The Challenges Of Implementing Business Studies Curriculum In Junior Secondary Schools Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study assessed the challenges of implementing business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools Bayelsa state. The study was guided by four research objectives Stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting a sample of 300 respondents representing 59% of the population. Questionnaire was used for data collection in the study. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation was used to answer research questions while all the four hypotheses were tested using Chi-square at 0.05 level of significance. Findings from the study revealed that the budgetary allocation to educational institutions, fees/levies paid by students among others, forms the major source of funds to secondary schools for the implementation of Business Studies Curriculum Bayelsa state. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made among others that; funds allocated to schools should be diversified and easily accessible to schools for the implementation of business studies curriculum in Bayelsa state. In view of the above recommendation, the study offer the following contribution to knowledge amongst that funds are generated through budgetary allocation and fess/levies paid by students and that it will interest the government, parents and spirited individuals to see implementation of school curriculum as a shared responsibility of all to raise the expected funds needed for the procurement of equipment and furniture such as computers and typewriters.
The objectives of this study are to:
- identify the funding strategies adopted by government for the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State;
- determine the appropriateness of teaching method adopted by teachers for the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State;
- investigate the effectiveness of teaching materials used for the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State; and
- determine challenges to the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State.
Based on the aforementioned objectives, the following research questions guided the study:
- What funding strategies have been adopted by the government for the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State?
- What is the appropriateness of teaching method adopted by teachers for the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State?
- What is the effectiveness of instructional materials used for the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State?
- What are the current challenges to the implementation of business studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Bayelsa State?
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