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Appraisal Of Promotional Strategies Of Barbing Salons

(A Case Study Of Top-Class Barbing Salon Awkunanaw, In Enugu Metropolis)

5 Chapters
76 Pages
8,807 Words

The evaluation of promotional strategies employed by barbing salons is crucial for their sustained success in a competitive market. Barbing salons, essential in grooming services, often deploy a range of marketing approaches to attract and retain clients. These strategies encompass a spectrum of methods, including social media campaigns, loyalty programs, and collaborative partnerships within the beauty and grooming industry. By leveraging online platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, barbing salons can effectively showcase their expertise and engage with potential customers. Implementing loyalty programs that offer discounts or exclusive services fosters customer retention and encourages repeat business. Collaborative partnerships with beauty product suppliers or local businesses create mutually beneficial arrangements, expanding the salon’s reach. The effectiveness of these promotional endeavors depends on the salon’s understanding of its target audience and the ability to adapt strategies to evolving market trends. Successful barbing salons navigate this dynamic landscape by adopting innovative promotional tactics tailored to the preferences of their clientele.


The study focused on an appraisal of promotional strategies of barbing salons in Enugu metropolis with particular note on top – class barbing salon in Enugu.
The objectives of the study
– To evaluate the promotional strategies adopted by Top class barbing salon in order to determine their profitability
– To determine the impact of public relations adopted by top class barbing salon in customer’s patronage.
– To determine of advertising adopted by Top class barbing salon Enugu metropolis create customer’s awareness of their services. Based on these four hypothesis were formulated each focusing on the impact of a specific promotion.
Data were sourced from two data. Extensive literature review on textbooks, journals, and other related materials were carried out. The population includes management and relevant staff and customers of top class barbing salon within Enugu metropolis.
Data collected were presented analysis and interpreted using table, frequencies and percentages while the hypothesis were tested using chi-square.
Based on the analysis. The following findings were made. That barbing salon including the case organization is yet to fully appreciate the importance of designing an optimal combination of promotional mix to enhance its performance
– That public relation impacts positively on customers patronage and bill- boards were poorly designed and not strategically located. In view of above findings, the following recommendations were made.
– Apart from the use of bill-boards advertising in radio and newspapers should be used. The advertising message should be based on quality of service offered, availability and moderate charges.
– Other promotional activities like sales promotion, public relations, publicity and personal selling should be adequately blended for improved performance.
The researcher opined that if the recommendations were judiciously implemented the case organization should be able to serve their customer better with profit


Cover Page
Title Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Formulation Of Hypothesis
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Scope Of The Study
1.7 Limitation Of The Study
1.8 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.01 Introduction
2.1 Meaning Of Market
2.2 Objectives Of Promotion
2.3 Components Of Marketing Promotional
2.3.1 Advertising
2.3.2 Sales Promotion
2.3.3 Personal Selling
2.3.4 Public Relation/Publicity
2.3.5 Direct Marketing
2.6 Promotional Strategies For Service Business
2.7 Evaluation Of Promotional Strategies

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Source Of Data
3.2 Research Instrument Used
3.3 Population Of Study
3.4 Sampling Technique
3.5 Determination Of Sample Size
3.6 Test Of Validity And Reliability Of The Research Instrument
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis And Treatment
3.8 Method Of Questionnaire Administration

Chapter Four
4.1 Data, Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Data

4.2 Test Of Hypothesis

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings Recommendation And Conclusion

5.1 Summary Findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion


Ebue (1990:1) stated that if you produce best product, package it brilliantly, price it right distribute it well and position it to best meet the needs of customer you must have wanted all the marketing kills if nobody knows you have done the things, and your customer and prospects can only know through promotional activities.
Adirika E, Ebue B. and Nnolim D. (2996:35) see promotion as the component used by the organization to inform, educate and persuade the market regarding the company’s offerings, advertising, personal selling, sale promotion, publicity and public relations are the major variables of promotion.
Promotion is a vital ingredient of survival and development, without adequate promotion products may not sell, when they sell their continuity is in doubt. The art and science of marketing promotion, which comprises advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing is often associated with glamour and flamboyance. Infact most of the budget of some companies is spent on promotions because of marketing to survive in the competitive marketing environment.
Onyeke K.J. (2003:88) confirm that the promotional tools as supreme vehicles in competition and provide the only way a market richer can, hope to penetrate an established market. He went further to state that for a company to excel above others in the competitive market such a company must value the import of promotion.
It may have been an unfelt want; there may have been no want at until business actions created it by advertising sales promotion, by marketing sales promotion, by investing something new.
Modern marketing companies are increasingly recognizing the value of an effective communication and promotion programme for their entire public. This includes Barbing salon service companies.
Olakanori (2000:214) stated that the success of a company in a society of imperfect competition to a larger extent depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing promotional activities.
The Emerson theory is generally now being regarded as being competition. A company must blow its trumpet he emphasized. Ebue noted that modern marketing does not stop at developing a good product, pricing it attractively and making it really available to target customers. The company must communicate to its audience tell good stories disseminate information above the products, existence, features terms and benefit to the target market.
Top class barbing salon is a leading barbing salon in Enugu metropolis. The salon started operation in 1989. The owner is from Okeigwe in this state.
The company does not involve so much in promotional activities; the only visible promotion is mounting of signboard, which is a mere recognition of the creation of the business premises. But with the proliferation of barbing salons in Enugu metropolis there is the need to appraise the promotional strategies used by the company is facing competitive in the industry which is becoming keener everyday. Manufacturer and producers of goods and services and now aware that promotion does not only inform persuade, but can strive towards profit making through increased sales.
It is in the light of his importance attached to promotion that the researcher seeks to make an appraisal of promotional strategies of barbing salon in Enugu metropolis using Top- class barbing salon as a case study.

Inadequate sales are often given by entrepreneur, as major causes of their failure. A careful review of their circumstances often reveal perfectly ignorance of the need for promotional skill or deliberate neglect of the necessity for coordinate promotional strategies.
Many a time barbing salons are very sure/optimistic about sales (patronage) they concern the wrong notion that their goods will sell themselves, forgetting that even the best product, services still need to be stimulated in order to move out of the stories. Infact, the creation of effective promotional strategies is an essential move towards creating a market.
The above scenario applies the numerous Top class barbing salon despite the numerous advantages inherent in effective promotion, and the fact that the adage which says, if you don’t say I am nobody will say you are still very true or you are here, the availability of promotional facilities, the need to used promotion, to higher competition in this industry, the use of co-coordinated effective promo tools by Top class barbing salon in its operation is barely evident and is negatively imposture on its operation.
In view of the above the researcher tried to appraise the promotional strategies of hair barbing salons in Enugu metropolis with special interest on Top-class barbing salon Enugu.

To determine the extent to which barbing salon owners in Enugu metropolis are aware of promo tools.
To determine the impact of direct marketing on customer patronage at Top-class salon in Enugu metropolis.
To appraise the promotional strategies adopted by Top-class salon in Enugu metropolis in increase profitability.

The following hypotheses were formulated and tested.
Ho: Advertising strategies adopted by Top-class barbing salon do not create consumers awareness of barbing salon services.
H1: Advertising strategies adopted by Top-class barbing salon in Enugu metropolis create consumers awareness of barbing salon services.
Ho2: Public relation strategies adopted by Top-class barbing salon in Enugu metropolis have not helped to increase customer patronage.
H2: Public relations strategies adopted by Top-class barbing salon in Enugu metropolis have helped to increase customers patronage.
H3: Personal selling strategies adopted y Top-class barbing salon in Enugu metropolis have positive impact on your patronage have increased their profitability.

The study will be great benefit to the operations of any firm at barbing salon. The study will show some of the cost effective and efficient promotion game mans that would be adopted top increase the performance of their services operation.
The study will equally help Top-class barbing salon to better their operations in Enugu metropolis. Consumers who patronize Top-class barbing salon will be better informed and educated not only on product sold but on their services. The study will act as a source of document to readers who might find the study useful. Above all the study will benefit the researcher as it will provide the researcher with an in-depth knowledge and under standing in the area which could stir up further study.

The study which involves an appraisal of promotional strategies of barbing hair care salons took an in-depth look at promotional strategies applied by barbing salon. Again the study is limited to Top-class barbing salon and it’s customers within Enugu metropolis.

This study may not be absolutely comprehensive due to the under-listed factors that constrained the study.
The time was not adequate for a comprehensive study before the look was carried out at the home time. The researcher was carry out their researcher excellence.
With the state of the economy and the sky rocking of prices of materials and transformation, the researcher as student sources, finding the project is a little bit difficult. Unco-operative attitude of the respondents. The work of this nature involving the use of case study does not always receive the blessing of the management, hence information not give out some vital information because they felt the researcher may be an agent of competiting firms, some respondents on their own part did not co-operate.

1. Promotional strategy – it is controlled integrated programmed of communication method and materials designed present a company and it products to prospective customer.
2. Advertising – any term of non-personal communicating or presentation or goods ideas and services conducted through the mass media that is paid for by an identified sponsor.
3. Sales promotion – this consists of all activities of promoting immediate sales. It is designed to achieve fast sales or consumer response.
4. Public relation- the deliberate planned and sustained effort to established and maintains mutual understanding between an organization and its public.
5. Direct marketing – it is an interaction marketing system that uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response.
6. Personal selling – face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective purchases for the purpose of making preventative advertising questions and producing orders.
7. Source – any activity benefit or satisfaction that is offered for sales it does not result in the ownership or anything.
8. Marketing – the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers requirement profitability.

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Appraisal Of Promotional Strategies Of Barbing Salons:

Appraising the promotional strategies of barbing salons involves evaluating the effectiveness of various marketing and advertising methods employed to attract and retain customers. Promotional strategies are crucial for the success of any business, including barbing salons, as they help increase visibility, build a loyal customer base, and ultimately boost revenue. Here’s a comprehensive appraisal of promotional strategies for barbing salons:

  1. Online Presence:
    • Website: Evaluate if the barbing salon has a user-friendly, informative, and mobile-responsive website. Ensure that it showcases services, pricing, location, and contact details effectively.
    • Social Media: Analyze the salon’s presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Look for engagement, content quality, and consistency in posting.
    • Online Booking: Check if customers can easily book appointments online, which can be a convenient feature.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    • Assess if the salon’s website ranks well on search engines for relevant keywords like “barbing salon near me.” High rankings can significantly impact visibility.
  3. Social Media Marketing:
    • Evaluate the salon’s social media advertising campaigns, sponsored posts, and content quality. Engaging posts showcasing haircut transformations or discounts can be effective.
  4. Email Marketing:
    • Review the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. Are they sending regular newsletters, promotional offers, and appointment reminders to their customer base?
  5. Local Advertising:
    • Assess the presence of the salon in local directories, such as Google My Business and Yelp. Encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings.
  6. Referral Programs:
    • Determine if the salon has a referral program in place, rewarding customers who refer new clients. Measure its success in attracting new clients.
  7. Partnerships and Collaborations:
    • Check if the salon has collaborations with other local businesses, such as fashion boutiques or beauty stores, to cross-promote services.
  8. Special Promotions and Loyalty Programs:
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of special promotions like “first-time customer discounts” or loyalty programs that reward repeat clients.
  9. Community Engagement:
    • Review any community involvement or charity events the salon participates in. Such activities can build a positive brand image.
  10. Customer Feedback and Surveys:
    • Analyze customer feedback and surveys to identify areas for improvement in promotional strategies. Address negative reviews promptly and use positive feedback to showcase the salon’s strengths.
  11. Competitive Analysis:
    • Study the promotional strategies of competitors to identify opportunities or areas where the salon can differentiate itself.
  12. Tracking and Analytics:
    • Ensure the salon is using analytics tools to track the effectiveness of various promotional efforts. Metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, and customer acquisition cost can be valuable.
  13. Budget Allocation:
    • Assess if the salon allocates its marketing budget effectively across different promotional channels and campaigns.
  14. Training and Employee Involvement:
    • Consider how well the salon’s staff is trained in customer service and promoting services. Satisfied customers are more likely to become promoters.
  15. Customer Retention:
    • Measure customer retention rates and the success of strategies like follow-up emails or SMS reminders for appointments.
  16. Adaptability:
    • Ensure the salon is willing to adapt its promotional strategies based on changing market conditions and customer preferences.

Remember that the effectiveness of promotional strategies may vary based on location, target audience, and competition. Regularly assessing and adapting these strategies is essential for long-term success in the barbing salon industry.