Surveillance Camera Control System

The Surveillance Camera Control System Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)



The proposed work is Smart CCTV camera surveillance system. CCTV camera can be wirelessly monitored and control with the help of the RF module . In the monitoring site, the system captures the video through the embedded multitask operating system. The digital video has been compressed by the MJPEG algorithm. By the TV the users can view the monitors video directly, by the common Gateway interface, the users who are authorized can also control the camera and observe the motion detection.


  • Bandwidth – the amount of digital data that can be transmitted between devices over the network in a fixed amount of Usually expressed in bits per second (bps), i.e. Kilo (K)bps, Megabits (M)bps.
  • CCTV System – system consisting of camera equipment, monitoring and associated equipment for transmission and controlling purposes, which might be necessary for the surveillance of a protected
  • Cloud Services – storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of local computers or local servers (hard drives).
  • DVR – A digital video recording device for the recording of video data; DVRs may be network enabled such that they can be remotely accessed over an IP
  • Hosts – Devices or appliances that make use of a network to send digital
  • Hybrid – Common term used to describe a CCTV system or component making use of both IP and analogue
  • IP – Internet Protocol is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer (or other network device) to another on a network or the
  • IP Address – IP address of a computer or other network device on a network using IP or TCP/IP. Each computer (or other network device) on the network/internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from other computers or other network devices on the network/internet.
  • Infrastructure – for the purposes of this document taken to mean the basic network construction for transmission of digital data g. predominantly the cables and switches used to send data from host to host.
  • IT – Information Technology, a broad term covering the various disciplines relating to communications and computer-based information
  • LAN – Local Area Network, a physical network sharing a common communications line or wireless link to a server covering a small geographical area g. office, school etc.

Note: A LAN may include wireless connections.

  • Latency – The time delay between the moment an event is initiated, and the moment one of its effects begins or becomes detectable (i.e. end-to-end delay).
  • Network – Common term used to describe a ‘computer’ network whereby devices are able to transmit digital data to each other using common communication protocols (e.g. IP).

NVR – A form of DVR that records video data directly from IP video devices via network connection(s). This is the common term for recording devices used within IP-systems.

  • Switch – networking device that connects computer devices together and passes data between them; a fundamental part of a
  • WAN – Wide Area Network is a telecommunications and / or computer network that extends over a large geographical



The project Smart CCTV camera surveillance system is to enhance the CCTV camera based security systems, which presently exist in different places. The Project Security System by using CCTV Camera is designed using wireless technology. The use of a surveillance system for image detection is becoming more important. An embedded surveillance system is frequently used in the home, office or factory for image processing of the surveillance system and also for traffic monitoring but this configuration requires a high performance core, which works against some advantages of embedded systems, such as low power consumption and low cost. Some designs propose the use of different sensors to track the sequence of the human body movement. Other researchers construct an external signal to trigger the embedded surveillance system by means of a PIR sensor, which is triggered when an intruder enters the monitoring area. The project basically consists of surveillance unit and control unit. This project will works in two modes: Manual mode and automatic mode. In automatic mode PIR sensor will detect person movement and will give signal to the microcontroller to start the CCTV camera by using Relay. IR sensor will track the person movement and give the signal to micro controller. Accordingly stepper motor will be actuated to rotate the CCTV assembly. And in manual mode we will use keypad for the movement of CCTV camera in manual mode. Control unit consist of micro controller, LCD to see the messages, buzzer and LED for indication, Keypad will be used in manual mode for the controlling movement of the CCTV camera.MAX 232 IC will be used for voltage conversion between RF module and microcontroller.


The aim if this study is to discuss how CCTV camera can be wirelessly monitored and control with the help of the RF module .


Wireless security camera systems from CCTV Camera Pros consist of a wireless transmitter and receiver antennas and allow closed-circuit cameras or IP security cameras to transmit a wireless signal using a 5.8 GHz signal up to 4 miles. These systems are used in situations where cable dredging is not practical or is cost prohibitive.

1.3                                    SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The wireless security camera systems are new high performance digital wireless security camera transmission systems. These are our most popular and most recommended systems. These wireless systems offer exceptional video data transmission using 5.8GHz frequency. They are made for long distance outdoor use with a direct line of sight between the transmitting and receiving antennas.

1.4                             ADVANTAGES OF THE STUDY

Digital systems, compared with analogue systems are characterized by much higher resistance to external interference and the ability to transmit a lot more information in an instant. This makes it perfectly fulfill their role in wireless security camera systems, deployed in production or assembly halls, and other places where there are significant electromagnetic interference.

For some time analogue systems are being replaced by systems based on digital IP camera. This solution allows you to send the image in a much better quality (HD). However, the picture even with the best security camera may lose its high quality, if the other system components will not be able to process it properly.

1.5                                           USES OF CCTV

CCTV is commonly used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Maintaining perimeter security in medium-to-high-secure areas and installations.
  • Observing behavior of incarcerated inmates and potentially dangerous patients in medical facilities.
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Building and ground security.
  • Overseeing locations that would be hazardous to a human.
  • Obtaining a visual record of activities where it is necessary to maintain proper security. for example, in banks, casinos, or airports.


Do Not Work Always: CCTV camera system cannot monitor every area of your office or home at all times. Hence it cannot be considered as a foolproof method for crime prevention.

  • Privacy Concerns: Invasion of privacy is the major issue when it comes to any security system device like the CCTV camera system. It lowers the employee morale and hampers productivity at times. Constant monitoring of every activity might put the workers ill at ease.
  • Initial Costs: The initial costs incurred per camera are high. The installation may also increase the initial expenditure. It depends upon the complexity of the CCTV camera system as well.


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