Role Of Intellectual Property (IP) Law In The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs)


This ‘Role Of Intellectual Property (IP) Law In The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs)’ complete project material is available in PDF & DOC format. The Role Of Intellectual Property (IP) Law In The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) material is intended solely for academic research purposes and should be used as a research guideline or a source of ideas. Copying the entire ‘Role Of Intellectual Property (IP) Law In The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs)’ project work verbatim or submitting it as your own to your school constitutes unethical academic behavior. This research material on the Role Of Intellectual Property (IP) Law In The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is relevant to students in the Commercial Law and related fields.


This research entitled: “The Role of Intellectual Property (IP) Law in the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria” was untaken to find out how IP laws can help SMEs thrive in the market place in the growth and development of Nigerian as it has done in other developed and developing countries; and if not, why and also to identify possible solutions. In pursuit of the above, the research examined the role of IP plays in the growth of SMEs. In the Nigerian economy, the characteristics of a typical Nigerian SMEs, investigated the performance of SMEs in the Nigeria economy, problems and prospects. It also recommended remedial measures to be taken to ensure a vibrant SME in Nigeria.

The study of investigated the challenges of IP laws as it affects SMEs in Nigeria. The major findings of this research include; SMEs have played and continue to play significant role in the growth and development of many economies. In the case of Nigeria, SMEs have performed below expectation due to certain constraints ranging from our environment to our attitude and instability of government and change in government policies. SMEs, armed with IP rights such as trademark, patent, industrial design protection would play the crucial role of engine of growth, development and industrialization, wealth creation, poverty eradication, and employment creation.

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This study on the Role Of Intellectual Property (IP) Law In The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is solely for academic research purposes only and should be used as a research guideline or source of ideas. Copying word-for-word or submitting the entire project work to your school is unethical academic behavior and “UniProjects” is not part of it.