Comparative Study Of Public And Private Schools Students Performance In Shorthand

(A Case Study Of Enugu South Local Government Area)

The comparative analysis of academic achievements between students attending public and private schools in the domain of shorthand underscores a complex interplay of factors. Shorthand, a skill vital in efficient transcription and record-keeping, serves as a distinctive metric for evaluating educational outcomes. The dichotomy in performance arises from a confluence of diverse variables, including educational resources, teaching methodologies, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Students enrolled in private institutions often benefit from enhanced resources, personalized attention, and advanced pedagogical approaches, fostering a more conducive learning environment for acquiring shorthand proficiency. In contrast, their counterparts in public schools may encounter challenges related to resource limitations and larger class sizes, influencing their mastery of shorthand. Consequently, this divergence in performance reflects the intricate dynamics at play within the educational landscape, where disparities in opportunities and resources contribute significantly to the observed differences in shorthand skills among students from public and private schools.


The purpose of this study is to draw a comparison of public and private schools students performance in shorthand in Enugu matroplist in Eight selected schools in Enugu Education zone, Enugu state, Nigeria, the following schools were studied.
Public schools
Idaw river girls secondary school, Enugu
Army day secondary schools Enugu
Girls high school, awkunanaw Enugu
Union secondary school, Awkunanaw Enugu
Private schools
Immaculate commercial college Enugu
Niger school of commerce Enugu
Queens comprehensive school Enugu
Salvation vocational college Enugu
The students of the two different schools were given a test on shorthand at it speed rate of 60 words per minute to determine their performances. In addition, teachers at the subject in the selected schools were interviewed on the factors responsible for either better or poor performance of students in the subject.
From the data collected, the researcher was able to assess the performance of both schools in the comparative study. These were treated in details in chapter four, but some of them are; that constant practicing, dedication to studying the subject and having interest on the subject enhances performance, while poor performance emanate as a result of lack of interest, irregular attendance to class etc.
Based in the data, it established that students in private schools are poor. Among the recommendations preferred shorthand theory should in incorporated in the production work from the beginning to the end of students graduation and adequate facilities be provided in relative to lecturers.
In addition, business English should be effectively integrated into the day to day teaching of shorthand.


Cover page
Title page
Certificate of approval page
List of table
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Importance/significance of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Scope/limitation of the study

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 The use of shorthand in the dark ages
2.1.2. Early modern use of shorthand
2.1.3. Early use of American Colonies
2.1.4. European system of shorthand
2.2. Isaac Pitman’s shorthand system and invention
2.3. Machine shorthand and invention
2.4. Modern shorthand and requirement (Thomas Gurney system)
2.2.1 Uses and requirement of modern shorthand Pitman
2.2.2 Present modern uses of shorthand
2.2.3 Uses of shorthand in an office
2.3 The constrains of shorthand
2.3.1 Description of previous research works based on general constrains of shorthand performance
2.3.2 Mastery in the transcribing of shorthand
2.3.3 Acquisition of basic skill
2.3.4 Extensive and intensive reading
2.3.5 Effective communication skill
2.3.6 Intelligence
2.3.7 Aptitude development
2.3.8 Persistence
2.3.9 Poor educational foundations
2.3.10 Motivation
2.4 Private schools objectives and obstacles militating against it’s academic excellence in shorthand
2.4.1 Objectives
2.4.2 Public secondary schools
2.5 Process of achieving the aims of shorthand.
2.5.1 Wider aims
2.6 Method of teaching shorthand
2.8.1The need for intensive training
2.8.2. The first lesson
2.8.3. Word frequency
2.8.4. Teaching by induction and deduction
2.7 Procedure to enhancing programme of students in shorthand
2.7.1 The rational of shorthand
2.7.2 The importance of basic principles
2.7.3 Enhancing students performances in shorthand and by correlation within the commercial courses.
2.7.4 Correlation in shorthand
2.8 Teaching transcription
2.8.1 Stages in typed transcription
2.8.2 Styles writing
2.8.3 Repetition dictation
2.8.4 A more elaborated speed forcing technique speed up speed method
2.8.5 Condition determining transcription rate.
2.8.6 The use of sound tape
2.8.7 Audio class organization
2.8.8 Advantages of audio manual
2.11. Marketing student work
2.11.1Process records
2.11.2 Summary of literature

3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of study
3.3 Population of study
3.4 Instrument for data collection
3.5 Validation of research
3.6 Reliability of the study
3.7 Method of data collection
3.8 Administration of research
3.9 Methods of data analysis

4.1 Presentation and analysis of data
4.2 Summary of results and findings

5.1 Discussion of results
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Implication of the results
5.4 Recommendations
5.4.1 Government
5.4.2 Institution
5.4.3 Lecturers
5.4.4 Students
5.5 Suggestion for further research
5.6 Limitation of the study




The parameter or yardstick in the measurement or determine into of ones achievement, success or failure on an assigned duty, specific task, education and or, in a business endeavour is by the evaluation of his/her performance in their various subjects of study in Nigeria is a thing of long time origin. And the appraisal of students performance in shorthand is not an exemption. The importance of shorthand as a subject taught in secondary school in Nigeria cannot be over-emphasized. This is because a secretarial arising trained without equipping him/her with the rudiments, basic principles and a well led down foundation of shorthand would be compared to a soldier without “shooting knowledge”. It is in this vain that many researchers have studied our school system to identify the various means, channel and or, procedure of impeaching this knowledge to our students especially secretaries.
Along the same line, too, a lot of them in the recent past hare tried to compare the performance of students in shorthand in our private and public schools without any specification of the particular level of education. Today, it has become of vital importance that a study be carried out critically, taking the public and private secondary and commercial schools into consideration to draw a comprise at their different students performance in shorthand.
This performance of students is a far cry based on the expected success of institutions of these kinds or nature. A lot of reasons has been adduced for this inspite of the preparediness of teachers of those schools to deliver. Some of the students absent themselves from schools for a long time. This affects their performance because they have lost touch of the essence of regular practice and continuity in shorthand studies.
Secondly, the students do not avail themselves with the use of books white suppose to enhance their performance this is further caused by poor reading habit of some of them and loads of domestic work which their parents engaged them in.
In educational background that effect the public and private schools students in shorthand, it effect public schools students performance in shorthand very poor in the instance that public cannot know how to read and write shorthand faster because they are not interested on the shorthand and some of teacher that is taking them do not know it in a work place you can see that for advertisement of secretary’s many of them are required commercials schools students rather secondary schools students, but in private schools students performance they perform very well in shorthand work is very easy for them to get, example institutions of higher learning and university some are not doing shorthand because it is very expensive to learn.

The subject, shorthand is one of the major subject taught in comprehensive secondary and commercial secondary schools in both public and private institutions. As a result, it constitute a big obstacle to the success of the students. There is the persistent problem of high failure rate and attrition in shorthand classes.
Like mathematics, it is expected to have particular method and special problem among other things. It is on the realization of this problem that the researcher compared the performance of the students in the school system in the subject.

The researcher primary purpose of embarking on the study.
1. to investigate into the students performance in shorthand of private and public secondary schools.
2. to compare their degree of academic excellence in the subject.
3. to make recommendation for future improvement in the teaching and learning, of shorthand.

The study is significant in the sense that it aims at comparing the academic performance in shorthand of both private and public secondary schools students in Enugu educational zone, Enugu state of Nigeria.
The study may also enable educational planners to find out problems hindering excellent academic performane in shorthand and also, help find lashing solutions to the problems that contribute to the students failure in shorthand in secondary schools. It will also, help to improve performance in the subject and create more positive attitude to it, on the side of students and populace.
The study also will be of help to subsequent researchers that may be interested in doing more work in this area of study with the aim of improving any performance in the subject.
And again, it will help to disabuse the mind of male folks in studying the subject by comprehending that none of the fainders of shorthand is a woman and therefore the subject is not for a particular sex.

1. Do private schools students perform better than public schools students in shorthand?
2. what are the factors responsible for either better or poor performance of students in shorthand?
3. what impact has shorthand created in our public and private schools?
4. to what extent do public students lack interest in shorthand.

The scope of this project study covers only the comparism of public and private schools students performance in shorthand in Enugu south local Government area.
The following schools were studied.
1. Public schools
2. army day secondary school, Enugu
3. girls high school Awkunanaw, Enugu
4. idaw river girls secondary school, Enugu
5. union secondary school, Awkunanaw, Enugu
private schools
Immaculate commercial college , Enugu
Nigeria school of commerce, Enugu
Queens comprehensive secondary school, Enugu
Salvation vocational college Enugu

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Public And Private Schools Students Performance In Shorthand:

The performance of students in shorthand can vary between public and private schools, but it’s important to note that several factors can influence student performance in this skill, and the type of school is just one of them. Here are some factors to consider when comparing the performance of students in shorthand between public and private schools:

Resources: Private schools often have more resources and can afford to provide better materials, equipment, and facilities for teaching shorthand. This can sometimes give their students an advantage in terms of access to resources.

Class Size: Private schools tend to have smaller class sizes, which can allow for more individualized instruction and attention. This can be beneficial for students learning a skill like shorthand, where practice and feedback are crucial.

Curriculum: The curriculum and teaching methods can vary between schools, regardless of whether they are public or private. The effectiveness of the curriculum and teaching methods used can significantly impact student performance.

Teacher Quality: The expertise and teaching abilities of the shorthand instructors can vary widely. Both public and private schools can have excellent teachers, but individual teacher quality can make a significant difference.

Student Motivation and Engagement: The motivation and engagement levels of students can impact their performance in shorthand. Factors like student interest in the subject, study habits, and dedication can vary among individuals.

Parental Involvement: The level of parental involvement and support at home can also affect a student’s performance. Private school students may have different levels of parental involvement compared to public school students.

Socioeconomic Factors: Socioeconomic factors can play a role in student performance. Private schools often have a higher socioeconomic demographic, which can provide students with additional resources and support outside of school.

Standardized Testing: If there are standardized tests or assessments for shorthand skills in a particular region or country, the performance of students from public and private schools can be compared more directly. However, the availability and use of such tests can vary.

It’s essential to approach this comparison with caution and consider all the factors mentioned above. While there may be differences in performance between public and private school students, it’s not solely due to the type of school but rather a combination of various factors, including resources, teaching quality, and student characteristics. Additionally, the specific performance data would depend on the region or country in question and the availability of relevant assessments or studies.