Challenges Of Information Communication Technology (ICT) On Organizational Objectives

(A Case Study Of Pz Plc Aba, Abaia State)

Information Communication Technology (ICT) presents a plethora of challenges to organizational objectives, spanning various dimensions. One primary obstacle is the rapid pace of technological advancement, which necessitates continuous adaptation and investment to remain competitive. Cybersecurity emerges as a critical concern, with the proliferation of cyber threats jeopardizing data integrity, confidentiality, and overall organizational trust. Additionally, ICT integration often entails substantial financial investments, necessitating careful budget allocation and resource management to maximize returns. Furthermore, navigating the complexity of ICT systems and ensuring seamless interoperability among diverse platforms can pose significant hurdles. Moreover, the dynamic nature of ICT requires organizations to address issues related to workforce training and skill development to harness the full potential of technological tools. Lastly, the evolving regulatory landscape adds another layer of complexity, with organizations needing to comply with data protection laws and industry-specific regulations. Addressing these challenges demands strategic foresight, agility, and a holistic approach to ICT governance within organizations.


Information Communication technology is essential and significant for effective and efficient operation of any business ventures be it traditional or otherwise as finance is the life wire of any profitable business, so also is information essential to be effective there must be a good Communication network, which will enable the information to flow in accordance with the intended direction. Good Communication technology aids organization to achieve their desired objectives through the people employed in its service and Communication is the only effective means through which member of the organization interacts.
This study examines the challenges of information Communication technology breakdown in any organization and recommends probable ways of emiliorating the issue so the impact of Communication network in the organization will be felt in any organization.


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective/purpose of the study
1.4 Research question
1.5 Research hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Definition of terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Overview of communication
2.2 Historical Background of PZ Nigeria Plc
2.3 Elements in the definition of communication
2.4 Effective communication
2.5 Effective information communication technology requirement that
2.6 Management of ICT
2.7 Summary of findings

Chapter Three
3.0 Research design and methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research design
3.3 Instrument for data collection
3.4 Population of the study
3.5 Sampling size determination
3.6 Validation and reliability of measuring of the instrument

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation and analysis of result
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data presentation
4.3 Analysis of data
4.4 Summary of findings

Chapter five
5.0 Summary, conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation


Information Communication technology consist of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute accurate, timely and patient information for management decision makers.
The chapters is broken down into subheadings, via background of the study, statement of problem, objective of the study, research question and research hypothesis , significance f the study, scope and limitations of the study, operational hypothesis and definition of terms.
Each subheading is discussed one after the other below.

The focus of these research is an to challenges of information communication technology on the achievement of organizational objective. Information is an indispensable research in every organization. We are actually in an information era, through organizations had passed through different era, the manufacturing and industrial era but now we are in the information era, organizations activities get improved with time, accurate and patient information that help to make better decision in organization.
Information communication Technology is essential and significance for effective and efficient operation of any business venture.
For information to be effective there must be a good communication network, which will enable the information to flow in accordance with the intended direction. Good communication technology aids organization to achieve their desired objectives through the people employed in its service, and communication is the only effective means through which member of the organization interacts.
It enables the people to know the expectation of management from them as they try to carryout their duty.
The plans, policies, procedures, strategies and goals of the organization are made known to the different levels of management operation and workers through which effective communication and feedback is obtained through Communication.
Communication can therefore be defined as the transfer of information, ideas, beliefs and instruction from one person to another through sign, symbols and writing, it can be defined another vein as a means of transmitting information so that the person effected receives and understands it. This is to that, for Communication to be effective, there must be a feedback.
Therefore effective Communication needs to exist in an organization so that management can receive information that can help them in decision making.
The management function and other group activities are impossible without good information technology and as such, it is through Communication that management gives direction to their subordinate. It is due to the absence of poor implementation of the above stated importance of Communication and information that led the researcher to investigating the reasons for poor to implementation and also gives device a means through which the situation will be ameliorated.
In order to improve a good information technology In Communication, there should be allowance for horizontal, vertical and lateral Communication in order to enable the workers to participate in decision making that will affect engineering of the organization affairs.
This study therefore examines the challenges of ICT on their achievement of organizational objectives with particular reference to Paterson Zochonis (PZ) Nigeria PLc, Aba.
The objective is to survey the various challenges faced by management and their subordinates is running the organizational activities with regards to conformation Communication technology.

The researcher after due consideration of the research topic has decided to shortlist the challenges wherent in the study.
Effective information Communication technology is basic pre-requisite for the insurance of instruction and accomplishment of the organization goals. Besides it has remained he biggest problem facing our business organization this recent day. Meanwhile, these problems are as a result of inefficient and archaic communication channels.
Some of the manager does not understand the important of Communication. Inadequate and distortion of information in PZ Nigeria Plc Aba has led to several ugly scenarios/consequences like strike action demonstration, work to rule and misunderstanding including others lack of adequate equipment for Communication is a result of misconception of ideas between management and their subordinate and which appears to be the highest factor militating against the effectiveness of Communication in an organization.
In view of the above challenges, the researcher attempts to find out some of the immediate and remote causes of cause associated with poor and inefficient Communication network system in general and PZ Aba in particular.

The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges of information Communication technology background, in an organization and recommend probable ways of ameliorating the issue so that the impact Communication will be left in PZ Aba and organization
1. To determine If there is a channel I the Communication between management and works of PZ Aba.
2. To maintain a cordial superior subordinate relationship between management and workers of PZ Aba.
3. To deter mine clear and unambiguous instructions to subordinate for maximum compliance.
Therefore, the researcher is of the view that to facilitate Communication of instructions, the employee responsible for the execution should be involved in decision making through upward Communication and a suitable designed Communication network.

1. Is there any clearly defined channel of Communication between management and workers in PZ?
2. Does information Communication technology have any impact towards achievement of organizational o objectives?

This study is of immense and innumerable significance to the researcher, the case study PZ PLc Aba and the society at large with reference to my successor in this field of study.
To the researcher, this study will help the researcher to be alert of some certain organizations challenges in terms of Communication and devise a means of overcrowding them at ease when they are encountered in future and also it serves as a partial fulfillment for the qualification of an award of National Diploma. To the case study, this through infestation of PZ PLc Aba has the aim of indentifying the causes of performance in their Communication system. Apart from this, the following will be examined to ascertain the true position of the statement.
– Analyse the Communication network existing in PZ Plc Aba.
– Evaluating the challenge that hindered effective Communication in the organization
– To identify the Communication in the organization
– To identify the Communication channel already in use in PZ Plc Aba.
– To make recommendations on ways of rectifying the challenges of Communication technology or system in PZ Plc Aba in order to enhance the productivity.

The cope of this study will be limited to evaluate the position impact of ICT in PZ Nigeria Plc Aba, factors that impact free flow of information in PZ Nigeria PLc, solutions to such problems which will be adopted in organization effectiveness.

Due to the present economic stagnation in the country, the researcher was constrained in cause of carrying out this study by many factors especially the following.
1. Time factor: The researcher was failed with time shortage including much loaded activities in this short semester ]like, assignment, sports, departmental jobs, and fast approaching examination all these contribute to the limited nature of the study below its expectations.
2. Insufficient fund: Finance are the major factor that limit the scope the study more especially the fund to design enough questionnaires which led to the limited nature of the sample size.
3. Non challant attitude of management staff: The research was made to go to different offices in search of information that could have been provided by one office due to the above process, the information are reluctant in allowing the researcher to source the information needed for the work.
Information: Information is the knowledge are can gather from various sources such as education research.
Communication: Communication is the process through which information idea and belief are exchanged between individual and corporate bodies through a common system of symbol either orally or writing.
In this vein, communication is a process by which management issues instruction to subordinate on how to execute them duties and obtain feedback by performance. (B.O. Nwosu 2002:19).
Management: Management according to MC Forland (1979) is the process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposes organization through coordinate corporation human efforts.
It is also a process by which managers execute the functioning of planning organization directing and controlling the organizational activities through the co-coordinating of the require human and material resources for the achievement of the organizational objectives.
Organization: An organization according to Trewatha and Newport (1982:188) is social structure designed to coordinate the activities of labour and hierarchy of authority for the achievement of common purpose of goal.

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Challenges Of Information Communication Technology (ICT) On Organizational Objectives:

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can offer numerous benefits to organizations, such as improved efficiency, communication, and innovation. However, there are also several challenges that organizations may face when implementing and utilizing ICT in the pursuit of their objectives. Some of these challenges include:

  1. Security and Privacy Concerns: As organizations rely more on digital systems to store, process, and transmit sensitive information, the risk of data breaches, cyberattacks, and unauthorized access increases. Maintaining robust cybersecurity measures and ensuring the privacy of customer and organizational data becomes crucial.
  2. Cost and Investment: While Information and Communication Technology can offer long-term benefits, the initial investment required for hardware, software, training, and infrastructure upgrades can be substantial. Organizations need to carefully balance the costs with the potential returns on investment.
  3. Integration Complexities: Organizations often have legacy systems and technologies that need to be integrated with new Information and Communication Technology solutions. Ensuring smooth integration and interoperability between different systems can be complex and time-consuming.
  4. Change Management: Introducing new technologies often requires employees to adapt to new processes and workflows. Resistance to change, lack of proper training, and difficulties in adapting to new systems can hinder successful implementation.
  5. Skill Shortages: The rapid pace of technological advancements can lead to a shortage of skilled professionals who are proficient in the latest Information and Communication Technology tools and practices. Finding and retaining qualified IT staff can be challenging for organizations.
  6. Vendor Dependence: Organizations may become dependent on specific technology vendors for their products and services. This can lead to issues if the vendor experiences financial troubles, discontinues support, or fails to deliver as promised.
  7. Complexity and Overwhelm: As organizations adopt a wide range of Information and Communication Technology solutions, managing the complexity of these technologies can become overwhelming. Ensuring that systems work seamlessly together and avoiding duplication of efforts is essential.
  8. Regulatory and Legal Compliance: Depending on the industry and geographical location, organizations must adhere to various regulations and legal requirements related to data protection, privacy, and technology usage. Navigating these regulations can be challenging.
  9. Downtime and Disruptions: Technical glitches, system failures, and downtime can disrupt normal business operations. Organizations need effective backup and disaster recovery plans to mitigate the impact of such disruptions.
  10. Digital Divide: In some cases, not all employees or stakeholders may have equal access to Information and Communication Technology tools and resources, creating a digital divide. This can hinder collaboration and communication within the organization.
  11. Ethical Considerations: The use of Information and Communication Technology can raise ethical concerns, such as the appropriate use of data, potential job displacement due to automation, and the impact of technology on society at large. Organizations need to consider these ethical implications in their decision-making processes.
  12. Continuous Upgrades and Maintenance: Information and Communication Technology systems require regular updates, maintenance, and upgrades to remain functional and secure. Failing to keep up with these requirements can lead to performance issues and vulnerabilities.

To address these challenges, organizations need to develop comprehensive strategies that include careful planning, employee training, risk assessment, and ongoing evaluation of their Information and Communication Technology initiatives. Flexibility, adaptability, and a proactive approach to technology management are key to successfully navigating these challenges.