This Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Child Abuse Database Management System project materials is available in PDF or Doc format.

This study on the Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Child Abuse Database Management System is relevant for students in Computer Engineering
Computer Science and other related fields.


The computerized child abuse database management system is a project proposed to create awareness among masses on the issues related to child abuse. The computerized system will keep tracks of all the suspicious incidents of child abuse by generating reports, aid law enforcement agency based on numerous details. Implementing this computerized system will play a crucial role in child welfare. The management system and data collection tools will meet with the Federal reporting requirements, it will also serve the information needs of an organizations, help inform management decisions and support caseworkers’ interactions with children, youth, and families.

Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

The increased Violence against young people includes all types of violence, these occurs for ages between 0-18 years old. This violence may be child maltreatment (i.e. sexual and emotional abuse, neglect or physical violence) mostly between parents or other authority figures. Both genders (boys or girls) are at same risk of physical assault and emotional neglect and abuse, the females are at greater risk of sexual abuse or violence, this mostly leads to unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. As young people between this age groups reaches adolescence, peer violence and intimate partner violence, in addition to child maltreatment, becomes highly unavoidable. Violence against children can be avoided by setting up preventable measures. Preventing and addressing to violence against children requires that efforts the society, health workers and other organizations to systematically address the risk and protective factors at all four interrelated levels of risk (individual, relationship, community, society). World Health Assembly (May 2016), reached a resolution which endorsed the first ever WHO Global plan of action on tightening the roles of the health system within a national multisectoral response to fight against child neglect, interpersonal violence in particular against girls and women, and against children.

The Online child abuse database management system when implemented, will be an application developed to move beyond addressing the impact of child abuse by seeking out the root cause and identifying ways to prevent it. This is an application created to trace out the statistics based on the reports about child abuse and help reduce the rates of the crime. It will maintain a centralized database of all scheme related information. This computerized system verifies and generate reports of incidents about abusive parents, physical and sexual abuse. The Child abuse application will maintain vital information about child abuse laws, it will provide details about those children who are in risk. Encounter the challenges with proper documentations which include misplacement of vital information or cases, as a result of large volume of work handled, duplicated or efforts due to inconsistency in activities, and a lot of time spent in searching for files or reports when needed for processing.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The existing system, which is a manual process requires modification and replacement to enhance it effectiveness, they exist a lot of challenges associated with the old and existing system. The existing system faces numerous challenges due to the manual procedure of recording and keeping track of child abuse victims, which may include:

A lot of paper work is required to keep vital information, which may lead to lost or damage.

Unauthorized users can easily have access to sensitive information.

Processing time is slow and lengthy, most times data is duplicated.

Keeping multiple folders of child abuse report manually takes a lot of time and resources and some of the information is unreliable and inaccurate.


1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of the project is to comprehend the challenges of the current system and to recognize the essential requirements and discuss how the computerization of the system can help in eradicating the challenges of the manual based system, with the following objectives:

To design a functionally database system for child abuse offenders and victims.

To compute child abuse records for easy retrieval.

Deny access to unauthorized personnel.

Help in the fight against child abuse across the country.


1.4 Scope of the Study

This study is not limited to or within any agency, it is designed and developed for the prevention and protection against child Abuse and Neglect.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Child abuse and child neglect are social challenges that influences countless underage individuals, and something must be done to change these problems. They is a need to design a computerized child abuse and neglect database management system to help combat this issue. With findings from the research, it will help law enforcement agency, organizations and other agencies to solve the issues and challenges associated with inability to keep precise records effectively and reduce loss of vital information or reported cases. Furthermore, reduce the rate of child abuse across the country. This study will also be beneficial to scholars who want to do additional research on the study.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

The computerized system will be able to compute children abused over recent years, store complainant and offenders’ records for easy retrieval, since is the system is a web-based application, it will require internet access to be enable to access information on the platform.

1.7 Definition of Terms


Child is defined as the dependent person in the custody of a parent or guardian for protection of his/her life.


It is any deliberate act by a person, group of person in the society designed to inflict on a child mentally, physically sexually or emotionally.


This usually occur when families fail to or on their own part fail to provide the necessary need for their children such as food, medical care, being deprived of essential need of life.


Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.


World Health Organization.


While connected to a computer or under computer control.

Child Abuse:

This is a child this is physically, sexually, emotionally or psychologically maltreated by the parent, caregivers, teachers or group of persons.


This is a person who commits an illegal act. He/she is a criminal and guilty of an offence.


A complainant is a person who lodges a complaint. It is a term used in content of criminal law to refer to person who alleges that another person committed a criminal act against him/her in a legal way. It is a person who reports a case or crime.

Chapter Five

Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.0 Introduction

This chapter gives a summary of the entire system with emphases on its achievements and limitations. There are also suggestions on possible areas of enhancement.

5.1 Discussion

The system was designed to fulfill the basic aim and specific objectives that were proposed at the earlier stage of the system development. A system comprises of people, equipment, space and procedures. The researcher was mindful of the input, processing, storing and retrieving requirements necessary for an effective system.

In any software development, security is always a very important issue for consideration. The administrators should therefore make use of authorized persons to take charge of the system. It is thus management obligation to ensure internal controls and security about the system, the system cannot be accessed by any user except the authorized user with the login ID and password.

5.2 Limitations

It is not usually possible to design a system that meets the needs of every user, therefore the system has the following limitations;

There are fixed queries that have been designed by the researcher. This means that the users cannot run queries of their choice unless the system is upgraded.

Project was quite limited since the project entails some components that required to be delivered on time with full functionality

Biased responses from some of the interviewees.

Lack of interest from some of the would-be users of the new system due to fear of loss of jobs as a result of the automation that the new system inhibits.

5.3 Problems Encountered

There are as many problems encountered as a system is one of the tasks on which needs much of attention, thus the following problems were encountered during the development process of coming up with the System;

One of the biggest problem encountered on which it’s more so a general problem per all students that were carrying out project at the university was limitation in time to enable development of a program with better features. On which we were first given some desirable deadline at fast that was handing in over early September and on which was abruptly changed to a nearby date thus leading to compression of functionalities that would be included in the system due to limited time.

In accessibility to the most current literature on software development Despite the normal programming procedures followed, some segments could not run normally especially in the viewing forms, may be due to computer memory problem since PHP takes allot of memory.

Another encountered problem was limited access to better resources that were used in developing the system, specifically designing software’s like Edrawer, Ud on which internet access was always on and off thus even though they were downloaded the best that could be got were trial versions on which worked for 15 – 30 days hence disorganizing the researchers plans to come up with more unique and high performance system.

The other encountered problem was on research or requirements engineering on which needed a lot of information from the medical center on which the research place was always Busy thus limited attention was given to the researcher since it was a big medical center they worked 24 hrs a day leading to getting most requirements from observation and the least through one on one interviews.

Lack of proper documentation about the existing system was another problem encountered on which was a big bottleneck for System development.

During data collection process, the staff was reluctant to release any information, as it was even hard for the researcher to be given sample forms that were used to be used in child abuse management Services with the fear that they might be supporting a competitor.


5.4 Recommendations

First of all, it’s important that Child Safety Monitoring Center continues to use the old manual system alongside per speculations in the implementation section in the report as the health Centre has many clients and the system users have to be trained to use the system as they may lose information on which may be of great use, thus the users should first use the manual and the automated system parallel till knowledge that the automated system is worth their expectations.

Similarly as mentioned above, the users need to be trained on how best they can use the new automated system. Users with basic computer skills will be required in order for them to appreciate the functionality of the program.

The system has a lot of room for further improvement though as it stands it can be used as a prototype to develop a Child Abuse Management System and more features could be added, since less time was available for the researcher.

Lastly on the recommendation as hinted before in supplements of the recommendations about the limited time, the report is not containing all that is in the Project system as it was still under construction and the due to need of beating the deadline of Report handing in most of the Parts needed were included in the Report Living out little bits on which were under construction and changes will be made after the completion of the system by 26th of July.

5.4 Conclusion

In each child who comes into this world, the hopes and dreams on human race are born a new. Children are bearers of our basic future a future that is in our hand as at no other time. For the world has the information, resources and the legal goals to give each child the best possible start in life, in family environments that offer the love, the care and the maturing that children need to grow, to learn and to develop to the fullest.

Yet still, these children are being exposed to all different types of mistreatments ranging from child labor, violence, abuse, neglect and commercial sexual misuse of children. Children are more vulnerable than adults to being hurt, neglected, abused and exploited. Their survival is in danger and their full improvement is compromised. Violence against children happens inside families, in schools and communities.

In any case, the need to care for these children in order to meet the increasing and difficulty request emerged. Therefore, man resolves to help to mobilize a Global development for children an unstoppable crusade to end, finally, the poverty, ill health, violence and discrimination that have needlessly blighted and destroyed so many young lives. In this juncture, there is have to know who a child is andwhat child abuse and neglect is “there isn’t one acceptable age,which is considered as a commendable meaning of the upper limit of childhood begins as far as the privilege to vote and be voted in favor of and the age thought about the government service of youth and culture, and education as being upper limit of childhood differs… “ even internationally, there are dissimilar definitions as to who a child seems to be. The OAU sanction characterizes a child as “each person below the ages of eighteen (18) years” despite the fact that there are divergent opinions and view with respect to what is the age limit of a child, it is the view of the author, that a child is anyone between the birth to the fruition of physiological/mental and physical improvement. As it were, anyone between zero of his/her introduction to the world to eighteen (18) years is a CHILD.

child disregard is implied demonstration of oversight, dissent or notwithstanding giving essential needs, rights and deeds of the child by parents/ guardians which might possibly fundamentally disable the prosperity of a child. Disregard can likewise appear as insufficient arrangement of resources for the welfare of the child both now and in future.

Child mind then again speaks to a region of programming focused at “child needing special protection measures”. There are child who are victims of or belong to, groups which are especially vulnerable to, various kinds of abuse, exploitation, violence and abandonment.

Vulnerable groups-incorporate children armed conflict or by other situations of emergency, children engaged in hazardous or exploitative labour, including those who are trafficked, children deprived of parental protection due to AIDS, children subjected to sexual exploitation and abuse, children living with disabilities and children in conflict with the law.

On account of the above situations, communities should be strengthened and families bolstered to give the vital care to enhance child survival, improvement. Families require learning, aptitudes, inspiration and support, they have to recognize what to do in particular conditions and ass the child develop and create, they require aptitudes to give suitable care and to take care of issues. They should be roused to attempt and to manage new practices. They require social and material help shape the network. Lastly require bolster frame the health centers/system, in the form of accessible clinics responsible services and health workers should have to give effective advice, drugs, and more complex treatment when necessary.

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