The Student Awareness And Practice Of Personal Hygiene And Sanitation Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The purpose of this study was to assess student awareness and practice of personal hygiene and sanitation in Abia State. The study was also guided by three (3) purposes, three research questions and three (3) hypotheses. The study employed expost-facto research design. The population of the study was 828,717 between the ages of 11 to 17 years’ students in Abia state. A sample size of 400 was randomly selected proportionately through stratified sampling techniques, simple random sampling techniques and proportionate sampling. Study recommendations were made. State Ministry of Health and other relevant organizations concerned with health care should intensify effort by creating health and Hygiene Promotion Programmes such as Talk shows and Seminars in Schools on the importance of hygiene through the formation of Health Club that would teach students on proper hygienic practices, and provide incentives for good hygiene practices. Though, the respondents have adequate knowledge of personal hygiene, there should be continuous education and sensitization through monitoring students by the School Authorities.
- To assess the knowledge of personal hygiene among secondary school students in Abia State
- To assess the attitude of Secondary school students towards personal hygiene in Abia State.
- To assess the practice of personal hygiene among secondary school students in Abia state.
This study answered the following research questions;
- Do Secondary School Students have knowledge of personal hygiene in Abia State?
- What is the attitude of secondary school students towards personal hygiene in Abia State?
- Do secondary school students practice personal hygiene in Abia State?
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