Studies Of Propagation Impairments For Fixed Satellite Communication Links At The Microwave Frequencies In Nigeria

By: Omotosho Temidayo

150 Pages 1 – 5 Chapters24,038 WordsDownload Complete Material

The Studies Of Propagation Impairments For Fixed Satellite Communication Links At The Microwave Frequencies In Nigeria Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)

Aims and Objectives

The following steps were taking in achieving the objectives of the study:

  1. Compute some propagation impairments relevant to fixed satellite communication at Ku, Ka and V band (10-50 GHz) at elevation angles of 50, 550 and one practical elevation angle for links to recently launched Nigeria communication satellite NigComsat-1 in the 37 locations in Nigeria.
  2. Use meteorological data from satellites and ground stations as input data into ITU-RP empirical models to generate appropriate propagation data such as, cloud attenuation, rain attenuation, gaseous attenuation, tropospheric scintillation and total propagation loss on earth-space path in each of the 37 locations.
  3. Calculate mappings following item 2, for uplink and down link budget control during tropical rainfall along earth-space paths for fixed satellites communication service in Nigeria.
  4. Finally, locate the highest and the lowest places affected by propagation impairments year round by dividing the country into six zones (namely SW, SE, SS, MB, NW and NE) and conduct a comparative analysis of the results with a view to recommending for the country in the future where to best site a fixed satellite base station on earth-space path (operating at Ku band and above) for deep space exploration.
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Omotosho, T. (2024, May 22). Studies Of Propagation Impairments For Fixed Satellite Communication Links At The Microwave Frequencies In Nigeria. UniProjects.

Omotosho, Temidayo. “Studies Of Propagation Impairments For Fixed Satellite Communication Links At The Microwave Frequencies In Nigeria”. UniProjects, 22 May 2024,

Omotosho, Temidayo. “Studies Of Propagation Impairments For Fixed Satellite Communication Links At The Microwave Frequencies In Nigeria.” UniProjects. May 22, 2024.


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