Teachers’ Perceptions Of Internet As A Teaching Learning Resource

In Enugu State College Of Education (Technical), Enugu

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This study examined Teachers Perceptions of Internet as a Teaching – Learning Resource in Enugu State College of Education (Technical), (ESCET) Enugu. This study was guided by six research questions. Survey designed was used. The entire population was 94 Lecturers and a sample size of 94 Lecturers due to the limited population size. The 94 respondents became the respondents. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire. It was content validated by two experts in Education Measurement and Evaluation. The instrument was tested using Lecturers of Ebonyi State College of Education, Ikwo (ESCOE). The questionnaire was administered to the respondents twice at an interval of one week. The data were analyzed ranked and correlated using Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient (r). A correlation coefficient of 0.87 obtained indicated that the instrument was reliable. The questionnaire was administered to 94 Lecturers of the Institution from which 81 was returned, and used for the analyses and presentation of the data. The analyses were presented in tables, the mean scores obtained from these tables were used to answer the research questions. Findings were made from which conclusions were drawn. Recommendations and suggestions for further studies were also made.

Chapter One

Background of the Study
Perception is the art, power, process, or product of perceiving knowledge through the senses of existence and properties of matter and the external World (Meriam and Babcock 2003). According to Drubbel (2003), Perception is the recognition or identification of something. He further explained that external perception relies on the consciousness. Hornby, sally and Ashby (2003), defined perception as the way one notices things especially with senses.
For the purpose of this study, the researchers take perception to mean one’s opinion, views, understanding, feeling or thoughts about something. This study will also explain the concept of a teacher. A teacher according to Drubbel (2003) is one who teaches, specifically, one whose occupation is to teach others. Hornby etal defined a teacher as a person whose job is teaching, especially in a school. In Ozochi (2008), a teacher is one who must have been trained in a specified discipline and in the art and science of teaching by being exposed to the principles and theories of teaching and whose job is to initiate what is to be taught, when, and how. Burton as cited in Offorah (2008) defined a teacher as one who causes the learner to learn and acquire the desired knowledge, skills, attitudes and desirable ways of living in a society. For the purpose of this study, the researchers take a teacher to mean “A person who has been trained in a specified field and posses the ability to stimulate, direct, guide and encourage learning through the principles, theories and methods of teaching.
Another issue in this study is on classes of teachers and their respective attitudes or temperaments. The teachers can be classified according to the levels of pupils they teach. For example, pre-primary school teachers, primary school teachers, secondary school teachers and tertiary institution teachers (Lecturers) Ani (2008). The pre-primary school teachers are concerned with the preparation of pupils for primary education. The primary school teachers start from where the pre-primary teachers stopped to impact knowledge on the pupils. The secondary school teachers as the name implies teach those in secondary level of education while tertiary institution teachers or lecturers are the teachers that prepare the students finally for labour market. Egwu (2005).
Also, teachers can be classified according to their attitudes or temperaments into: Oblivious, Fearful, Dabbler, Poser and pro Stumpenhorst, (2011). The Oblivious teachers do not know what they do not know. Technology is not something they use nor seek to learn about. The Fearful teachers know of the tools out there but are too afraid to try them. They have heard of the newest tools and might have a few in their classrooms. However, they are neither comfortable nor confident in their own skills. Typically, these teachers want to use more technology in class but lack the direction and confidence to get started (Stumpenhorst, 2011). The Dabbler has a few technological tools and resources they use. Usually, they will have a few favorite websites or activities they will default back to. These teachers are willing to try something new but will revert back to their favorites which are often the first resources they ever used. The Poser are teachers that use a long list of technology resources and tools. However, they are just using the technology to use it, their student are not actually extending learning or deepening comprehension Stumpenhorst,(2011). They are elaborate projects with very little substance. Finally on this classification is the Pro teachers. Pro teachers have a wide array of tools at their disposal similar to the poser. These teachers, however, use the tools to make learning richer for their students. They are not using technology because they can: they are using it to make learning better for their students. The key to being a pro is realizing that one do not need technology in order to help students learn but has realize the power it has to make learning better (Josh, 2011).
On the other hand, teachers can be classified according to the authorities they have. These are four types namely: Laissez – Fair, Autocratic, Authoritarian and Democratic teachers. Ejili and Anyanwu (2006) stated that the Laissez-fair teachers are carefree, they are not committed to their work: autocratic are rigid and strict to a fault: authoritarian teachers are high handed, strict and harsh, while democratic teachers are sensitive, friendly and open-minded. These differences in behaviour pose a problem and may affect the teachers’ perception. In all the classes of teachers stated above, the researchers are only interested in the tertiary institution teachers “Lectures” and in this case, lecturers of Enugu State College of Education (Technical), Enugu.
Moreso, there is the issue of gender differences. On this note, Agwu (2007) confirms that female teachers perceive things better than their male counterparts. On the contrary, Aniforo (2005) stated that male teachers are more active, and sensitive and perceive things better than the female teachers. Adebayo (2005) found out that none of the sexes does better than the other. These finding suggest conflicting issues, which must be solved at the end of this study.
Again, another issue on this study is the internet. Robert and Vinton, (1999) defined internet as a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of users Worldwide. It is a network of networks that consist of millions of private, public, academic, business and government networks from local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. Meriam and Babcock (2003) stated that internet is a Worldwide network of continually connected computer systems. Honby et al (2001) defined internet as an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities. Above all, internet is Worldwide interconnection of computers and computer networks that facilitates the sharing or exchange of information among users.
Throughout the World, many countries both developing and developed have introduced information and communication Technology (ICT) into schools via different courses of action. Their use according to Abraham (2002) is regarded as necessary for improving quality of teaching and learning. He equally stated that internet is the driving force for new interest and new learning device.
An investigation into the causes of the continuous decline in the use of Library in Nigeria recently shows that the Libraries are losing their users to internet that is now in vogue. When some students were interviewed, they said that they prefer the use of internet for studies, research and leisure to hard copy books filled in the Nigerian Libraries, as the internet gives one opportunity to obtain information from various materials in different subject areas. They also said that the use of internet reduces drudgery and saves time though, may be expensive compare to hard copy books. It is often referred to as the Net, the information super high way and cyberspace. It has been seen as a dazzling new way to find out things, a new communication medium. It may as well be described as a global market place, where people can find any type of information that is of great interest to them. Daly and Miller, (1998) stated that the internet is an interesting and vital technical change and a basis for virtually instantaneous communication Worldwide.
Finally on this study, the concept of teaching resources was explained. Teaching resources according to Hornby etal, (2001) is an instrument or object a teacher uses to teach the students. Ugwu and Omalle, (1998) defined a teaching resource as anything or everything in pupils environment which contributes in any way to the learning process. Onyejemezi, (1981) defined a teaching resource as all the available materials which appeal to all senses and feeling and help learning. The teaching resources the researchers meant here is the internet.
Hornby et al, (2001) defined variable as a number, amount or situation which can change or likely to change frequently. Vikrant, (2001) stated that variable means changeable or adaptable factors that can affect an experiment. Kendra, (2011) said it is something that can be changed, such as characteristic or value. He further stated that variables are generally used in psychology experiments to determine if changes to one thing results in changes to another.
In an experimental research, variables are manipulated Osondu and Abugu, (2008). Kendra (2011) stated three (3) types of variables namely; independent variables, dependent variables and extraneous variables. He said that the independent variable in a psychological experiment is the variable that is controlled and manipulated by the experimenter. For example, in an experiment on the “Impact of sleep deprivation on test performance, sleep deprivation would be the independent variable; dependent variable is the variable that is measured by the experimenter. In our previous example, the scores on the test performance measure would be the dependent variable, whereas extraneous variable is one that may have an impact on the relationship between independent and dependent variables. For example, in our previous description of an experiment on the effects of sleep deprivation on test performance, other factors such as age, gender and academic background may have an impact on the results.
This study will be concerned with the dependent variable (teachers’ perceptions), independent variable (internet), and some other extraneous variables like teachers’ sex, qualification and experience. This is because, what internet means to each an every teacher determines his or her perception in using it as a teaching resource. For example, consider the equation y = x + 1, if the values of x ranges from zero (0) to three (3), the corresponding values of y include 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively which indicates that the values of y depends on that x. Hence x is the independent variable while y is the dependent variable. Whatever causes the independent variable (x) to be 0 or 1 0r 2 or 3 is the extraneous variable.
Consequently, in this study to determine teachers’ perception of internet as teaching-learning resource in Enugu State College of Education (Technical), (ESCET), Enugu the researchers take:
(i) Internet as independent variable,
(ii) Teachers perceptions as the dependent variable and
(iii) Teachers sex, qualification and experience as the extraneous variable.

Statement of the Problems
President Goodluck Jonathan, on Tuesday 17th May 2011, blamed the decline in education standard in the country on what he identified as poor reading culture among Nigerians, Okeke, (2011). The blame by the president came as the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed, revoked the N27 million contract of an abandoned block of eight classrooms in Government Science and Technical College, Area 3, Garki-Abuja. President Jonathan who spoke at the launch of his “Bring Back the Book campaign in the FCT, Abuja, attributed the poor quality of graduates across the country to the same reading decline, Okeke (2011). Against this background; the meanings of perceptions, teachers, internet and its applications and importance as explored so far, the researchers would like to find out the teachers’ feelings, opinions or views concerning internet as a teaching – learning resource.
Some of the questions that readily come to mind are as follows;
(i) Do teachers feel that poor reading culture among Nigerians and consequently poor quality of graduates across the country can or cannot be improved by the use of internet as teaching-learning resource?
(ii) What are teachers opinions (positive or negative), views (favourable or unfavourable) concerning the meaning, applications, advantages and disadvantages of internet as teaching – learning resource?
(iii) Has gender any effect on teachers’ opinions of internet as a teaching – learning resource?
(iv) Has teachers’ status/class any impact on their opinions concerning the use of internet as a teaching – learning resource?
(v) Has teachers’ qualification any effect on their views of internet as a teaching – learning resource?
(vi) What is the difference, if any, between the male and female teachers’ views concerning the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of internet as a teaching-learning resource?

Purpose of the Study
The objective of this research is to find out the perceptions of teachers (lecturers) in ESCET Enugu on the meaning and uses of internet as teaching – learning resource. To be specific, the researchers intend to determine:
(i) Lecturers views on the use of internet as a teaching – learning resource to improve poor reading culture among Nigerians and poor quality of graduates across the country;
(ii) Lecturers opinions concerning the meaning, applications, advantages and disadvantages of internet as a teaching – learning resource;
(iii) The effect of gender differences if any on teachers’ opinions of internet as a teaching – learning resource;
(iv) The extent to which Lecturers’ status or class influence their opinions in the use of internet as a teaching – learning resource;
(v) If Lecturers qualifications and experience have any effect on their views of internet as a teaching learning resource; and to determine,
(vi) The difference between the male and female Lecturers’ views concerning the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of internet as a teaching – learning resource?

Significant of the Study
This study is very important as it discusses in detail the internet, its applications in research and in general studies. The following people benefit immensely from this study:
(i) The researchers
(ii) Other students
(iii) Teachers (curriculum developers)
(iv) State and Federal Ministries of Education and Curriculum Planners.
This study “Teachers perceptions of internet as a teaching – learning resource is so educating as it has exposed the mind of the researchers into learning the number of academic staff in ESCET, Enugu: The study was made to be a core course which the researchers must pass in order to be qualified to obtain National Certificate on Education (NCE). This study energized the researchers to be computer literate and see the need to tap the resources available on the internet; the study exposed our minds into knowing the types of teachers and their respective attitudes towards the use of technology; The study also help us to understand the advantages and stress in group or team work and so on.
On the other hand the study is so important to other students who may be embanking on research project as it; severs as a reference materials to them, it helps them to understand the tremendous resources that are available on the internet, the students will learn the various terminologies of internet through this study, from this study, the students will appreciate the use of internet for obtaining information news, leisure and not for corrupt practices.
Moreso, the teachers (curriculum developers) are not left behind in benefitting from the study. This is because, the study will expose their mind into using the available resources in the internet to update their knowledge of the subject they teach and personal academic development. The study will enable the teachers to understand the need to join their counterparts in other parts of the World through the global market place (internet).
Finally, the beneficiaries of this study are the State and Federal ministries of education (curriculum planners). This study would enable them to understand the level of the internet usage among the Nigeria teachers and students thereby comparing it with that of their counterparts in other parts of the world with the aim of improving the use of internet as it has taking upper hand as a source of information from hard copy books. The study will enable the ministries of education to think about establishing internet libraries (electronic library) as it is much more educative, and precise compare to hard copy books in research and general studies. The ministries of education, through this study will see the need to make the use of internet as a teaching – learning resource in schools and colleges as well as universities.

Scope of the Study
In this new field of study, like the internet, it would has been possible for the researchers to get sponsorship from the state government or any educational agency due to the huge amount of money and other logistics required for the research work of this kind.
Because of inadequate time and financial constraints, this study makes use of the Lecturers in Enugu State College of Education (Technical) Enugu. The perceptions of ninety four (94) practicing Lecturers are studied about their views of the use of the internet as a teaching resource in the College. The influence of differences in the classes of Lecturers as well as gender differences were measured and compared.

Research Questions
In order to shed light on these topics, this research study mainly focused on the following questions:
i. How do the lecturers see the use of internet as a teaching – learning resource that can improve poor reading culture among Nigerians and poor quality of graduates across the country?
ii. What are the lecturers opinions concerning the meaning, applications, advantages and disadvantage of internet as a teaching – learning resource?
iii. How do gender influence lectures’ opinions of internet as a teaching – learning resource?
iv. To what extent do lecturers status or class influence their opinions in the use of internet as a teaching learning resource?
v. Do the lecturers’ qualification have any effect on their views of internet as a teaching – learning resource.
vi. What are the differences between the male and female lecturers’ views concerning the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of internet as a teaching – learning resource?

Table of Contents

Title page
Approval Page
Table of content

Background of the study
Statement of problems
Purpose of the study
Significant of the study
Scope of the study
Research Questions

Review of related literature
Teachers Internet Usage in Promoting
Reading Culture among Nigerians
Teachers views on Meaning, Applications, Advantages
And disadvantages of Internet in Teaching and Learning 21
The Effect of Gender on Teachers Opinion on Internet as a
Teaching Resource 27
The Influence of Teachers Status in the use of
Information Technology (Internet)
The Qualification of Teachers and its
Effect on their Internet Usage
Gender Differences in Perception of Internet’s
Meaning, Application, Advantages and Disadvantages 34
Summary of Literature Review

Research Design and Methodology
Research Design
Area of Study
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Procedure
Instrument for Data Collection
Validation of Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Method of Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis
Decision Rule

Data Analysis and Presentation
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6

Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation
Major Findings
Discussion of Findings
Suggestions for further studies
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III

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