The Design And Implementation Of Hostel Allocation System Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This Project work intends to address some of the problems encountered in the allocation of hostels to students manually in Universities, using University of Calabar as the case study. The growing number of students in higher institutions posed a lot of accommodation problems on the part of students and school management. Some of the problems encountered include, few hostels that exist in the University are not properly managed, statistic of rooms required to match the growing number of students are farfetched, students who have paid hostel fees may end up not getting rooms because of lack of bed, Hostel administrators cannot give accurate information of the occupancy of a particular room. In respect to all of these existing problems, it became necessary to design a system capable of managing a database which allocates hostel to student. The system to be designed will keep track of all the available rooms and its occupants. This hostel management system was implemented using HTML, PHP and MySQL.
1.1.0 General Introduction
It is safe to say that most activities such as hostel allocation carried out in most universities in Nigeria are done manually. Therefore, there is a lot of strain on the individuals running the hostels. An E-Hostel system is simply software developed for managing most activities that take place in the hostels with the help of a hostel administrator.
The goal of this research work is to provide a solution to the problem of hostel management, by designing a computerized system which is user-friendly and GUI-oriented that will be compatible with the existing manual systems. The software to be developed will solve the problem of hostel management; thus helping to reduce problems associated with the manual hostel management system. The project uses University of Calabar as Case Study.
1.2.0 Introduction
This chapter introduces the study and provides relevant information on the background of the study. It begins with problem definition (statement of the problem) which describes the major problems associated with manual hostel management. This is followed by the research objective putting in a nutshell what is to be achieved by the study. Subsequently, the Research Justification is presented, which justifies the essence of the research. The Research Methodology describes the procedures used in conducting the research. Scope and Limitation discusses the area the research is limited to and also highlights the constraints encountered during the course of this work. Finally, there is definition of terms and chapter layout which defines peculiar terms related to the study alone and summarizes the entire chapters respectively.
1.3.0 Problem Definition
Problems associated with hostel records when manually handled by hostel staffs in University of Calabar include:
Records are manually written and stored in various registers.
Lots of human errors are encountered when records are hand-written.
The use of numerous registers for hostel allocation can be very cumbersome, hence tracing records become tedious.
Difficulty in maintaining or updating the records, hence, retrieval of a certain dataset from a bunch of registers is almost impossible.
Loss or damage of any of the registers leads to damage of lots of important files at a time.
Lack of data security.
1.4.0 Objective Of Study
The objective of this study is to develop an application that will ease the stress associated with the existing manual system as earlier stated, while focusing on the the of University of Calabar.
This study aims to achieve the following;
To create a database management system (DBMS) which allocates storage to student data and also provides security for the stored data.
To provide quick and efficient means for gathering the student information along with their rooms, fees, etc.
To find out the possible benefits that will be obtained from the new system.
At the completion of this work, this system will improve the management of student hostels in the University of Calabar.
1.5.0 Research Justification
The proposed research can be justified by providing answers to the questions below:
Does the research extend the understanding of the phenomenon being investigated?
Does it elaborate, extend or fill in gaps in present knowledge?
Finally, will it give the expected results result?
After putting these aforementioned questions into consideration, I believe that this research is worth doing. Using UNICAL as the existing system to be investigated, in which the mode of operation is done manually, a certain level of bias will be experienced. The new system to be developed is to manage the allocation process.
1.6.0 Research Methodology
In order to realize the objectives of this research, it is important to apply the appropriate strategy in achieving the set goals. The methodology employed in the course of this study is to first outline the set of requirements to be met by the proposed system, where information related to the research work will be derived from the area of study (University of Calabar Hostels and Student Affairs); then envisage and implement the design of the system, using HTML and PHP for the design and MySQL for building the database.
1.7.0 Scope And Limitation Of Study
In terms of geographical coverage, student hotels in University of Calabar, Calabar, was studied.
This study suggests means of gathering information about students and ways of easily managing the hostel details, room details, student records, easy way of room allocation and hostel attendance. Subsequently, software will be written in the implementation phase which will enable the program to run.
In addition to this, a number of things occurred which slowed down the process in the research work. They include:
Time constraint for proper analysis, design and implementation of the E-Hostel system.
Poor internet facilities and inaccessible websites.
Limited access to administrative information.
1.8.0 Definition Of Terms
Database Management System (DBMS):
Is software that enables you store, modify, and extract information on a database.
E-Hostel (Electronic Hostel):
Is a computerized system for managing various activities in the hostel.
MYSQL is a relational database management system written in C and C++ that runs as a server providing multi user access to a number of databases.
Hypertext Preprocessor is a scripting language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages.
Unified Modeling Language (UML):
It is used to specify, visualize, modify, construct, and document the artifacts of an object-oriented software-intensive system under development.
1.9.0 Chapter Layout
This study is presented in five chapters.
Chapter One: deals with the introduction, which provides preamble or background to the study. It also introduces the study and provides relevant information on the background to the study, problem definition, objectives of study, justification and methodology of the research, definition of terms and chapter layout.
Chapter two: is a review of literature relevant to the research topic; introduction to the chapter, overview of hostel and brief history of hostel will be discussed. Also to be discussed are the type of hostels and a quick look on several literature on this work before ending with my proposed contribution.
Chapter three: presents system methodology which analyzes the current system, indicating the shortcomings and finding possible solutions by designing and developing a new system. System requirements and specifications are also discussed.
Chapter four: focuses on system implementation which aims at ensuring that the system works accurately and efficiently and also tested for possible errors before making it available to the users.
Chapter five: provides a summary of the findings, drawing conclusions based on the findings as well as the relevant recommendations
Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1.0 Introduction
This research work has simply been about designing an E-Hostel system using the University of Calabar Hostel as a case study. The advantages of a hostel database have been clearly stated which support the need for an E-Hostel system.
In summary, the objective of this study was to eliminate the tedium associated with the existing manual system as earlier stated in the problem definition in chapter one, with the provision of a system that is readily available, portable in terms of disk size and provide portals with ability to make entry in to the system if place on the school server.
5.2.0 Application of the E-Hostel System to UNICAL Hostel Allocation
The E-Hostel system which is designed to meet the objective stated in chapter one is to full satisfy the importance and eliminate the monotonous way of room allocation. The E-Hostel present user/portal with the ability to allocate rooms to student using a first-in-first approach (FIFO), here the user/portal is presented with a registration form to fill the student information then validate the allocation for that student. Also, user/portal can update halls by adding to the ones in the system. The user/portal can also search for information stored in the database; such as number of students in a specific hall, hall information and admin in charge with reference to a particular student.
5.3.0 Suggestion on Further Research
Building a system such as ours in such limited time frame will not give us the opportunities to fully explore all the functionalities there are in implementing a system that could be termed as “world class”. However, the system built will fully meet the scope of this study. For further research it would be important for the system to possess some of the functionality stated below:
The system could be an online system where user could at any time be able to allocate rooms to the system without being confined to the hostel network.
The system could be design in such a way that student will pay some certain amount at the bank to obtain a transaction ID, then using that ID to fill the hostel requirement online. When done the system will automatically allocate the student a room
The system should be design in such a way that student could be able to have an account online using his room number where he/she could be able to login and lay complains and also contribute to further development of the hostel.
5.4.0 Recommendation
The following recommendations have been made based on the findings of this research;
The E-Hostel system is recommended for institutions that provide hostel accommodation for their students
The system is also for individuals or corporate firms that manage their own private hostels located outside the campus.
The system can also be used by a hotel manager to manage room allocation in the hotel
Also recommended for any high schools and primary schools dormitory where the matrons could be the one allocating room to students.
5.5.0 Conclusion
As a result of this research work, the Student Affair Department will now be able to allocate rooms to students without going through much stress. Portals can now manage student record with ease giving such portable and robust system.
Title Page
Table of Content
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter One:
1.1.0 General introduction
1.2.0 Introduction
1.3.0 Problem definition
1.4.0 Objective of study
1.5.0 Research justification
1.6.0 Research methodology
1.7.0 Scope and limitation of study
1.8.0 Definition of terms
1.9.0 Chapter layout
Chapter Two:
Literature Review
2.1.0 Introduction
2.1.1 Overview of Hostel System
2.1.2 Brief history of Hostel Systems
2.2. Type of Hostels
2.2.1 Hosteling International (HI) (Wikipedia, 2013)
2.2.2 Independent Hostels
2.2.3 Boutique Hostels (Wikipedia, 2013)
2.2.4 Mobil Hostesl (Wikipedia, 2013)
2.3.0 State-of-the-Art E-Hostel Systems
2.3.1 Hostel Reservation Script
2.3.2 Anand System Inc
2.4.0 Proposed Contributions
Chapter Three:
System Design Methodology
3.1.0 Introduction
3.2.0 System Requirements Specification
3.3.0 System Design Logical Design Input Design Output Design Menu Design Use Case Design Activity Design Program flowchart Physical Design Program Specification Layout of Files Design System Controls Structure of Database Design
Chapter Four:
System Implementation
4.1.0 Introduction
4.2.0 Features and Choice of Implementation Language
4.3.0 System Testing Strategies
4.3.1 Unit Test
4.3.2 Integration Test
4.4.0 Target Computer System Requirements
4.4.1 Software Requirements
4.4.2 Hardware Requirements
4.5.0 Software Maintenance Issues
4.5.1 Corrective Maintenance
4.5.2 Preventive Maintenance
4.5.3 Adaptive Maintenance
Chapter Five:
Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1.0 Introduction
5.2.0 Application of the E-Hostel System to UNICAL Hostel Allocation
5.3.0 Suggestion on Further Research
5.4.0 Recommendation
5.5.0 Conclusion
Appendix A: Source Code Listings
Appendix B: Sample Output
List of Figures
Figure 3.1 Login Interface
Figure 3.2 Update Hostel Interface
Figure 3.3 Allocate Hostel Interface
Figure 3.4 View Allocation Interface
Figure 3.5 Search Field Interface
Figure 3.6 Menu Design
Figure 3.7 Use Case Diagram
Figure 3.8 Activity Diagram for the Proposed System
Figure 3.9 Flowchart of the Proposed System
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Layout of User Table
Table 3.2 Layout of Hall Table
Table 3.3 Layout of Student Table
Table 4.1 Software Requirement for the Target System
Table 4.2 Hardware Requirement for the Target System
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