Earnings Management And Firm’s Performance In Nigeria

The Earnings Management And Firm’s Performance In Nigeria Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


This research work assess earnings management and firm’s performance in Nigeria. In the course of this work four objectives and research question were formulated. Survey research was used and the populations was 100 workers drawn from Pitason shoe industry the results shows that corporate governance has an impact on earnings management of firms, earnings management has effect on firms profitability and there are implications of earnings management on corporate governance. Earnings management superintendence increment in earnings by implementing some accountings tactics (accrual-based earnings management) or within unusual real activities (REM). Comprehensive commitment is arranged on accruals but Pitason management have given insufficient consideration to earnings manipulation throughout real activities earnings management. The research work shows that earnings management really affect the firms performance.

Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

Concern about corporate governance has developed historically in response to major crises of confidence, fraud and market failure and with it development of advances in our thinking about the socio economic role and contribution of corporate entities (Nerd berg 2007). In recent times the perverseness of corporate failure has led to the loss of investors’ confidence on both financial reports and reporting accountants (auditors). Although many studies had explored how financial reporting quality can be improved through good corporate governance, there is scarcity of literature on the relationship between specific governance mechanisms and ethical misconduct of accountants .Ethics is viewed in this study as absence of attempt to cooked/doctored or tailored financial accounting reports to a giving desired or what is popularly referred in the literature as earnings management/creative accounting-financial engineering.

Earnings, sometimes called the “bottom line“ or “net income” are the single most important in financial statements. They indicate the extent to which a company has engaged in value added activities. They are signal that helps direct resource allocation in capital markets. Infact the theoretical value of a company’s stock is the present value of its future earnings. Increased earnings represent an increase in company value, while decreased earnings signal a decrease in that value.

Given the importance of earnings, it is no surprise that company management has a vital interest in how they are reported. That is why every executive needs to understand they can make the best possible decisions for the company. They must in other words learn to manage earnings.

Earnings management may be defined as “reasonable and legal management decision making and reporting intended to achieve stable and predictable financial results.”Earnings management is not to be confused with illegal activities to manipulate financial statements and reports results that do not reflect economic reality. These type of activities popularly known as “cooking the books “miss representing financial results. Many executives face a lot of pressure to cross the line from earnings managements to cooking the book. A 2009 survey at a conference sponsored by CFO magazine found that 78prercent of the chief financial officers (CFOS) in attendance had been told to cost financial result s in a better light, though still using generally accepted by accounting principles (GAAP). Half of them complied with the request worse however 45 percents of the group attendees reported that they had been asked to misrepresent their companies financial result s and 38 percent admit with complying.

The intense pressure to report better earnings was confirmed by a similar survey at a business week CFO conference. It found that 55 percent of the CFO’s had been asked to misrepresent financial results and 17 percent had complied.

A number of phrases have been used to describe earnings management activities:

Income smoothing

Accounting hocus-pocus

The numbers game

Financial statement management

Aggressive accounting

Re-engineering the income statement

Toggling the books

Creative accounting

Financial statement manipulation

Accounting magic

Borrowing income from the future

Banking income for the future

Financial shenanigans

Window dressing

Accounting alchemy


There is no standard universally accepted definition for any of these terms. People use them in different ways and with different degrees of appreciation to cover a wide variety of activities, many perfectly legal. This tends to blur the distinction between ethically legal earnings management and illegally cooking the books.

Unethical practices could be attributed to the flexibility inherent in generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the preparation of financial statements which gives financial managers some freedom to select among accounting alternatives.

Earnings management uses this flexibility in financial reporting to alter the financial results of a firm (Ortega and Grant, 2003). Levit (1998), describes earnings management as a gray area where the accounting is being perverted, where managers are cutting corners and where earnings reports reflects the desire of management rather than underlying financial performance of a company. If earnings are considered to be the most revealing figure of financial reports, then adequate measures need to be put in place to ensure its quality and reliability.

Recent studies revealed that large companies that have failed or filed bankruptcy have engaged in earnings smoothing years prior to their failures, Abdelghany (2005). This unethical practice was also evident from most pronounced failure to recent times, World Com, Pharmalat, Societe generale, among others. Even recent Global Financial Crisis that engulfed world economies was largely attributed to unethical accounting practices.

Moreover, concern about corporate governance has grown historically in response to major crises of confidence, fraud and market failure and with development of advances in our thinking about the role of corporation in the economy and society. However, since the modern form of corporation is that which management is diverted from ownership conflict will continue to exist. Board of trustees of owners whose major role is to supervise holistically the activities of management, may likely to some greater extent curve any excesses or deterred possibility of misrepresentation in financial.

These expectations depend largely on the size, speed, competence and vigilance and to subsume it all the general structure of the board.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

It is not known whether corporate governance has impact on earnings management.

Is there any implication of earnings management on corporate governance?

It is not known whether earnings management have implications on firms profitability in Nigeria.

It is not known whether there is a relationship between corporate governance and earnings management.


1.3 Statement of Research Questions

For the purpose of this research work, the following research questions are examined:

What is the impact of corporate governance on earnings management?

What are the implications of earnings management in corporate governance?

What are the implications of earnings management in firm’s profitability in Nigeria?

It there a relationship between corporate governance and earnings management?


1.3 Objectives of the Research

The objectives of the study are:

To find out the detail meaning of earnings management.

To find out the impact of corporate governance on earnings management.

To find out the implications of earnings management in corporate performance of Nigerian firms.

To find out if there is relationship between corporate governance and earnings management.


1.4 Research Hypothesis

For the purpose of this study, the following hypothesis is formulated:

H0: There is no relationship between corporate governance and earnings management.

H1: There is a relationship between corporate governance and earnings management.

1.5 Relevance and Significance of the Study

The study is relevant and significant for the following reasons:

The study examines the corporate structure of Nigerian firms. This is a yardstick to find out the effectiveness of corporate governance in Nigerian firms as it affects the ethical practice in financial reporting. An unethical and sharp malpractice that is being perpetrated is revealed through the structure of corporate governance that is in place. Hence this study is useful to corporate organizations in finding lasting solutions to the problems of ineffective corporate governance that may lead to unethical financial reporting.

This study is also useful to prospective researchers who intend carrying out research work on similar topics.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is to look into those areas of corporate governance structure which influence to a greater extent the ethics in financial reporting (Earnings Management). The objective is to estimate the relationship between the board size, board composition and board effectiveness in determining unethical practices. The rest of the research work comprises of chapter one – proposal, chapter two – review of the literature, chapter three – research methodology, chapter four presents and discusses the results and finally five is summary, recommendations and conclusion.

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary

This research work assess earnings management and firm’s performance in Nigeria. In the course of this work four objectives and research question were formulated. Survey research was used and the populations was 100 workers drawn from Pitason shoe industry the results shows that corporate governance has an impact on earnings management of firms, earnings management has effect on firms profitability and there are implications of earnings management on corporate governance. Earnings management superintendence increment in earnings by implementing some accountings tactics (accrual-based earnings management) or within unusual real activities (REM). Comprehensive commitment is arranged on accruals but Pitason management have given insufficient consideration to earnings manipulation throughout real activities earnings management. The research work shows that earnings management really affect the firms performance.

5.2 Conclusion and Recommendation

The widespread failure in the financial disclosure has created the need to improve the financial information quality. Consequently, the factors influencing the occurrence of earnings management have been an intense and inconclusive area of research and an interesting issue of discourse. The factors have been identified to be both exogenous and endogenous to the firm. The exogenous factors have been highlighted to include the reporting standards and institutional environment, economic and financial policies and the board spectrum of variables outside of the firm’s control. These factors have also not attracted considerable empirical research attention as controlling for the factors to make them amenable for empirical analysis is as a challenge especially in developing economies. The endogenous factors with the propensity to influence occurrence of earnings management have been identified also in the literature and these factors are generally regarded as being within the locus of control of the firm.

The recommendation is that there is the need for firms to consider the need to increase their board independence. Again firms must ensure that the auditors’ they engage are credible and have a track record of delivering reports that show the actual state of affairs of a company. Firms and Allied Matters Acts should be regularly reviewed and updated so that stiffer penalty is meted out to those caught engaging in the act of earnings management.

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