Role Of Local Government In National Development

(A Case Study Of Aninri Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
52 Pages
5,839 Words

The role of local government in national development is indispensable, as it plays a crucial part in fostering socio-economic progress and community well-being. Local governments serve as the linchpin in the implementation of policies and initiatives that directly impact the lives of citizens within their jurisdictions. Through effective governance, local authorities address key issues such as infrastructure development, public services, and local economic stimulation. They act as catalysts for grassroots development by tailoring solutions to the specific needs of their communities. Additionally, local governments act as intermediaries, facilitating communication between higher levels of government and the local populace. This decentralized approach ensures a more responsive and context-sensitive approach to development, contributing significantly to the overall advancement of the nation.


The topic of this study is the Role of Local Government in National Development (A case Study of Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State).
This research work is aimed at finding out the role of Local government in achieving National development.
However, the researcher sourced his data through questionnaires, textbooks and government publications. The reliability of the instrument was tested and proved reliable.
Based on the findings of the researcher, the following recommendations were made.
1. Aninri Local Government should be able to enlighten the residents on the council’s role and objective so as to make them aware of what is going on around them.
2. The council should device means of eradicating official corruption and enhance accountability
3. The financial allocation from both state and federal to the council should be increased
4. The condition of service of the council should be enhanced in order to attract and retain more competent and highly qualified performance on the service
5. The council should be professionalized



Cover page
Title Page
Certification Page
Table of Content

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Limitations of the Study

2.1 Meaning of Local Government
2.2 Local Government Reforms in Nigeria
2.3 Relationship Between Local Government and National Government
2.4 Empirical Literature
2.5 The Need for Local Government

3.1 Source of Data
3.2 Population of Study
3.3 Determination of Sample Size
3.4 Sample Technique
3.5 Selection and Construction of Research Instrument
3.6 Administration of Research Instrument
3.7 Instrument Return Rate

4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Data Analysis

5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion


Local Government exists to fill the gap, which the national government is too remote to fill. This means that local government complements and extends the national government. It has been recognized as one important instrument for rural transformation and for the delivery of social services development has passed through some stages of reforms since its evolution.
In Nigeria, local government as the third tier of government nearest to the people has been recognized as an institution capable of transforming the are’s of the rural inhabitant .
Consequently, there has been continuous attempts either to create new local governments or lamp the existing ones in the country with the objective of utilizing them as fulcrums for achieving national development.
There has been an increasing upsurge of interest in the literature of development administration and in planning circles on the positive role local government could play in national development. The emphasis is in terms of using local government as a strategic instrument for fostering, promoting and implementing national development projects.

Local government administration is used as a form of devolution of powers of the state. It is the government at the grass root level that is designed to serve as instrument of rural transformation and development to the society in general.
Local government in Nigeria plays immense role especially in promoting, co-ordinating and providing community amenities as well as encouraging greater mass participation and involvement in the running of local government affairs and the use of local resources to the optional level. From ideological perspective, local government for tiers the principle of democracy as local government rings government nearer to the people and if properly designed gives room for mass participation in governance.
Furthermore, local government are designed to achieve multi-dimensional goals in terms of economic, social and political development local government, which is the focus of this write up is responsible for the provision of basic community requirements. To achieve its objective, Aninri Local Government should be adequately funded, and manned by well trained, dedicated personnel.

The creation of Aninri local government in 1996 by the military government under late General Sani Abacha’s administration was meant to bring development to the doorsteps of the various communities Viz. Ndeaboh, Mpu, Okpanku, Oduma and Nenwe. It is important to sate that local government should not be abandoned while drafting the constitution in order to strengthen the importance to national development. The autonomy of the local government should be recognized to enable it serve as effective third tier of government as stated in the constitution.
Aninri Local government has not been granted enough financial status and power to sustain itself and be able to provide welfare services. Again, community dwellers hardly assist the local government in implementing government projects and this is serious set back to the delivery of qualitative and qualitative services to the local communities.

The creation of local government by the federal or state government is to bring government closer to the people and also foster the development of the local citizenry
The following are the objective of this study;
1. To ascertain whether Aninri local government council is able to accelerate development in terms of national development
2. To find out whether corruption among Aninri local government personnel affected the execution of community development projects.
3. To examine whether lack of adequate finance has hindered national development in Aninri local government area.
All these will be assessed and examined in order to ascertain those things that are likely going to act as a cog on the course of implementing national programmes in the local government.

Having surveyed the objectives of this study, the following research question arises.
1. Has lack of adequate financing hindered national development in Aninri local government area?
2. Has Aninri local government council been able to effectively mobilize the rural people in terms of national development project?
3. How has corruption among Aninri local government personnel adversely affected national development projects in the area.

The essence of this project is to contribute to knowledge in bringing a general awareness of the people in relation to national development to the local government. One major task I wish t pursue is to help through this research study to present an impartial report of the performance of Aninri local government.
It is also hoped that recommendations of his report will assist government at all levels in implementation their development programmes.
More so, this project work will also e useful to the civil servants especially those at the administrative positions in formulating and implementing government policies and programmes. Political office holders will also find this document useful in tacking the challenges of policy implementation.
Furthermore, the result of this study would assist both the federal, state and local government in meeting the aspirations and needs of the people particularly in the rural area.
Finally, this study could be a basic on which further research may be carried out.

This research is actually to ascertain the role of local government in national development in Nigeria. Thus, the researcher selected Aninri local government area he could conveniently cover.

The researcher however, encountered series of problems in the course of carrying out this study such problems include.
a. Data collection: many respondents could not feel free to express their opinion
b. Shortage of fund: lack of adequate fund for carrying out this research work also constitute problem
c. Time frame to go to the field, libraries and write the report and submit at the required time also constitutes problems to the researcher. In spite of all these problems or hindrances, the researcher did his best.

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Role Of Local Government In National Development:

The role of local government in national development is critical as it serves as the primary administrative and governance level closest to the citizens. Local governments, which include municipalities, counties, cities, and other regional bodies, play a vital role in shaping the overall development and progress of a nation. Their responsibilities and functions can vary from one country to another, but some common roles and contributions include:

Service Delivery: Local governments are responsible for providing essential services to residents within their jurisdiction. These services include water supply, sanitation, waste management, public transportation, and local infrastructure maintenance. Ensuring the efficient delivery of these services is essential for the well-being of the community and contributes to overall national development.

Urban and Regional Planning: Local governments engage in urban and regional planning, which is crucial for orderly development. They determine land use, zoning regulations, and development guidelines to ensure sustainable growth, manage urban sprawl, and protect natural resources. Effective planning contributes to balanced development and infrastructure provision.

Infrastructure Development: Local governments are often responsible for the construction and maintenance of local infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, schools, and healthcare facilities. Adequate infrastructure is vital for economic development, job creation, and the overall quality of life for residents.

Economic Development: Local governments can stimulate economic growth within their areas through policies that attract businesses, promote entrepreneurship, and support local industries. This, in turn, contributes to the national economy by generating jobs and increasing tax revenue.

Social Services: Local governments are typically responsible for social services like education, healthcare, and social welfare programs. Ensuring access to quality education and healthcare services contributes to human capital development and, consequently, national development.

Environmental Protection: Local governments play a significant role in environmental conservation and sustainability. They can enforce environmental regulations, promote recycling and waste reduction, and protect natural resources within their boundaries, which contributes to national efforts to address climate change and environmental degradation.

Community Development: Local governments often support community development initiatives, including housing programs, poverty reduction efforts, and community infrastructure projects. These initiatives aim to improve the living conditions of residents and reduce disparities in income and quality of life.

Crisis Management: Local governments are at the forefront during natural disasters, emergencies, and public health crises. They play a critical role in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts, contributing to the resilience of the nation as a whole.

Citizen Engagement and Representation: Local governments provide a platform for citizens to engage in the political process and have a say in local affairs. They represent the interests and concerns of their constituents, ensuring that local development aligns with the needs and aspirations of the community.

Revenue Generation: Local governments collect taxes and fees, which contribute to both local and national revenue. A well-managed local tax base can provide funding for local development projects and support national economic stability.

In summary, local government’s role in national development is multifaceted and essential. By focusing on service delivery, infrastructure development, economic growth, and community well-being, local governments contribute significantly to the broader goals of a nation’s development and progress. Effective coordination between local, regional, and national levels of government is crucial to ensure a cohesive and sustainable approach to development.