Development Of Job Enrichment Scheme For Secretary

(A Case Study Of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation Eleme Port Harcourt)

A job enrichment scheme for secretaries involves designing roles that empower and engage individuals, enhancing job satisfaction and productivity. It integrates various strategies such as skill variety, task significance, autonomy, and feedback mechanisms tailored to the secretary’s responsibilities. Skill variety ensures a diverse range of tasks, from administrative duties to project management, fostering continuous learning and growth. Task significance emphasizes the importance of each task in contributing to organizational objectives, instilling a sense of purpose and value in the secretary’s work. Autonomy grants decision-making authority within defined parameters, enabling independent problem-solving and creativity. Feedback mechanisms provide regular evaluations and opportunities for improvement, fostering a culture of continuous development and recognition. By implementing such a scheme, organizations can cultivate a dynamic and fulfilling work environment for secretaries, enhancing their professional development and contributing to overall organizational success.


As there are needs for more qualified secretaries in the labour market, and the scarcity of these grades of secretaries, it is necessary to train more secretaries. This paper reviews the scanty literature on the development of job enrichment scheme for secretaries in Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.
A case study method of research was adopted with questionnaire form filled by managers and secretaries who are staff of this oil company, interviews were also conducted. Averages and percentages were used to analyze the data obtained from the questionnaire forms. It was found that the job of the secretaries is a vital one in these organizations to a great extent. (In varying degree) and, although the company were aware of these secretaries and their importance and are also making best use of their talents. It is recommended that, among other things, the companies should recognize these secretaries and improve on the existing development of job enrichment of schemes of secretarial staff in their organization.
It was also found that there were more qualified secretaries in some companies while some others lacked. These grades of secretaries. And some of these companies enrich their secretarial jobs which makes the job more challenging.


Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Abstract iv
Acknowledgment vi
Table of Contents vii

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the problem 4
1.2 The purpose of the study 5
1.3 Significance of the study 6
1.4 Delimitation 7
1.5 Definition of Terms 7

2.0 Literature review 9
2.1 Job enrichment 10
2.2 Job evaluation & job description 19
2.3 Job measurement & satisfaction 23
2.4 Working condition under automation 26
2.5 The secretary and working environments 29

3.0 Methodology 32
3.1 The research n question 33
3.2 Instrument of research 35
3.3 Method of data analysis 35

4.0 Analysis of data 36

Conclusion and Recommendations 56
5.1 Conclusion 56
5.2 Recommendation 57
Bibliography 59
Appendix 61



The job of a secretary in the organization is a very important one. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of English 1974, a secretary is defined as employee in an office who deals with correspondence, keeps, makes arrangement and appointment for a particular member of staff. Agrew et al in secretarial office practice define a secretary as the executive assistance or the junior partner of the executive. They went further to say that a secretary does not only transcribe rapidly a well panned dictation. In addition to routine work, the secretary also makes minutes of a meeting with no difficulty and takes telephone messages with accuracy and ease. She is also expected to compose letters, carry out research for and prepare materials for reports a well as act as a representative of the executive in attending to the public and the business colleagues in his absence. From the foregoing definition, one can see that the secretary is the life wire of any organization as a junior partner of the executive or the executive assistant, she or he is placed in a special position of trust and responsibility thus she can handle the minor details that flood the office daily with little or no consultation with the employer hence the executive free decision. The secretary is always in constant contact with the public either by the telephone or by personal callers consequently, the secretary is more or less responsible for setting in tone of the office that is friendly and efficiently.
Secretarial position varies widely depending on the size of the organization, the number of workers employed, the nature of the business as well as the personal qualities. The position involves a widely variety of duties and responsibilities. In order to achieve the smooth and effective running of the office, the secretary must possess certain basic qualifications, undergo basic secretarial training as well as acquire some special personal qualities peculiar to secretaries. The secretarial job is not any job, for one to function effectively and efficiently are needs to possess certain basic qualifications and undergo basic secretarial studies either OND, HND, or ND, B.SC and other nice recognized certificates in the field. In addition to that, the secretary must develop the knowledge and understanding of the work involved as well as the proper planning of the day’s work.
Another important aspect is the enrichment of the secretarial job. The war manpower commission (1944), said that the word “job” has many connotations which for the sake of clarity and exactness require careful definition. However, in order to arrive at a precise definition, certain additional terms must be defined formally.
A task exist whenever human effort must be exerted for a specific purpose. When sufficient tasks accumulate to justify them employment or A, a position has been created.
Thus, a position is an aggregate of duties, tasks and responsibilities requiring the service of one individual Consequently, the number of individuals employed by the organization.
The job of the secretary is a task, which she had to carry out. And because this job is a very lucrative work, it has to be enriched in order for it to work out effectively and efficiently. It was said that a good enrichment leads to better productivity, so the secretary needs a good environment like having modern types of machines and typewriters to work with it, nice office, well – equipped with it, nice office, well – equipped with nice pay and making her to know that she is somebody very important in the organization, than neglecting her, this will make her develop her more. The secretary herself, as the first to see in the organization (departments) must possess certain attitudes which make her different from others. Neatly dressed, always in a good mood to receive the company’s customers gently and courteous. Without all these attribute, a secretary cannot perform her job very well no matter the qualification she possesses.
The secretary position in the company needs to be recognized and enriched for the effective running of an organization.

In spite of the increasing demand by organization on employers of labour to reassess traditional view as they effect human resources, its management, acquisition and development, some employers of labour are yet to believe that so long as the staff can be used to get money no need providing her with some necessary materials that will make the job of the employee enriched. In fact to them the enrichment of job is a waste of time and financial resources.
This belief has made some organization not to provide job enrichment schemes opportunities, which have resulted in some staff performing below expectation. The study examined development of job enrichment scheme for secretaries with a view to ascertaining whether or not there exists adequate job enrichment programme or schemes for secretarial staff in Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.

The purpose of the study is to look at the following:
i. The ways in which secretaries job or the job of secretaries is being carried out in one of company, N.N.P.C.
ii. Whether the job of a secretary can lead to high productivity, when done well.
iii. To compare the schemes used in these companies and to find out with one is better and more develops.
iv. To examine the kind of secretaries being employed by this oil company whether trained or not.
v. To recommend the type of secretaries suitable for the company, if they do not have qualified ones.
vi. Finally to see if secretarial job is being carried out in the same way by the companies.

The findings of this study should enable the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N. N. P. C) and infact other organizations to appreciate the need for the development of job enrichment schemes for secretaries.
It should also assist the organizations on how to improve upon existing development and some other programmes by defining opportunity areas and also identifying resources which can be effectively utilized to make real a more viable development and enlargement programme for secretarial staffs.

The research work was limited to the development of job enrichment schemes for secretaries in Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N.N.P.C). The study shall not deal with cost benefits of any existing development of job enrichment schemes for secretaries and would not identify those who have benefited fully from these schemes.

Words and phrases used in relation to the study are defined below to enable the reader understand their precise meaning.
i. Oil Companies: Refers to those companies that engage in oil exploration and marketing.
ii. Job: work, task, undertaking proceeding, employment, occupation. This is any work or task done by any individual for a living.
iii. Job enrichment: It involves, including a planning task, a control task, or with a job which previously only involves operating tasks.
iv. Job evaluation: Job evaluation is an analytic and systematic method of determining pay rates for jobs.
v. Development: Refers to growth improvement, increase, expansion, or enlargement of anything. E.g, job, for its effective functioning.
vi. Scheme: Refers to plan designing purpose, intention, objective, aims, prgramme, project etc. it refers to any programme or project that has been carried out or which is to be carried out.
vii. Secretary: Refers to an employee in an office who deals with correspondences keeps records, makes arrangements and appointments for a particular number of staff.
viii. Enrichment: Refers to enhancement, improvement, advancement, furtherance, betterment or beautification of any programme or thing.

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Development Of Job Enrichment Scheme For Secretary:

Developing a job enrichment scheme for a secretary is a strategic approach to enhancing their job satisfaction, productivity, and overall job performance. Job enrichment aims to provide employees with a more challenging and fulfilling work experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to develop a job enrichment scheme for a secretary:

  1. Understand the Current Job Role: Begin by thoroughly understanding the secretary’s current job responsibilities, tasks, and daily routine. This includes administrative duties, communication tasks, scheduling, and any other relevant responsibilities.
  2. Identify Employee Needs and Interests: Conduct one-on-one discussions or surveys with the secretary to understand their career aspirations, skills, and areas of interest. This will help tailor the job enrichment scheme to their preferences.
  3. Analyze the Work Environment: Evaluate the workplace culture and environment to identify any factors that may be contributing to job dissatisfaction or lack of motivation. Consider factors such as workload, communication, recognition, and career growth opportunities.
  4. Job Redesign: Based on the gathered information, redesign the secretary’s job role to make it more engaging and challenging. This may include:
    • Task Variety: Introduce a wider variety of tasks or responsibilities, such as project management, event planning, or research.
    • Skill Development: Offer opportunities for skill development, such as training in new software, communication skills, or project management techniques.
    • Increased Autonomy: Allow the secretary more autonomy in decision-making and problem-solving within their scope of work.
    • Responsibility Expansion: Consider expanding the secretary’s responsibilities to include tasks that align with their skills and interests.
  5. Training and Skill Development: Provide training and resources necessary for the secretary to excel in their new or expanded roles. This can include workshops, online courses, or mentorship programs.
  6. Clear Performance Metrics: Define clear and measurable performance metrics and goals for the secretary’s new responsibilities. This will help them understand their performance expectations and provide a sense of achievement.
  7. Feedback and Recognition: Implement a regular feedback mechanism to provide constructive feedback and recognition for their efforts. Recognize achievements and provide opportunities for growth.
  8. Career Advancement Path: Outline a clear career advancement path within the organization. Discuss potential promotions, salary increases, and how the secretary can progress within the company.
  9. Flexibility: Offer flexible work arrangements or schedules if possible, as this can greatly improve job satisfaction.
  10. Monitoring and Adaptation: Continuously monitor the secretary’s performance and job satisfaction. Be open to making adjustments to the enrichment scheme based on their feedback and changing circumstances.
  11. Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with the secretary throughout the process. Encourage them to voice their concerns and provide input on the job enrichment scheme.
  12. Evaluate and Refine: Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the job enrichment scheme through performance reviews and feedback from the secretary. Make refinements and improvements as needed to ensure long-term job satisfaction and productivity.

Remember that job enrichment is an ongoing process, and it should evolve with the secretary’s development and changing organizational needs. A well-implemented job enrichment scheme can not only boost job satisfaction but also contribute to higher productivity and retention rates.