Characterisation of Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides and Effectiveness of Management Strategies of Anthracnose Disease of Avocado. In Murang’A County, Kenya
Campaigns and Treatment on Alcohol Abuse. In Kenya
ecology and economic potential of wild silkmoth Anaphe Panda (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera, Thaumetopoeidae). In The Kakamega Forest
Efficacy of Selected Medicinal Plants Used by the Ogiek Communities against Microbial related Infections.
Physical activity and functional independence of elderly persons in seleceted homes for the aged. In Nairobi, Kenya
Implementation of a modified procesi algorithm to compute covariants of binary forms of up to degree five and their relations.
Modelling Radon and Thoron Exhalation and Measurement of Total Natural Radiation Exposure. In Mrima Hill, Kenya
Comparative studies on the adult dispersal behaviour of busseola fusca (fuller) (Lepidoptera- Noctuidae) and chilo partellus swinhoe (lepidoptera:pyralidae).
Effects of Probiotics on Growth, Flesh Quality and Hematoimmunological Status of Cultured Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus). In Kirinyaga County, Kenya
Optimization of in vitro regeneration and genetic transformation protocol for selected banana and plantain (Musa spp.) Cultivars and generation of transgenic banana resistant to bacterial xanthomonas wilt.
Crystallization Kinetics, Structural and Optical Properties of In-Se-Bi Bulk and Thin Films for Reversible Phase Change Memory Applications.
Influence of sports diciplines and demographics of Kenya’s colleges athletes on their awareness, perception and attitude to performance-enhancing substances use.
Bioengineering Drought Tolerance in Tropical Maize (Zea Mays L.) through Inducible Expression of Isopentenyltransferase Gene.
Suitability of Hedgerow Planting System in Managing Bee (Hymenoptera – Apoidae) Pollinators in Farmlands of Kenya.
Effect of regular physical activity on functional independence and health of the elderly at Bakateyamba home. In Kampala
Perceptions of Stakeholders on the Contribution of Selected Community-Based Sport Organizations to Three Millennium Development Goals. In Kenya
Effectiveness of mother-to-mother support groups in promoting of exclusive breastfeeding. In Igembe South- Sub County, Meru County , Kenya: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Modified Bio-Sorbents for Pre-Concentration of Essential Trace Elements from Raw and Fermented Selected Foods.
Influence of land use practices on the abundance and diversity of collembola. In Embu And Taita, Kenya
Distribution importance and management of stemborers (lepidoptera) in maize production systems of semi-arid Eastern Kenya with emphasis on biological control.
Diversity and ecological preference of parasitoids associated with lepidopteran stem borers. In Kenya
Somatic Embryogenesis and Genetic Engineering of Banana with Elongation Factor Receptor Gene for Resistance to Banana Xanthomonas Wilt.
Characterization of cytotoxic tlymphocyte responses to pre-erythrocytic stage candidate vaccine antigens in Kenyans naturally exposed to plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Influence of silver nanoparticles on the optical properties of methylene blue and curcumine dyes.
Human-elephant interactions and their social-economic impacts in mount Kenya and its surrounding areas.
Interactions among leafhopper vector populations, maize streak virus disease, altitude and soil fertility.
Effect of Umbilical Cord Clamping Time on Nutrition Status of Infants. A Randomized-Controlled Trial In Longisa Hospital, Bomet County, Kenya
Assesment on the Usage of ‘Real’ Fabric Draping for Design in Public Institutions of Higher Learning and by Fashion Designers. In Nairobi County, Kenya
Impact of spirulina corn soya blend on protein energy malnourished and iron deficient children aged 6-23 months. In Ndhiwa Sub-County-Kenya.
Antibacterial Efficacy and Safety of Selected Kenyan Medicinal Plants.
Role of the monitor lizard varanus niloticus laurenti in the epidemiology of trypanosomiasis along the shores. Of Lake Victoria, Kenya.
Numerical Analysis of the Thermophysical Properties of Hybrid Nanofluids for Industrial Use.
Production and Characterisation of specific Antibodies to Bovine Interleukin 5 and 6 and their use in the Development of Sensitive Elisa for their Measurement.
study of junior secondary school pupils competence in selected processes of science.
Anthropogenic Impacts on Distribution and Abundance of Mountain Catfish (Amphilias Uranoscopus, Pfeffer, 1889) and Other Fishes,. In The Sagana And Thego Streams, Nyeri, Kenya
Enhancement of Resistance against Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides in Cassava Over-Expressing Rice Thaumatin-Like Protein (Pr-5) Gene.
study of the determinants of diversity and biosystematics of agromyzidae associated with leguminosae.
Somatic embryogenesis and agrobacterium-mediated transformation of selected maize (zea mays.L) genotypes. In Kenya
Predictors of hiv self disclosure to sexual partners by Sero-positive adults in informal settlements. A Case Of Central Division, Nairobi County, Kenya
Characterisation of placental malaria in olive baboons (pappio anubis) infected with plasmodium knowlesi H strain.
Ecological studies on Rhipicephalus Appendiculatus, neumann, and amblyomma variegatum, fabricius (acari: ixodidae). Drop-Off Rhythms, Development, Survival, And Sseasonal Population Dynamics
Circulatory Cytokines and Hematological Profiles as Biomarkers of HIV and AIDS Progression.
Health Consequences Responses and Prevention Strategies of Sexual Violence among Survivors in Selected Hospitals.
Cultural management of banana weevil cosmopolites sordidus germar (coleoptera- curculionidae) for improved banana field. In Western Kenya
Genetic Diversity of Ralstonia Solanacearum in Kenyan Highlands and Lowlands and Its Management Using Selected Soil Amendments on Solanaceous Crops.
Management of elite middle and long distance runners.
Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Zoonotic Nontuberculous Mycobacteria among Dromedary Camels and Household Members. In Samburu County, Kenya
Antidiabetic activities of ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts of pappea capensis, senna spectabilis, maytenus obscura, ocimum americanum and launaea cornuta.
Simulating the Effects of Dam Breakage on the Downstream Topography. Morphological Evolution Of Mounds And A Furrow
Host suitability and interspecific competition among the West African stemborer egg parasitoid Telenomus isis and other indigenous egg parasitoids. In Kenya
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