Owerri, Imo state, 80% of people in Emekuku uses television and this constitutes more to rural educational development.
In spite of this, the contribution of rural communities have not received the adequate attention which they deserve although the government is doing everything within its power to see that this situation is uplifted, government has also realized that it has not been making effective use of the television as a means of reaching out to the rural community education development even with regards to Emekuku, in Owerri, Imo State.
This has invariably constituted a serious impediment to systematic development in the nation because rural education development remains the spring board for state and national development in the education sector. Again, Nwosu (1990, p.2) maintain that communication is central to rural and national development and that is a catalytic effect to the development of other sectors of the economy and it should never be neglected, this means that Imo Broadcasting Corporation Television (IBC TV) should be concerned with the education development of the people of Emekuku rural community and should realize the ubiquities nature of communication media of the television and employ  them all in their Television educational programmes both during conception, planning and execution and they should involve the community concerned.
It is important therefore to investigate the affairs of the Imo Broadcasting Corporation Television (IBC TV) and the role it plays in enhancing the educational development of the people in Emekuku, Owerri, Imo State.

1.2 Statement of the problem
In this information age that sees communication as a vital instrument, the relevance which Television has been playing has not been encouraging in the context of rural development in Nigeria. Even in a rural community like Emekuku area of Imo State where Television is partially unavailable, information cannot be shared among the people who cannot understand English but through only viewing the Television and yet they maintain a stable system of living. Most rural areas are devoid of social infrastructure which could have made life more comfortable to the rural dwellers. This situation can be traced to the failure of the government to help the masses in the rural areas.
Majidian (1977, p.22) opines that although the technology of communication provides unparallel opportunities for economic, political, educational and cultural development. Its potential national development will remain unrealized unless it performs its roles effectively.
The problem of this study can be deduced from the fore said of national Population reside in rural areas. The rural areas are characterized by depressing annual income, poverty and penury  manifested by widespread hunger, malnutrition, lack of access to formal and informal education. The mass media are mostly urban based then rightly accursed to its rural areas as rightly  observed, the kind of mass communication system in some developing countries which is urban concentrated have invalidated that so much quest for New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) which is the call by third world country of the rejuvenation of this nature to ascertain the relevance of mass communication in rural education development. Therefore, the problem of this research is, how can Imo Broadcasting corporation (Television) promote the rural education development in Emekuku?

1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of this study is to find out the role Imo Broadcasting Corporation Television (IBC TV) play in the rural education development of Emekuku community in Imo  State, it also has the following objectives;
1. To investigate the role of Television Broadcasting in Rural Education of Emekuku people.
2. To evaluate the role of IBC media in Education.
3. To identify problems involved in the use of Television Broadcast for rural education.
4. To suggest solutions for the problems of broadcasting in Emekuku.

1.4 Research Questions
1. To what extent has the Rural Television Broadcasting helped Emekuku people?
2. Does IBC play any role in educational development of Emekuku in Owerri?
3. What are the problems involved in the use of Television Broadcast for rural education?
4. What are the solutions for the problems of broadcasting in Emekuku?

1.5 Scope of the study
The scope of my study revolves around the Role of Imo Broadcasting Corporation (TV) in the rural education development of Emekuku people in Owerri, Imo State.

1.6 Significance of the study
The ultimate goal of this study is to discuss extensively the specific role of Imo
Broadcasting Corporation Television play in the rural education development of Emekuku area
of Imo State, in this case, the study promises to be of immense value not only to the government
and its functionaries but also to the business men and investors who will be coming up with
tapping abundant natural resources in Emekuku area of Imo state. This study being a relatively
exploratory and pioneering work on the area will equally help prompt further researchers on
exploring other roles and functions that Imo Broadcasting Corporation Television (IBC TV) and
the several tiers of government can play in the rural education development of Emekuku in
Owerri, Imo State.

1.7 Operational definition of significant terms
1.7.1 Role: This means the part or functions, somebody or something can play in the growth of something.
1.7.2 Mass Media: E.g. Radio, Television, Newspaper, they are used to reach many people at the same time.
1.7.3 Rural Area: An area like Emekuku, it is not developed.
1.7.4 Development: It means growth and progress in an area e.g Emekuku area of Imo State.

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Role Of Broadcasting Corporation Television In The Rural Education Development:

Broadcasting Corporation Television can play a significant role in the development of rural education by providing access to educational content and fostering a conducive learning environment. Here are several ways in which a broadcasting corporation television can contribute to rural education development:

  1. Access to Educational Content: Broadcasting corporation television can broadcast educational programs specifically designed for rural students. These programs can cover a wide range of subjects, from basic literacy and numeracy to more advanced topics. By making educational content available through television, it reaches even the most remote areas with limited access to traditional schools or educational resources.
  2. Interactive Learning: Interactive programs can be designed to engage students actively. For example, quiz shows, live call-ins, or interactive digital platforms can be incorporated into broadcasts to encourage participation and reinforce learning.
  3. Teacher Training: Television can be used to provide training and professional development opportunities for teachers in rural areas. Workshops, seminars, and teaching methodologies can be broadcast, helping teachers improve their skills and stay updated with the latest educational techniques.
  4. Language Development: Television can aid in language development by broadcasting programs that focus on improving language skills. This is particularly important in areas with diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  5. Career Guidance: Television can host career counseling and guidance programs that expose rural students to a variety of career options, helping them make informed choices about their future.
  6. Awareness and Health Education: In addition to academic content, broadcasting corporation television can disseminate information on health, hygiene, and environmental issues, thereby contributing to overall community development.
  7. Digital Literacy: Rural education needs to adapt to the digital age. Television can introduce students to basic digital literacy skills, computer programming, and technology-related topics, ensuring they are prepared for the modern workforce.
  8. Cultural Preservation: Television can promote local culture, traditions, and heritage, fostering a sense of identity and pride among rural communities. This can be achieved through cultural programs, documentaries, and storytelling.
  9. Parent and Community Involvement: Broadcasting educational content can also involve parents and the broader community in the education process. This could be through programs that educate parents on how to support their children’s learning at home or by involving local communities in the creation of educational content.
  10. Monitoring and Assessment: Television can be used to conduct assessments and monitor the progress of students. This can help identify areas where additional support is needed and measure the impact of educational initiatives.
  11. Infrastructure Development: To support the broadcasting of educational content, investments may be made in improving the necessary infrastructure, such as power supply, satellite communication, and broadcast equipment, in rural areas.
  12. Collaboration with NGOs and Government: Broadcasting corporations can collaborate with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agencies to create comprehensive education programs that address the specific needs of rural communities.

In summary, broadcasting corporation television can be a powerful tool for rural education development. By providing access to quality educational content, promoting interactive learning, and addressing the unique challenges of rural areas, television can help bridge the education gap and contribute to the overall development of rural communities.