The Use Of Coconut Fibre As Standard pH Enhancer For Drilling Mud Formulation Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
In the present day oil and gas industry, the chemicals used as pH controller are usually imported at an exorbitant price – which take a large part of the drilling cost and have ripple effect on the economy of the Nation. It is however necessary to source for an alternative by the use of local materials so as to enhance cost effectiveness. This study nonetheless focus on investigating the suitability of locally sourced materials as pH enhancer in a drilling mud program. A high pH is desirable to suppress corrosion rate, hydrogen embrittlement and the solubility of Ca2+ and Mg2+ which makes up clay. In addition, the high pH is a favorable environment for many of the organic viscosity control additives. For years this additives use to help maintain this property are imported and this contribute to high cost of drilling and which adversely affect the economy. In order to minimize this cost and maximize profit ,the locally made additives is been investigated to supplement the imported .Burnt coconut fiber is used as a pH enhancer because it is environmentally friendly in that it is degradable and has no adverse effect on the formation properties. Nevertheless, the result from the experiment conducted in this study revealed that; the local additives imparted significant pH unit of 13.0 in the drilling mud when compared to the foreign addictive such as sodium hydroxide which gave 13.8
The aim of this research project is to investigate the suitability of locally sourced materials as pH enhancer in drilling mud program.
The objectives of this research project are as follows;
- To obtain local materials (Coconut fiber) from indigenous markets for analysis.
- To perform the formulation of the drilling mud samples for the experiment.
- To investigate the effectiveness of coconut fiber (burnt coconut fibre)in pH control in drilling mud.
- To determine the pH and rheological properties of the formulated drilling mud
- To compare results with values of imported chemicals (such as Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) used as pH controller in drilling mud.
Drilling engineering is one of the challenging disciplines in the petroleum industry. Significant advancements have been made in past decades which have allowed the petroleum industry worldwide to economically and successfully exploit underground reverse that were not been possible. Considerable research studies have been done in drilling fluid technology to understand drilling fluid properties for successful and economic completion of an oil well. The cost of drilling fluid itself is relatively small. But the maintenance of the right properties while drilling profoundly influence total well cost. America Petroleum Institute (API) has a recommended practice for testing liquid drilling fluid properties; regular interval testing of drilling fluid properties helps mud engineers determine proper functioning of drilling fluid.
From the result analysis of the experiment conducted on water base mud using local additives as pH control agent, it was established that the local additives (coconut fiber) had great effect on the mud pH significantly. The burnt coconut fiber imparted pH of 13.0
These imparted pH values are comparable to standard imported foreign pH additives like Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) that imparted 13.8 respectively. It can be concluded that the foreign additives such as Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) imparted 0.05 pH unit more than the local burnt coconut fiber.
From the economic justification, the use of these local additives would save a minimum of $ 0.975 per barrel of drilling mud formulated.
From the conclusion of this research project, it is recommended that since the local additives imparted almost the same as the foreign additives, it can therefore be used in place of the foreign additives as pH control agent in drilling mud. Also, since it saves a minimum cost of $ 0.975 per barrel of drilling mud formulated, it is recommended to be used in the oil and gas industry for its cost effectiveness. Hence, this result will go a long way to promote the prospect for local materials in the oil and gas industry thereby promoting local content development.
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