The Effect Of Problem-Solving Approach On Learning On Junior Secondary School Academic Achievement In Mathematics Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study basically assessed the effect of problem-solving approach on learning on junior secondary school academic achievement in mathematics, A total of two hundred and thirty-eight (238) students out of a population of two thousand four hundred (2400) students were used for the study. The responses from the instrument used in the study formed the basis for data analysis The study cited several literature and empirical studies. The quasi-experimental design was used for this study. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analyses of the data collected from the sampled students. The reliability of the two instruments MAT and MTQ were established with the use of the test-re- test reliability estimate and the coefficients were found to be 0.87 and 0.89respectively which signified that the instruments were highly reliable. Five objectives and five research questions were set and five null hypotheses were propounded for the study. Basically, independent sample t-test statistic was used to test all the hypotheses since they are all two variables parametric data. It was observed that problem-solving approach had significant positive effect on students’ attitude towards mathematics which has improved the achievement of students; it was recommended that Mathematics teachers should be given all needed encouragement and motivation to use the problem-solving strategies in place of the conventional lecture method for better academic performance. Also, the study recommended that Teachers who had mastery of the subject (mathematics) should be encouraged to teaching the rural areas.
The main objective of this study was to investigate effects of problem-solving approach on learning on junior secondary school academic achievement in mathematics in Kaduna State Nigeria, the other specific objectives are to:-
- Establish the attitude of student taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) and those taught with conventional method (CG).
- Find out the difference between performance of student taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) and those taught with conventional method (CG).
- Investigate the attitude of Male and Female students taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG).
- Find out difference in performance of male and female students taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG),
- Find out if students from Urban and Rural areas taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) differs in performance.
The study was guided by the following research questions:
- What is the difference between attitude of student taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) and those taught with conventional method (CG)?.
- What is the difference between performance of student taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) and those taught with conventional method (CG)?.
- Do Male and Female students taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) differs in attitude?.
- Do Male and Female students taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) differs in performance?
- Do students from Urban and Rural areas taught Mathematics with problem-solving approach (EG) differs in performance?
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