The Design And Implementation Of File Sharing Management System.


The objective of this application will manage a file sharing site. The Company can create a employee’s database, each one with his assigned folder. Within this folder, the employee can upload its files or download the one already in the folder already uploaded by the company itself. When the company uploads a file in a employee’s folder, the employee will receive an email alerting him of the new file and with a link to download it without logging in the File Sharing System. The employee can also log into the system any time and lock for previously uploaded files.

Ever user normally thinks about how to store information on files for future usage. Sometimes he used to share his data to another person’s also that is called public data which can be shared with others. But some data may be protective means private only for limited persons or single usage. That’s why the company creates a database for employees to store their data in the form of files. This system can given permissions to the users to create a new file throw this application. Then user can able to upload his own information in to that particular file. Now he need to put folder sharing options whether the folder information public or private.

In the form of administration admin can upload information from his side. Then admin will send the Notifications or emails to users for his newly uploaded information. If the user wants that information then he had a facility to download the information and save into his personnel folder for further usage. The admin information is completely public for all users. The details of Uploading and downloading information are displayed to each and every user separately. The maximum number of space a user can be used is 2 GB only. Whenever user upload or down load the application can calculate the size of the file and adjust the maximum space of a user using.

Chapter One


1.1 Introduction to Project

The Docket Chunk System is a web based project which main purpose is to manage file sharing within a company. The company can create an employee’s database, each one with his assigned folder. Within this folder, the employee can upload its files or download the one already in the folder already uploaded by the company itself. When the company uploads a file in a employee’s folder, the employee will receive an email alerting him of the new file and with a link to download it without logging in the File Sharing System. The employee can also log into the system any time and look for previously uploaded files.

1.2 Organization Profile

Software Solutions is an IT solution provider for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies converge. Their approach focuses on new ways of business combining IT innovation and adoption while also leveraging an organization’s current IT assets. Their work with large global corporations and new products or services and to implement prudent business and technology strategies in today’s environment.

Optimal Soft Solution’s Range of Expertise Includes:

Software Development Services

Engineering Services

Systems Integration

Employee Relationship Management

Product Development

Electronic Commerce Consulting

IT Outsourcing


We apply technology with innovation and responsibility to achieve two broad objectives:

Effectively address the business issues our employees face today.

Generate new opportunities that will help them stay ahead in the future.


1.3 Purpose of the Project

The project is fully integrated with Employee Relationship Management (ERM) solution and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time saving and relieving one form manual. The purpose of this system is to manage file sharing. The Company can create an employee’s database, each one with his assigned folder. Within this folder, the employee can upload its files or download the one already in the folder already uploaded by the company itself. When the company uploads a file in a employee’s folder, the employee will receive an email alerting him of the new file and with a link to download it without logging in the File Sharing System. The employee can also log into the system any time and lock for previously uploaded files.

1.4 Problem in Existing System

The existing system is semi-automated system. Here in this system needs to save the information in the form of excel sheets or Disk Drives. There is no sharing is possible if the data is in the form Disk drives. This system gives us very less security for saving data; some data may be lost due to mismanagement. It’s a limited system and fewer users friendly. Searching of particular information is very critical it takes lot of time. The users cannot able to restrict the file sharing options. The users only know his information only not others. It is very critical to share public information to all users.

1.5 Scope of the Project

The development of this new system extensively uses cloud based technologies to enable file sharing within the company. Cloud computing is considered one of the most reliable technologies that achieve both availability and high quality in cost effective way, it works on supplying the user with the desired resources and computer systems via the network, irrespective of his location. User can use and control these resources through simple software interface that simplifies the process by ignoring the small details involved.

The developed system tries to automate the entire file sharing process keeping in the view of database integration and availability in mine. User Friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system Rich User Interface. The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the internet and intranet. Various classes have been used for file uploading and downloading. The user information files are stored in centralized database which can be maintained by the system administrator.

Authentication is provided for this application only registered users can access. User can share is data to others, and also he can get data from others. There is no risk of data management at any level while the project development is under process. Report generation features is provided using Data reports to generate different kind of reports.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This system gives you all the features you need to effectively manage your files and that of your clients. It saves time, energy and expense on documentation to vastly improve the overall productivity of the organization and include multiple levels of security and version control to allow access to sensitive documents only with the proper permissions.

1.8 Definition of Terms


Is a computer environment that runs and manage the other operation and functions of all other programs and software within a system e.g Windows, Linux, Mac


A system is an electronic device capable of receiving, processing and producing and output as its outcome, also a system is a collection of related machines that works together for the achievement of one goal


A peer or peer to peer is an analogy used when two systems are connect to each other within the networking or more


An IP is an internet Protocol which is unique to each use in connecting ones system over the network/internet


In computer route is the pat in which a system is linked to the network

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter gives a summary of results, conclusion and recommendation based on the results and findings of the work. This chapter gives suggestion for future research related to this work.

5.1 Summary of Result

This work “File sharing management System” has being designed and implemented. The work sought to eliminate the problem related to file sharing, improve security and credibility of document by automated system as the ministry is expected to handle/possess quite a number of documents which need to be kept safe and credible. The project gave the organization the opportunity to uniquely secure document and yet ensure that limited space is used. An accredited user can login using the organizations URL to access or Upload files i.e. the user must be duly registered to access the system. The encryption decryption and archiving functions of the system is fully automated as all files uploaded into the system will be automatically encrypted and any file needed to be downloaded will be automatically decrypted while a user can also download a compressed version of their file or an archived version (as the case may be) uploaded into the system.

5.2 Conclusion

According to the document management needs, this work designs and implements a system that facilitates secure documentation, fast retrieval, space management and longtime storage assurance. This work developed ausable, maintainable web application (Encodoc) which work fine with the documentation requirements of our case study.

This study emphasizes the practices used to build a usable and maintainable secure document management system. The practices of this thesis work show that carefully designed usability evaluation is an effective way to locate the usability problems of an application (if any) and could consequently improve the application’s usability.

Considering the various advantages of the improved EDMS, it will not be out of place to say that the improved cloud-based document management system will be of immense advantage to the teeming clients, users and the organization as a whole.

5.3 Recommendation

Considering the geometrical advancement in the information technology world and the large number of documents that are being handled by organizations daily combine with the need for accountability and proper document management, it is therefore highly recommended that the organization implement Encodoc. There are high economic advantages attached to this software on the part of the organization and users. Above all, it is user-friendly and documentation should be checked in case of future modification.

5.4 Contribution to the Knowledge

This work will lay a sound background for further research related to PHP Version of File Sharing System with improve security and space management features. This work will enhance the understanding and need for users to ensure security and integrity of document used by them. It will allow user the choice of picking from either the java based EDMS or the new PHP based improved EDMS. Also, this work will protect document from unauthorized access and malicious attack thereby creating room for accountability (since document will secure, untampered and can be accessed by only authorized personnel over time) and give confidence and reliability to individuals and organization using the EDMS.

5.5 Suggestion for Future Research

The suggestion made here is that fingerprint verification can be researched to be added as authentication mode of accessing the system such that the user authentication medium will be by fingerprint scanning, because user might be careless with the password and should a user who is an admin be careless with his password he will void the effectiveness of the system.

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