Susceptibility of tsetse (Glossina species) to trypanosome infection in relation to midgut trypsin, trypsin-like enzymes and other molecules.
Studies on the distribution, Ecology and preventive management of thrips (thysanoptera- thripidae) on onions. In Kenya
Zoonotic gastrointestinal helminths and hemoparasites of baboons. In Tana River, Tsavo And Laikipia, Kenya
Genetic Transformation of Farmer Preferred Tropical Maize Varieties and Inbred Lines using Drought Tolerance Conferring Genes Isolated from Xerophyta Viscosa.
Nutritional Phytochemical And Microbial Content Of Bomax Costatum Leaves.
Bioengineering Drought Tolerance in Tropical Maize (Zea Mays L.) through Inducible Expression of Isopentenyltransferase Gene.
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Pd-Nanoparticles Supported On Titania Nanofibers as Catalyst for Heck Reactions.
Behavioural responses of rhipicephalus appendiculatus neumann 1901 and rhipicephalus evertsi, neumann 1987 (Acari- ixodidae) to host and non-host semiochemicals.
Characterization of cytotoxic tlymphocyte responses to pre-erythrocytic stage candidate vaccine antigens in Kenyans naturally exposed to plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Bioequivalence of Micronutrient Powders to Conventional Fortification on Zinc Status of Children Aged 6-36 Months. In Thika Informal Settlements, Kenya
Use Of Traditional Medicine In The Treatment Of Malaria Among Pregnant Women.
Antiretroviral resistance and genetic diversity of human immunodeficiency virus among antenatal clinic respondents on nevirapine. From North-Rift Kenya
Functionalized Geopolymers Derived From Clay and Rice Husk Ash for Removal of Selected Heavy Metals and Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution.
Genetic engineering approach in the control of cassava brown streak and bacterial blight diseases.
Effect of Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Intervention on Weight Management among Adolescents in Secondary Schools. In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Zoonotic Nontuberculous Mycobacteria among Dromedary Camels and Household Members. In Samburu County, Kenya
Impact assessment of natural enemies on stem borer populations and maize yield. In Three Agroecological Zones In Mozambique
Traditional games of the people of mount Kenya region. A Cultural Education Appraisal
Robust variance estimation for finite population sampling.
Impact of Climatic Variability and Malaria Control Interventions on Malaria Parasite Prevalence and Vector Abundance. In Western Kenya
Transmission dynamics and epidemiology of Rhodesian sleeping sickness in allopatric populations of glossina pallidipes. Of Kenya
Coach Education, Competition Experience and Players’ Perception of Coach Competence as Predictors of Performance. In The Kenyan National Leagues
Impact of spirulina corn soya blend on protein energy malnourished and iron deficient children aged 6-23 months. In Ndhiwa Sub-County-Kenya.
Optimization of in vitro regeneration and genetic transformation protocol for selected banana and plantain (Musa spp.) Cultivars and generation of transgenic banana resistant to bacterial xanthomonas wilt.
Role of wild host plants in population dynamics of cereal stemborers and the associated parasitoids. In Uganda
Enhancement of drought tolerance in Sweetpotato by expressing xvaldl and xvsapl genes Isolated from xerophyta viscosa.
Determination of CD8+-cell responses in a high risk HIV negative population.
Role of Interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23 Pathways in the Development of Immunity to Plasmodium Falciparium in Children of Western Kenya. Of Western Kenya
Effect of a peer-tutor programme on social, psychomotor and physical fitness of youth with and without intellectual disability. In Nairobi County, Kenya
study of the determinants of diversity and biosystematics of agromyzidae associated with leguminosae.
Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of four Tanzanian medicinal plants for anti-protozoal activity.
Effects of two neem insecticide formulations on the trophic interactions between the diamondback moth, plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera- Plutellidae) and its parasitoids.
Diversity and Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses of Parmelioid Lichens (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota). In Kenya
Relativistic Distorted Wave Approach to Electron Impact Excitation of Heavy Rare Gases Using a Complex Potential.
Effect of ABO/Rhesus blood group phenotypes on immunosurveillance to plasmodium falciparum malaria in children. In Kisumu Town, Kenya
Perceived Home and Neighbourhood Built Environment Correlates of Physical Activity among School-Going Children. In Kampala City In Uganda
Behavioural Determinants Influencing the Purchase of Imported and Locally Made Apparel among Consumers. In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Studies of potential predators of the tomato red spider mite tetrancychus evansi (baker and pritchard) for possible introduction as biocontrol agents in Africa.
Evaluation of Genetic Diversity, Drug Resistance Mutational and Cytokine Patterns on Hepatotoxicity Markers among Hiv Patients. In Northwest Region, Cameroon
Village bednet committees- evaluation of performance, use and maintenance of insectcide-treated bednets. In Rarieda, Western Kenya
Phenotypic, Physiological Characters and Quantitative Trait Loci in F2 Generation of Phaseolus Vulgaris under Drought Stress. In Machakos County, Kenya
Effectiveness of mother-to-mother support groups in promoting of exclusive breastfeeding. In Igembe South- Sub County, Meru County , Kenya: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in a Dual Porosity Geothermal System with a Thin Zone of High Horizontal Permeability.
Genetic Diversity of Ralstonia Solanacearum in Kenyan Highlands and Lowlands and Its Management Using Selected Soil Amendments on Solanaceous Crops.
Application of Taxonomic and Dna Barcoding Techniques in Identifying Commonly Traded Herbal Plant Species. In Selected Counties, Kenya
Effects of Relaxation Exercise and Sleep Environment Modification on Stress, Blood Pressure and Sleep among Institutionalized Elderly. In Nairobi City, Kenya
Studies of immunity to rhipicephalos appendiculatus neumann in goats.
Prevalence of type II diabetes and it’s risk factors among the Luo and the Kipsigis of the Lake Victoria basin.
Biomass-Based Fertilizer Formulation Using Chemically Decomposed Agricultural Wastes and Evaluation of Its Efficacy in Growing Maize.
Physical Activity, Screen-Based Sedentary Behaviour, Dietary Habits and Adiposity Of 9 to 11 Year Old School Children. In Nairobi County, Kenya
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