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Design And Implementation Of A Computerised Market Survey Reporting System

7 Chapters
42 Pages
4,169 Words

A Computerised Market Survey Reporting System (CMSRS) is an advanced technological solution designed to streamline and enhance the process of conducting market surveys and generating comprehensive reports. This innovative system leverages computerized tools and algorithms to efficiently collect, analyze, and interpret data from diverse sources within the business landscape. By seamlessly integrating keywords such as “computerized,” “market survey,” and “reporting system,” Market Survey Reporting System facilitates a dynamic and data-driven approach to market analysis. This sophisticated system empowers organizations to gain valuable insights into consumer preferences, market trends, and competitor strategies. Through the strategic utilization of technology, Market Survey Reporting System not only expedites the surveying process but also ensures accuracy and reliability in the derived reports, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and stay competitive in the ever-evolving market landscape.


This project is based on the possible exploration of computer Technology in Today society in market surveying in the daily discharge of duties.
This project involves the design and development of computerized market survey report analysist.
The design will enable the user to achieve a desirable report at an increased efficiency, accuracy and speed of doing work and at the same time reduce man – hour repured for piece of work.
This calls for an alternative method which ie accurate, quick and inexpensive. This project achieved merit by eliminating all these flows that result from manual operation and present a very accurate, decisive and systematic measure of survey report.


Title page
Table of content

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Aim or objective of the study
1.3 Statement of the problem or purpose
1.4 Justification of the purpose topic
1.5 Scope of the project
Block diagram
Thesis Organization


3.0 overview of the existing system
3.1 Description and analysis of the existing system
3.2 Method of data collection
3.2.1 Interview method
3.2.2 Reference to written text
3.3 Input analysis
3.4 Process analysis
3.5 Output analysis
3.6 Input analysis
3.7 Problem of the existing system
3.8 Justification for the new system

4.0 Design for the new system
4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Input specification and design
4.3 File design
4.4 Procedure chart
4.5 System flowchart
4.6 System requirement

Program design
Program flowchart
Pseudo code
Source listing


Recommendation & conclusion
Appendix (if any)





In order not to embrace hitch in the carrying out of any project, it is necessary to define the objective of the project. The process surveying enable us to map out the limitation and the delimitation of the project.
In surveying, we set out the necessary steps and areas that considered to be useful and necessary to implement the objective.
In this case, we identify the problem, it’s sources, causes and to identify solutions to the problem.
In the case study of doing these, the objective must be certain.

The Background of this study involves indent study of the system report being designed to determine the input data to the report system and how system report objective can be realized.
Data collected or survey made determined the system output and input and grouped into various files (1) Equipment requirement.
EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT: To use this report system in survey the following equipment may be needed.
i) An IBM or its compatible
ii) Magnetic Diskette (3.25 x 5.25 or 35 x 3.5 inches)
iii) An IBM line printer or its compatible
iv) A printer interface cable.
Optional equipment: Hard Disk Properly Installed.
MEMORY REQUIREMENT: The design of this system was highly structured by breaking the program in module using Top-Down design technique and loding the program in GW BASIC. Each program after use call another program from the diskette and pass over the content of relevant variable over to the incoming program by using “COMMON” statement it minimizes effectively the size of primary memory required by the system.
The whole system was tested by obtaining survey analysis of previous building project. Fed the cost of sub-element into the system and compare the output.

This system is documented in a way that any one who is not a computer scientist or market surveyor can use it effectively. The following types of a documentation are implemented.
i) Design documentation
ii) Operational documentation
iii) Test documentation

Market survey report system has the following objectives
(i) To give client good value for money
(ii) To achieve the required balance of expenditure between the various parts of the building
(ii) To keep expenditure within the amount allowed by the client.

Recent Researchers to a great extent have been directed towards finding means of efficience, accuracy and speed of doing work and at the same time reducing man-hou. Required for each piece of work. The success of these Researchers have been attributed to the invention of modern computers.
But all these recent invention and discoveries not withstanding, the work of the market surveyor has largely remained a manual work. Hence the research problem is to explore the possibility of the market surveyor in Nigeria employing the technology of our days (computer) in the daily discharge of his duties. The use of computer in cost planning has the following advantages over the manual process.
SPEED – Computer are very fast in carrying out operations as compared to humans. E.g the production of survey plan may take five to 10 man – days. But with computers, it is a matter of seconds. This reduces the time of the market surveyor will spend on each job.
ACCURACY: Once the data have been entered correctly into the computer the need for further manipulation by means of humans is eliminated and possible errors reduced. Also when properly programmed, computers are unlikely to make computational errors.

It is justified that ever before the introduction of computers in survey system report process, there was no accurate and complete similar work related to such. Therefore, we advice that in the course of this research work if necessary any suggestions would be welcome.


For a perfect and accurate result a any system, it all depend on the data collected. In any Research of this nature, it sis proper to ambark on secondary method of data collect in other to, achiee a decisive result.

The source of data for this project work include text book, journals, market surveying firms and computer centers.

The data collection method used in this work are personal interview and distribution of questionnaires to market surveying firm, and use of website (internet)

Because of the nature of the project work which does not call for the sampling of people’s opinion, But ascertaining what is obtainable in the field, and interviewing of market surveyors was adopted.
On the other hand, visiting of NET and professional journals like I said earlier was consulted to facilitate balancing between the idea and the actual practice.

This research work is based on two angles. First, it is viewed that, the survey report system needs enhancement format to facilitate the process. Tow, the market surveyor needs to be equipped with items needed to enhance his efforts.
Therefore, the use of computer is considered necessaries market surveying system processing.
In this research work, the use of computers, its importance, and its application in market surveying has been stated and specified int his project work. What the surveyor need to do, how he can do it, and how he can use it are all stated and specified here.

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Computerised Market Survey Reporting System:

A Computerized Market Survey Reporting System is a digital tool or software application designed to streamline and automate the process of conducting market surveys and generating reports based on the collected data. Such a system is valuable for businesses and organizations looking to gather market insights, analyze consumer preferences, and make data-driven decisions.

Here are some key components and features typically found in a Computerized Market Survey Reporting System:

  1. Survey Design: The system allows users to create custom surveys with various question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, rating scales, and more. Users can design surveys tailored to their specific research goals.
  2. Data Collection: The system facilitates the distribution of surveys to target audiences through various channels such as email, web forms, social media, or mobile apps. It may also support offline data collection for field surveys.
  3. Response Management: Responses from participants are collected and stored in a central database. The system may offer real-time tracking of response rates and data quality, allowing for timely adjustments.
  4. Data Analysis: The system often includes built-in data analysis tools or integrates with data analysis software. Users can generate charts, graphs, and statistical reports to visualize and interpret survey data.
  5. Data Visualization: It offers options for creating interactive and informative data visualizations like charts, graphs, and dashboards. Visual representations help users understand survey results quickly.
  6. Report Generation: Users can generate automated reports based on survey results. These reports may include summaries, insights, and recommendations, making it easier for stakeholders to make informed decisions.
  7. Data Security: Ensures the security and privacy of survey responses and sensitive information by implementing encryption and access controls.
  8. User Management: Provides user roles and permissions to control access to survey data and reports. Different team members may have varying levels of access and editing rights.
  9. Integration: The system may integrate with other software tools such as CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, or customer feedback systems to enhance data collection and analysis.
  10. Export and Sharing: Allows users to export survey data, reports, and visualizations in various formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, CSV) for sharing with colleagues, clients, or stakeholders.
  11. Automation: Offers automation features like scheduling surveys, sending reminders to participants, and automatically generating reports at predefined intervals.
  12. Feedback Loop: Provides mechanisms for users to act on survey results, such as initiating marketing campaigns, product improvements, or customer engagement strategies based on the insights gained.

Implementing a Computerized Market Survey Reporting System can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of market research efforts. It helps businesses stay competitive by staying informed about market trends, customer preferences, and competitors’ actions. Additionally, it allows for more agile decision-making based on real-time data, ultimately leading to better outcomes and business success.