Design And Implementation Of Database System For Patient Management System

(A Case Study Of Delta Hospital Onitsha)

7 Chapters
51 Pages
5,970 Words

A database system for a Patient Management System (PMS) refers to a comprehensive information infrastructure designed to efficiently store, organize, and retrieve medical data related to patient care. This intricate system plays a crucial role in healthcare by facilitating seamless access to patient records, medical histories, and treatment plans. It encompasses a structured framework that integrates various components, including databases, user interfaces, and application logic, to ensure the secure and efficient management of healthcare information. The database serves as the backbone, housing patient details, diagnostic reports, and treatment protocols. Through the implementation of relational databases, data consistency and integrity are maintained, allowing healthcare professionals to make informed decisions. Additionally, the system incorporates user-friendly interfaces, empowering medical staff to input and retrieve data swiftly. This integrated approach enhances the accuracy of diagnoses, promotes streamlined communication among healthcare providers, and ultimately contributes to the delivery of high-quality patient care.


The study was carried out to verify all the manual processes involved in patient management system and to seek for a way of automating the system for effective operations.
Since, there is continuous moves towards technological advances that enhanced productivity of labour and free human beings of task done more economically by machines. Computer and its applications have become indispensable vital tools in economic, industrial and social development of the advanced countries of the world. Nigeria as a developing country cannot afford to lay too far behind in this kind of revolution. Therefore there is every need to know in energy discipline the areas which attracts computerization and why they need it.
In this project, the software engineering principles were applied in the analysis, design, coding testing of software serious attention was also give to the design of the user interface.
In the development of the software, visual basic programming language was used due to its support for all the features desired. A brief user’s guide is also provided. The end result is a software that is very effective and efficient in meeting its objectives and at the same time user friendly.


Title page
Table of contents

Introduction 1
1.1 Theoretical background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Purpose of the study 5
1.4 Aims and objectives of the study 5
1.5 Significance of the study 6
1.6 Limitations 6
1.7 Definitions of terms 7

Literature Review 8
2.1 General review of database storage and retrieval system 8
2.2 File organization 12
2.3 Storage media 15
2.4 Database retrieval techniques 17

Analysis of the existing system 20
3.1 Fact finding method 21
3.2 Objectives of the existing system 22
3.3 Input, process and output analysis 22
3.4 Problems of the exiting system 24
3.5 Database flow diagram 25
3.6 Justification for New system 26

Design of a New System 27
4.1 Input specification and design 27
4.2 Output specification 28
4.3 File design 29
4.4 Procedure chart 30
4.5 System flowchart 31
4.6 System requirement 32

Implementation 33
5.1 Program design 33
5.2 Program flowchart 34
5.3 Pseudo code 37

Documentation 39

Recommendation 41
Conclusion 42
References 43




Database is a collection of logically related files, organized in a manner to satisfy the needs of an organization. A database is a store of data structured so that access and update can be made by different people in different ways without needs to change its design or content for this to happen, it is essential that all data items are logically related.
Database is always necessary to store date items once, because of it, input cost are lower. Duplicate letters are largely dominated thereby saving space and ensuring data consistency. Data is defined as an unprocessed facts. They are raw fact that are unprocessed. Data does not have meaning. Information are processed data through the computer, which process different type of information. Information in the computer is stored in codes. File is the collection of related filed, field is the collection of data items.
Database management system are important, because important information requirement and non-specialist need easy ways of accessing this information. Large amount of data with many types of records occurring many times in database management system. Also in database management system, complex data structures including many relationships between data items. Many organization will have many use requirement in data base management system. Organizations will also have many frequent demand for changes to be made which only unflexible database management system can cope with.
Data is viewed as a source to be shared by as many process as possible. As a result, data must be organized in a way that is flexible and adaptable to un anticipation requirements. The data which they stored in anticipation of requests, and the requests themselves. Data may be stored as references to documents, microforms or computer coded text, graphics etc. the service may be offered on a local basis or through a telecommunication network. Database system may be operated by organizations for their own benefit or offered to the public on a subscription basic. The output from database services is either a document or computer data presented, say, on a video display unit or a voice output.
The main purpose of database is to satisfy the user information needs. The way in which these needs are expressed largely determined the principles of operation of a particular database system.
Rerhaps the most straight forward request for database is when the user supplies a complete reference for a document. The job of the service then is to locate a copy of the document and deliver it to the user. This is usually referred to as document retrieved service. It may be aided by computers in compelling the index to the documents in store, and in physically locating a required document as in a computerized warehouse.
More after then not, however, database need are expressed in terms of a request for data such as, how many patient are being admitted monthly in a hospital? Or what kind of sickness of a patient? To answer such questions reference must be made to records stored either in printed form or as computer coded data. The first of there is often refered to as information retrieval, the later as database search, when the index to the printed record is computerized.
The database distribution system, with the added facility of storage at computer coded text, offer one approach to reducing, the physical size of records, and to mechanizing their search and retrieval the records unfortunately, first have to be converted into computer compatible form, and can be consulted only after reconversion via some printing or display device.

There has been this problem of too much work for the nurses in the hospital. Owing to the growing population of patient in the hospital, the nurses is faced with hips of file. At times, sorting out a particular patient file takes most a month.
Also there has been cases of missing files. Due to lack of security in the office and the poor filling system in use, the patient files at times get lost and it then becomes difficult to access the concerned patient information.
This bitter complaints and the delay in the receiving of information for the management had been the major concern and therefore has intensified the need to design a software which will go a long way in tackling these problems and at the same time helps to quicken database processing.

The purpose of the study is to design and implementation of database system for patient management system.

Due to the controversy surrounding the manual processing involved in patient management system, it was felt that a study of this nature will clarify the causes of the problems being faced by the concerned nurses and map out the necessary solutions and techniques to the problem.
Also the manual processing in patient management system was found to be cumber some, tedrous and ineffective which lead to inaccurate and unreliable results. It is the aim of this work therefore to nemedy this ugly situation by making the task involved to be easy and effective thereby making provision for accuracy and reliabilibity of the results.
More so, this work has the objective of correcting all the mistakes being made while operating a manual made while operating a manual system of data storage and retrieval including the delay encountered in retrieving the information to work with.

The importance of this study to the hospital are as follows:-
i. It will help to give nurses the elementary knowledge as how computer can be used to store and retrieve.
ii. The software developed will help to create and store database about the patient. The database can be retrieved at any time by the users.
iii. Adequate security is offered to the database stored to avoid corruption by wrong users. This is done through the use of password to project the database.
iv. It is easy to obtain database or locate a particular patient in that hospital by retrieving database concerning him from the system.

The constraints that were highly against the study are:-
Financial predicement and inconsistency in the economic background of the hospital.
Also lack of the needed materials and time given to accomplish the task is another constraint which was highly against the study.

The following are some terms and phrases commonly used in this project.
i. Database: Is a collection of logically related files, organized in a manner to satisfy the needs of an organization.
ii. Data : are raw fact that are unprocessed.
iii. Record: a set of data elements where have some logical relationship in common.
iv. Software; computer programs
v. VDU:- Visual display unit
vi. Reference file:- a file of relatively permanent date about the items or persons concerned

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Database System For Patient Management System:

A database system for a Patient Management System (PMS) is a critical component for healthcare providers to efficiently store, manage, and access patient-related information. This database system should be designed to ensure data accuracy, security, and accessibility. Here are some key considerations for designing a database system for a Patient Management System:

1. Data Modeling:

  • Identify the entities in your PMS, such as patients, doctors, appointments, medications, and diagnoses.
  • Create Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) to define the relationships between these entities. For example, patients have appointments, doctors prescribe medications, etc.
  • Define attributes for each entity. For patients, this might include name, date of birth, contact information, medical history, insurance details, etc.

2. Database Management System (DBMS):

  • Choose an appropriate DBMS that suits your needs. Common options include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or NoSQL databases like MongoDB for unstructured data.
  • Consider factors like scalability, data consistency, and security when selecting a DBMS.

3. Data Security:

  • Implement strong security measures to protect patient data, which is sensitive and subject to privacy regulations like HIPAA (in the United States) or GDPR (in Europe).
  • Use encryption for data at rest and data in transit.
  • Implement role-based access control to restrict data access based on user roles and responsibilities.

4. Data Normalization:

  • Normalize the database to minimize data redundancy and ensure data integrity.
  • This involves breaking down data into smaller, related tables to reduce data duplication and anomalies.

5. Performance Optimization:

  • Design efficient queries and indexes to speed up data retrieval.
  • Monitor and optimize database performance regularly to ensure quick access to patient information.

6. Scalability:

  • Plan for scalability to accommodate future growth in the number of patients, doctors, and data volume.
  • Consider using sharding, replication, or clustering techniques to distribute the load and maintain system performance.

7. Data Backup and Recovery:

  • Implement regular data backup procedures to protect against data loss.
  • Develop a robust disaster recovery plan to ensure data can be restored in case of system failures or disasters.

8. Auditing and Logging:

  • Implement audit trails and logs to track who accesses patient data and when.
  • Maintain an audit trail for compliance and security purposes.

9. Integration:

  • Ensure that the database system can integrate with other healthcare systems, such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Laboratory Information Systems (LIS), and Billing Systems.

10. Reporting and Analytics:

  • Consider how data will be used for reporting and analytics purposes.
  • Create data warehouses or data marts to support reporting and business intelligence needs.

11. Compliance:

  • Adhere to relevant healthcare data regulations, such as HIPAA, to ensure patient data privacy and security.

12. Disaster Recovery and High Availability:

  • Develop a robust disaster recovery plan to minimize downtime and ensure data availability in case of system failures.

13. Testing and Validation:

  • Thoroughly test the database system to ensure that it meets the requirements and functions as expected.
  • Validate data accuracy and consistency regularly.

14. Documentation:

  • Maintain comprehensive documentation of the database schema, data dictionary, and system architecture.

15. User Training and Support:

  • Provide training for users and support staff to ensure they can effectively use and maintain the database system.

Building a database system for a Patient Management System is a complex task that requires careful planning and consideration of regulatory requirements, data security, and system performance. Engaging with healthcare IT professionals and database experts is highly recommended to ensure a robust and compliant system.