Woman Participation In Government.

(A Critical Evaluation On Obasanjo Administration)

5 Chapters
55 Pages
7,052 Words

The engagement of women in governmental roles is pivotal for achieving gender equality and fostering inclusive governance. Increasing women’s participation in government is essential for promoting diverse perspectives, enhancing decision-making processes, and addressing the unique needs of women in policy development and implementation. Despite progress in recent years, gender disparities persist in political representation globally, underscoring the urgency for concerted efforts to overcome systemic barriers and biases. Strategies such as quota systems, targeted outreach campaigns, and mentorship programs play a crucial role in bolstering women’s involvement in politics and ensuring their voices are heard at all levels of government. By fostering an environment that encourages and supports women’s political aspirations, societies can harness the full spectrum of talent and expertise, leading to more equitable and effective governance structures that truly represent the interests of all citizens.


Emphasis on affects of privatization and commercialization of government owned industries in developing Economy. (A case study of Nitel Enugu) in order to emulate a concrete result the researcher constricted questionnaire. At the end of the work the research result in identifying some effects emanating from privatization and commercialization and among them are
Increase in employment due to GSM
Increase in productivity an efficient.
Reduction in government expenditure.
Increase in profitability
Based on the findings male, recommendation, were made by the research while in her view would help to improve privatization and commercialization in this economy. It should also be noted that the recommendations were made in solution, which were based on the response chosen by the respondent.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 General Background
1.2 Statement Of Problem
1.3 Objective Of The Study
1.4 Scope Of The Study
1.5 Significant Of The Study
1.6 Scope Of The Study


Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Conceptual Approach On Nitel Development
2.2 The Concepts Of Commercialization And Privatization
2.3 Meaning And Distinction Between PrivatizationAnd Commercialization
2.4 Methods Of Privatization And Commercialization
2.5 Types Of Commercialization
2.6 The Gains And Utilization Of Privatization Proceed
2.7 Objective Of Privatization And Commercialization
2.8 Benefits Of Privatization And Commercialization
2.9 Limitation Of Privatization And Commercialization

Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of The Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample And Sampling Technique
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Validation Of The Instrument
3.7 Reliability Of The Instrument
3.8 Method Of Data Collection
3.9 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Presentation And Results

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion, Implication And Recommendation

5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Implication Of The Research Finding
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Suggestion For Further Research
5.5 Limitation Of The Study



In the past the years, Nigeria has witnessed a tremendous growth in the telecommunication industries by this growth NITEL not only become one of the heading public company in the country but also placed the country on top of the telecommunication area in Africa. Thanks to NITEL that today, Nigeria can boast of about 600,000 telephone lines, which have equally been improved with the introduction of digital system.
Apart from making life comfortable for its works, NITEL has contributed to the economic and social advancement of Nigeria through its revenue generation. In terms of performance NITEL several associates and awards have gone a long way to prove that NITEL is really running the race fast. In 1992 for instance it was confirmed with the Herbert Macaelory Award for Engineering excellence and a certificate of co-operate excellence. Others are the merit award for cooperate leadership by the University of Nigeria Nzukka and a rotary club of Nigeria. It is however, distrusting that’s despite NITEL’s good inventions and social well being of the citizens are being subrogated by unscrupulous Nigerians. These people of evil intentions instead of joining millions of Nigerians in extolling the achievements of Nitel have decided to purist the company vandalizing its installations all over the country costing millions of Niara. For instance in Enugu, Nitel plc lost about 10 million worth of cables wee damaged.
However, the researcher followed with considerable interest on the controversy surrounding the deregulation of tile communications in Nigeria. The controversy started with aspiring entrants purported “I concede” by the Nigeria that Nitel was been frustrating their efforts at getting of the ground and reached its peale when Nitel disconnected its joint measure company, the mobile telecommunication service (MTS) fronts network. Millions of unsuspecting Nigerians have last their land earned money through what was an unregulated deregulation of the banks industries while the village was going on, much fraud what banks and bankers were being hailed as the progressive and innovation banks and bankers. This same situation is being repeated in the telecommunication industry by uninformed communicators. The insiders in the industry renew this and many of the intending entrants only want to have their cut from the new national cake which they assumed been backed by the telecommunication deregulation decree and called Nitel.
Dispassionate analysis and a careful study of decree No 75 November 1993 will show that Nitel has been keeping to the letter of the decree while like any commercial organization. They are however strictly not for, public subscription. The only networks open for public transaction as per the second schedule are payphone telephone and mobile communication service. Private operator who have applied for hence from NCC need to make a careful strictly of the second schedule.
Especially why the operative word is private in terms (3) and public in terms (2) and (4)
There is also the misconception that decree 75 of 1992 precludes Nitel from engaging in certain services. a careful study of section (10) subsection (2) and (3) will definitely remove such misconceptions. Generally, the objective of decree 75 of 1992 is to continue Nitel to its existing role of providing conventional telecommunication mainly telephone and telex services while making the ionconventional new technology in mobile communication information transfer, etc. free for all in which Nitel too can seek a hence to participate.
Already, certain aspects of the decree have been overtaken by technology. These controversies of the effect of privatization and commercialization on a developing on a developing are what this work is sit to remain with special references to Nitel Plc. Enugu.

According to Werner Sombort if capitalism has its own spirit which is profit making spirit” the motive to make profit from investment is considered as a force which is moving that drives investors. People’s major aim of invested is to have return on the fund invested is to have return on the fund invested in the profit.
Whenever the return on investment is considered not form coming such investment may be taken as avenue financial loss. There was this economic situation which confronted the Nigeria society when the return of 93.7 million (1.4%) was received do 11 Billion Nana invested on parastatals and private own companies. The poor returns portray the fear that such investment is a waste of public revenue which was then on a decline following a global recession on the Nitel’s revenue.
The first official public statement on privatization was in the 1986 budget speech by the head of state, President Ibrahim Babangida when the said (government parastals have for long been subjects of study and policy review). They have too generally come to constitute on unnecessary high burden government resources. They have been variously classified for purposes of reforms. Government has now decided that as from 1986. The volume of non statutory transfers to all economic and quasi economic parastatals would constitute no more than so to it their levels. There are to fund the balance from increase in the price of their product and service charges tariff and rates”.
According to another Mbamele, (yp) there is no doubt that excessive participation by government of developing countries like Nigeria in business ownership created great imbalance on their economy. It is obvious that under. Living cause of privatization exercise is the attempt to increase efficiency by making public owned enterprises more productive as well as more responsive in the market place and on competitive pressures.
Privatization and commercialization of publicly owned enterprise is expected to block the drain on government revenue by bringing profit spirit into such needed for the execution of public programmes and this need for this study.

What solution has privatization and commercialization to the problem of the masses?
What is the impact of privatization and commercialization has on general masses?
What impact does privatization and commercialization bring to government funding?
To what extent does privatization and commercialization proffer to solution to problem associated with government parastatals ?

To determine whether privatization and commercialization helps to solve the problem of poor masses.
To identify the impact of privatization on the general masses
To determine the impact of privatization on government funding.
To proffer solution to problems associated with privatization and commercialization of government parastatals.

The study is of a great importance in the fact that privatization and commercialization at public enterprise was being resort to as a solution to their unpredictability; inefficiency and unproductively public companies in the western countries are privatized for maximum profitability and efficiency. Such companies include the British telephone company’s the British railway’s, the united state postal agency etc.
The study is very timely since privatization and commercialization on public owned enterprise was pursued with many investors still ignorant of the benefit derivable from such investment considering the that there are limited literature on the effect of the activity this research therefore seeks to enlighten the general public about the effect of privatization and commercialization of our inefficient public enterprises.
It is also hoped that this research will create or stand as a point of reference for further research or this issue.

The scope of this research is limited to Enugu state. Focus is also on Nitel formally owned by this state government. This company is expected to make profit while charging competitive prices.

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Woman Participation In Government.:

Women’s participation in government refers to the involvement of women in various levels and branches of government, including executive, legislative, and judicial bodies. Historically, women have been underrepresented in positions of political power and decision-making roles, but there have been significant advancements in recent decades to address this imbalance. Here are some key points regarding women’s participation in government:

  1. Representation: Women’s representation in government has been increasing worldwide, although disparities still exist. Many countries have implemented measures such as gender quotas, reserved seats, and affirmative action policies to enhance women’s representation in legislative bodies.
  2. Executive Branch: Women have made strides in attaining leadership positions in the executive branch of government, including serving as presidents, prime ministers, and other high-ranking officials. For example, Angela Merkel served as Chancellor of Germany for 16 years, and Jacinda Ardern has been serving as Prime Minister of New Zealand since 2017.
  3. Legislative Branch: Women’s representation in parliaments and congresses around the world has been steadily increasing. However, the percentage of women in legislative bodies still tends to be lower than men. Efforts to promote gender equality in politics often focus on increasing the number of women elected to legislative positions.
  4. Judicial Branch: Women’s participation in the judicial branch has also been growing, with more women serving as judges, justices, and legal professionals. This increased representation helps ensure diverse perspectives and experiences in the interpretation and application of laws.
  5. Challenges: Despite progress, women in government still face numerous challenges, including gender discrimination, stereotypes, cultural barriers, and unequal access to resources and opportunities. Addressing these challenges requires ongoing efforts to promote gender equality, eliminate barriers to women’s political participation, and foster supportive environments for women in government.
  6. Impact: Research suggests that increasing women’s participation in government can lead to more inclusive decision-making processes, greater consideration of women’s issues, and improved governance outcomes. Women leaders often prioritize policies related to healthcare, education, social welfare, and gender equality.

Overall, enhancing women’s participation in government is essential for achieving gender equality, promoting democratic governance, and addressing the diverse needs and perspectives of society as a whole. Continued efforts to empower women politically and remove barriers to their participation are crucial for building more equitable and inclusive political systems