Assessing The Contribution Of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) In Manpower Development

(A Case Study Of Itf Emene Nigeria)

5 Chapters
99 Pages
12,522 Words

The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) plays a significant role in fostering manpower development through various initiatives and programs aimed at enhancing the skills and competencies of the workforce. Through its training schemes, apprenticeship programs, and skill acquisition initiatives, ITF contributes significantly to the enhancement of human capital in industries across diverse sectors. By providing practical training, technical assistance, and capacity-building programs, ITF equips individuals with the requisite skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s dynamic labor market. Furthermore, ITF collaborates with industries to identify skill gaps and tailor training programs to address specific needs, thus ensuring relevance and effectiveness. Additionally, ITF’s partnerships with educational institutions and stakeholders facilitate the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience, fostering a holistic approach to workforce development. Overall, ITF’s multifaceted approach to manpower development underscores its crucial role in bridging the skills gap and promoting economic growth and sustainability.


This project undertakes a comparative study of assessing the contribution of industrial training fund n manpower development of Nigeria with references to ITF Emene.
The researcher made use of a very developed questionnaire and distributed it by himself. The population for the study consists of staff draw from vital department of ITF Emene. The departments are:
a. Top management
b. Middle management
c. Lower management.
The entire population of this study was staff and 40 staff responded to the request of the researcher.
The source of gathering data further study was through primary and secondary data. The primary source consist of oral interview while the secondary data consist of information gotten from contributing companies, ITF seminar paper presented at conference meeting, library and test books.
Data collected were recorded and grouped in tables for easy references. The researchers findings of the study had it that the major criticisms of the fund by the contributing companies were in the area of reimbursement, training time and scope of training.
From the findings, the researcher recommended that ITF should increase the reimbursement, rate and period of training time and should monitor the performance of training.
Conclusion is that it has been argued that proper utilization f an effective industrial training fund is vital for any organization. Also the profitability of any organization depends to a large extent on the satisfaction of the aspiration of the trainees.
Finally, industrial training fund achieved the extent of progress because they are seen as the blood wire that fuels the engine of the organization.


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Statement of the hypothesis
1.5 Objective of the study
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope and limitations of the study
1.8 Definition of terms

2.1 Definition of industrial training
2.2 The role of industrial training on employees.
2.3 Types of industrial training and development techniques in nigeria
2.4 Problem of industrial training
2.5 Application of funds for industrial training
2.6 Industrial training fund and employee training

3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure/technique
3.5 Instruments for data collection
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Method of data collection
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.1 Presentation of responses from questionnaires
4.2 Testing of hypothesis
4.2 Summary of results

5.1 Discussions of result/ findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Implications of the research finding
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestions for further research


A few years ago the concept of training and employee development was very equally understood in most developing countries. Today, thing are very dynamic that many developing countries are even developed ones have come to appreciate the benefits of employee development and training
Yesufu (1969) argued that the basic problem of developing countries is not lack of natural resources but the under development their human resources. In a similar perspective the Ashby report of 1959 showed that manpower resources in the third would countries is under developed and following its recommendation, the national manpower board was established in 1962.
As a follow-up the manpower board in 1963 undertook comprehensive manpower survey which drew the attention of government to the following
(a) The low quantity management in all level as one of the major problems of economic development.

(b) The need for effective co-ordination to avoid unnecessary duplication of effect in manpower training.

(c) The need to ensure that training programmes effect the frequency, level and used of the economy.

Centre for management education and training Mimeograph (1973)
In 1969, the international labour organization also re-emphasized this in adequacy of manpower development programmes in Nigeria for her to carryout her economic development plans In addition the civil war of 1967-1970 caused a structural dysfunction of the economy So there is the need to rehabilitate the tremendous economic social and industrial set back of the civil war both in the private and public sector of the economy Yesufu (1963)stated that these economic rehabilitation require developed technical, vocational and professional manpower training.
The second national development plan (1970) also limited that there is lack of employment of Nigeria in high level position in our industries and it identified the following factors as hindering their recruitment to high level position.
(a) Inadequate Management training.
(b) Poor quality of subordinate employer.
(c) Inadequate of educational and professional requirement.
(d) Inadequate experience.
Inspite of these poor quality and quantity of skill manpower (Yesufu:1969), reported that employers have the need to train their workers for high productivity and efficiency of their work.
Accordingly, the federal government created the industrial training fund (ITF) in 8th October 1971 by decree No 47. Its main objective according to Dikko (1978) is to promote and encourage the acquisition skills in industries with a view of generating a pool of ingenious training manpower sufficient to meet the development needs of economy. The decree also changed the governing council of the body to utilized all contribution made to it by employers of labour and subvention from government to encourage and promote the acquisition of skill in industries and commerce.
To these effects, the industrial training fund became one of the bodies changed with the task of articulating the training of industrial manpower of the company. In this respect, it will be of interest to investigate the impact of its training programmes in manpower development in the country.

As indicated before that, the setting the Industrial Training fund has the central objective of the promoting and encouraging the acquisition of skill in industry and commerce. In essence, industrial training is expected to help in providing high quality personnel to manpower industry and commerce. So far, we have no way of knowing what has been achieved. Industrial training fund and manpower development in Nigeria (1989) in its bulletin, claimed to have done a lot to have meet the manpower need of our economy but complain cooperation employers of labour who need the training remain a matter of speculation.
On the other hand, employers of labour criticized the fund adversely. They claimed that have not benefited from industrial training fund. They argued that, the courses approved by ITF are general and met specific to the individual and employers needs.
As of now, we have no hard facts on the picture of things. Is the industrial training fund helpful? Is it not? What is the quality of industrial training fund programmes? This study is intended to contribute towards answering these questions.
The study would investigate the activities of industrial training fund with a view of knowing the roles of its training programmes, in manpower development in the country. It would if there is justification for the criticisms being leveled on the industrial training fund by employer of labour which have adversely affected their cooperation with industrial training fund.

In view of the above, the purpose of the study are:
(1) To find out whether industrial training fund needs of contributing companies adequately.
(2) To identify the kinds of training programmes offered by industrial training fund to the employers labour.
(3) To identify the problem facing the organization.
(4) To find out how industrial training fund affect the work performance of participant.
(5) To find out how trainees of industrial training fund adjust their work after training.

The study covers industrial training fund as an institution established to organize industrial training in Nigeria. Industrial training fund has its headquarters in Jos with 22 area offices all over the federation, although efforts are geared to establishing area offices in each of the states in Nigeria.
Comprehensive information about the policy of the institution would be gathered from the headquarters. Since the area office run a similar programmes and the same objectives as directed by Jos headquarters, a sample study of Emene area office would be made employers of labour who contribute to industrial training fund in the Emene area office would be sample.

(1) Are the training programmes of the industrial training funds adequate for manpower requirements?
(2) Is there improvement in the job performance of employees after the industrial training?
(3) What are the roles of the industrial training fund in industrial development?
(4) Has industrial training fund increased the manpower needs of the nation?

Null hypothesis (Ho): The training programmes of industrial training fund are not adequate for the industrial training requirements of the contributing companies.
Alternative hypothesis (H1): The training programmes of industrial training fund are adequate for industrial training requirement of the contributing companies.
Null Hypothesis (HO): There is no significant improvement in job performance of employees after training session with industrial training fund.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant improvement in job performance of employees after training session with industrial training fund.

The important of this present study can easily be seen. Principally, the out come of the study will be of immense important to employers to know the quality of the training programmes offered by industrial training fund.
It will be of important to government who established the scheme since 1971, in knowing how the fund has been fairing and know where to make amends.
It will also enable the non –members of industrial training. Fund to know the skill content of the fund and decide whether to use it or not.
In the same manners, it will put interested parties in a better position to ascertain whether the fund is alive to the objective (in raising skilled manpower for industry and commerce) in which it was set up.
Finally, the analysis may as a catalyst in finding remedies to the operational problem of the fund.

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Assessing The Contribution Of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) In Manpower Development:

The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) is a key player in workforce development and training in many countries. Its contribution to manpower development can be assessed through various factors:

  1. Skill Enhancement and Training: The Industrial Training Fund typically provides various training programs aimed at enhancing the skills of workers in different industries. These training programs can include technical skills, soft skills, and managerial skills. Assessing the effectiveness of these programs involves evaluating the relevance of the skills taught and their applicability in real-world work scenarios.
  2. Workforce Employability: One of the key indicators of the ITF’s contribution is the employability of individuals who have undergone their training programs. If the training provided aligns with the needs of industries and improves the employability of participants, it demonstrates a positive impact on manpower development.
  3. Reduction of Skills Gap: The Industrial Training Fund’s role in reducing the skills gap within industries is crucial. If industries face shortages of skilled labor, and the ITF’s training initiatives help bridge this gap, then it can be seen as a successful contribution to manpower development.
  4. Industry Collaboration: Collaborations between Industrial Training Fund and industries can lead to more tailored training programs that directly address industry needs. The extent of such collaborations and their impact on aligning training with industry demands can indicate the effectiveness of ITF’s contribution.
  5. Program Reach and Participation: The number of individuals and organizations participating in Industrial Training Fund training programs provides an insight into its reach and popularity. High participation rates might indicate that Industrial Training Fund is meeting a significant demand for skill development.
  6. Feedback from Participants: Gathering feedback from individuals who have undergone Industrial Training Fund training can provide valuable insights into the quality and relevance of the programs. Positive feedback regarding the practical applicability of the skills learned indicates a successful contribution to manpower development.
  7. Job Placement and Career Progression: Tracking the job placement rates and career progression of individuals who have completed Industrial Training Fund training can showcase how effectively the training equips them for the job market and contributes to their long-term career growth.
  8. Impact on Industries: Assessing whether industries that have employed individuals trained by Industrial Training Fund experience improved productivity, efficiency, and innovation can indirectly demonstrate the ITF’s positive contribution to manpower development.
  9. Economic Growth: If the ITF’s training programs lead to a more skilled workforce, it can have a positive impact on overall economic growth. Increased productivity, innovation, and competitiveness can be attributed, at least in part, to the quality of manpower development facilitated by the Industrial Training Fund.
  10. Long-Term Sustainability: An effective Industrial Training Fund should adapt to changing industry dynamics and technological advancements. Its ability to stay relevant over time and continually update its training programs is a sign of its commitment to long-term manpower development.

In conclusion, assessing the contribution of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in manpower development involves evaluating its training programs’ relevance, impact on employability and skills gap reduction, industry collaborations, program reach, participant feedback, job placement rates, and broader economic and industry impacts. The overall success of the ITF’s contribution can be measured through its ability to create a skilled, adaptable, and competitive workforce that benefits both individuals and the industries they serve.