Mobile Publicity Using Wind Vane Using A Vane On A Mechanism With Four Cardinal Points For The Use Of Wind Vane To Show Which Way The Wind Is Blowing, Also To Publicize Sculpture Garden

5 Chapters
35 Pages
3,384 Words

Incorporating a wind vane with cardinal points into the promotional strategy for a sculpture garden offers a dynamic approach to showcase prevailing wind directions while simultaneously amplifying publicity efforts. This innovative utilization of wind vane technology not only serves as a functional indicator of wind patterns but also captivates attention as a mobile advertising tool, directing visitors towards the captivating artworks within the garden. By strategically situating wind vane mechanisms throughout the landscape, the sculpture garden can harness the natural elements to draw visitors’ interest, fostering engagement and promoting exploration of the artistic offerings within the serene outdoor space.


Title Page
Table Of Content
List Of Illustration

Chapter One
1.1 1ntroduction

1.2 History Of Wind Vane
1.3 Statement Of The Problem
1.4 Aims And Objective
1.5 Research Scope
1.6 Delimitation
1.7 Limitation
1.8 Implication Of The Project
1.9 Definition Of Terminologies

Chapter Two:
2.0 Literature Review

Chapter Three:
3.1 Project Execution

3.2 Medium / Media Description
3.3 Application Of The Medium / Media
3.4 Project Development

Chapter Four
4.0 Project Analysis

Chapter Five
5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Achievement And Recommendation


The general term wind is air in motion. It’s speed measured by an instrument know as an Anemometer. The direction of the wind is measure by a windvane or a wind Cock.
Wind vane is an instrument used for detecting the direction of the wind. It is functional where there is presence of the four cardinal points, east, west North and South. The wind vane consists of a pole, fixed frame works indicating the four cardinal points with the use of different sections in fine and Applied Arts also publicity campaign on it.
Wind vane usually erected in an exposes place free from tree and tall house / buildings. At the wind blows, the arrow or vane rotates freely and indicates the direction of the wind. The compass points are fixed and stationary. The arrow or vane points to the east, west north south depending on the direction of the prevailing wind.
It was invented in other to detect the wind direction so that one could easily have the knowledge when weather is changing to dry seasons. It is noted that the arrow in the wind vane points to the direction or the winds when the wind blows from south to west or north to East, there I a tendency that rainy or dry season is coming respectively.

Wind is air in motion. It’s speed or velocity is measured by an instrument know as an anemometer. The direction of the wind is measured by a wind vane or a weathercock. He wind is not seen out felt especially when threes swings, dust particles moves, and when curtain and flags moves. Wind varies from alight breeze to advantaging hurricane, it has both direction and speed.
A wind vane consists of a horizontal-rotating arm pivoted on a vertical shaft, a pole, fixed framework indicating the four cardinal points.
It is functional where there is presence of the four cardinal points.
It is functional where there is presence of the four cardinal points: East, West, North and South. It is usually erected in an exposed place free from tree and tall house / buildings /. Functioning: – when the blows, aim swings / rotates until the pointer faces is the direction of wind at that particular time.
One may ask how wind vane came about. It is necessary for one to discuss about the origin of wind vane and brief history to back it up. It was reckoned that in 19th century, a great – scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, who was under serious study of motion paved way for him to arrive at point that every goes up must eventually come down on he earth surface. He herefore propounded the gravitational law. The law according to Newton states that every object that goes up must be pulled down by a force. One may also ask why law of gravity first rather than dwelling in the wind – vane origin.
Perhaps, 4241B. C during the early Egyptian, they managed to come out with the first calendar on earth, and is the first event in the history of the world that can be giving a definite method of days and seasons, that is the rainy or dry season.
The Egyptians hrught that it takes the earth 365 days to complete one revolution of the earth round the sun, and after it is finished the season begin all over again. Thoughts hey were unable to detect the specific date by which a season begins.
After all series of scientific discoveries and studies, it was observed that warm air is denser than coil air in the atmosphere. When air in the atmosphere becomes as a result of gravitational force hot, it will sink down while the cold air will rise up in to the atmosphere thereby causing air to
There is serious study about the weather which Sir Stephenson were the great intellectuals. Sir Stephenson Later invented the wind vane in order to the knowledge when weather is changing from dry to rainy seasons. It is noted that the arrow in the wind vane points to direction of the wind.

The Artists should not get confuse for executing a weather instrument which the Metrologiests and Geographists use in study of weather.
The project is significantly designed in a modified way to perform beyond its normal functions. And at the same time, to publics the FAA / sculpture garden.
I am of the opinion that this particular project may be modified further with a new approach by the students of fine and Applied Arts the modern art embraces the scientific inventions and discoveries.

The main aims and objective is to detect the wind direction so that one could easily have the knowledge when weather is changing from dry or Harmathan to rainy seasons. It is noted that the arrow in the wind vane points to the direction of the wind, when the wind blow from south – west or North – East, there is a tendency that rainy or dry season is approaching.
This work is further aimed at serving as a guide to other students that may want to writer or research on related topic.
It help to educate the masses.

This project is designed to detect the wind direction so that one could easily have the knowledge when weather is changing from one direction to another season.
It is also a publicity campaign which publics / gives information or action intended to attract the public to someone or something.

This research is aimed at covering these areas for the purpose of achieving a dependable research work. The work is limit to windvane, one may detect the direction of the wind by smearing saliva on one’s finger feels colder is the direction of the wind.

This work encountered the following:
a) Times factor: The period of the work was so short that the much-needed standard could not be attained.
B) financial factor:
This work demanded money beyond what I would expert. This has know doubt affected quality of the project.

This project work is produced to show the need of art in the world. Previously, people look down on arts in general, in recent time, the interest or love art has reached the peek so much that even the Layman now wants at least one art work in the house. With wind discovery, invention of various type are being made by the artists so that the customers would have one in the compound. This project work which in kind of a new introduction will create a sensation.

1) Gravity: It is the force, which makes fall when you drop them.
2) Detect if you detect something, you notice it or find it.
3) Anemometer: This is an instrument used for measuring speed or velocity of wind.
4) Arrow: It is a long thin weapon with a sharp point at one end, which is shot from a how.
5) Horizontal: some thing that is horizontal is flat and level with the ground, rather than at an angle to it.
6) Hurricane: A hurricane is very violent wind or storm.
7) Publicity: It is advertising, information, or action in tended to attract the public’s attention to something.
8) Shaft: A shaft is vertical passage, for example in a mine or a place where a lift goes up two ropes or chains from metal frame or tree.
9) Swing: A swing is a seat hanging by two ropes or chains from metal frame or tree.
10) Vane: A vane is flatablaue, for example on a propeller, which is parting of drive a machine.
11) Velocity: velocity is the speed at which something moves in a particular direction.
12) Weather vane: It is the metal object on the roof of a building which turns round in the wind and shows which way the wind is blowing.
13) Wind: It is a current of air moving across the earth’s



Using a wind vane as a mobile publicity tool can be an innovative and eye-catching way to draw attention to your business or event while also indicating the wind’s direction. Here’s a concept for creating a mobile wind vane with four cardinal points:

Materials Needed:

  1. Wind Vane: Start with a traditional wind vane. You can purchase one or create a custom design that suits your branding or event theme.
  2. Mechanical Mechanism: Build or purchase a mechanism that allows the wind vane to rotate freely. This mechanism should have four cardinal points (North, South, East, West) marked clearly.
  3. Support Structure: You will need a sturdy support structure to hold the wind vane and mechanism. This could be a post, a stand, or any other suitable structure.
  4. Advertising Materials: Create banners, flags, or signs that can be attached to the wind vane’s arms. These should display your promotional messages, logos, or event information.

Assembly Steps:

  1. Choose Location: Select a strategic location for your mobile wind vane. It should be a place with good visibility to passersby.
  2. Mount the Mechanism: Attach the wind vane to the top of the support structure. Ensure it’s securely fastened but can still rotate freely.
  3. Attach Cardinal Points: Place markers for the four cardinal points (North, South, East, West) on the mechanism. These markers should be clearly visible.
  4. Attach Advertising Materials: Hang or attach your promotional banners, flags, or signs to the wind vane’s arms. Make sure they are securely fastened but allow for easy movement with the wind.
  5. Test Rotation: Ensure that the wind vane can rotate freely in response to the wind’s direction.
  6. Position the Wind Vane: Position the wind vane in such a way that it faces into the wind. This will ensure that it accurately shows the wind’s direction.
  7. Promotion: Use this mobile wind vane as a creative promotional tool. When the wind blows, it will not only indicate the wind’s direction but also catch the eye of passersby with your advertising materials.
  8. Maintenance: Regularly check and maintain the wind vane to ensure it continues to function correctly. This includes cleaning, oiling the rotating mechanism, and replacing advertising materials when needed.

This mobile wind vane can be a unique and attention-grabbing addition to your marketing strategy. It combines the traditional function of a wind vane with promotional elements to help increase awareness of your business or event while also providing a practical purpose by showing wind direction.