Time Series Analysis On The Treatment Of Some Common Diseases

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This study out to establish the current trend of most common ill-health among the students of kwara state polytechnic Ilorin as well as the student patronize the medical centre within a define time frame. the least square approach were employed which revealed the present of trend and season effect on the data basically to be able to forecast for the subsequent years

Chapter One


This project is concerned with the health problem that are common among the student particularly, affecting the student of kwara state polytechnic Ilorin. Hence there is need to define health.

Health is a state of optimal physical, manta and social well being and not mainly the absence of disease and infirmly. it is a condition in which the function of the body are duly discharged.

The state of health is much more then freedom from disease. To live a good state of health, one must avoid dirty environment and take to well hygienically prepared food and water which are germ and bacteria free.


Kwara state polytechnic was established in the year 1972. According to a popular adage which says “health is medical of wealth the institution find it necessary and essential to establish its own medical centre, just for student staff needs.

The clinic was established in 1972 when Kwara state polytechnic was officially commissioned. The operation in the clinic state with one doctor, two non-professional members of staff and five nurse. The increase in the students admitted yearly lead to the staff. Both skilled and unskilled are worked there. There are five sector which are healthier by the principal medical officer (doctor).he is the centre consultants. the centre bag is medical second section where we have statistical record of the register and patient, there is nursing section and a matron who   is the chief nursing officer  health this section. There the doctor treats many according to the prescription. The fourth section is pharmacy which is to compound and dispend the drops the last section is laboratory where investigations is been carried out such on stool, and urine….

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