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Effective Pricing An Essential Factor In The Promotion Of Sales

(A Case Study Of Lever Brothers Nig Plc Lagos)

5 Chapters
59 Pages
8,002 Words

Effective pricing plays a crucial role in driving sales by influencing consumer behavior and shaping market dynamics. The strategic determination of product prices is a multifaceted process that involves considering various factors such as production costs, competitor pricing strategies, and perceived customer value. Achieving the right balance between affordability and perceived value is paramount in enticing consumers to make purchasing decisions. The integration of well-thought-out pricing strategies can create a competitive edge, attracting price-sensitive consumers while also maximizing revenue for the business. Additionally, dynamic pricing strategies, which adapt to market fluctuations and demand, further enhance the effectiveness of pricing in stimulating sales. In essence, the careful calibration of pricing is not only a financial decision but also a powerful tool for businesses to navigate the intricate landscape of consumer preferences and market competitiveness.


The proposed research topic is summarized as follows: Firstly, it is aimed at establishing a coherent and comprehensive definition of pricing, by carefully identifying the parameters. That determines pricing. These parameters profit expectation, market value of the production and government but a few.
Also the research work intends to establish the similarities and differences critically analyzing the element that determines the price of products.
Finally, the research work equally analyses the various significance of pricing in the promotion of products sales and patronage.
Also, the various roles of the government organization and other stakeholders in the fixing and enforcement of the pricing policy.


Title Page


Chapter One:
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Back Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of Problem
1.3 Purpose Or Objective Of The Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 The Scope (Delimitation) Of The Study
1.7 The Significance Of The Study
1.8 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two:
2.0 Review Of Literature

2.1 Concept Of Pricing
2.2 Price Control Mechanism
2.3 The Concept Of Monetary And Barter Price System
2.4 The Significance Of Effective Pricing In Marketing.
2.5 Relationship Of Pricing With Other Marketing Mix

Chapter Three:
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 The Design Of The Study
3.2 Area Of Study
3.3 The Population Of Study
3.4 Instrument For Data Collection
3.5 Validity/Reliability Of Instrument
3.6 Method For Data Collection
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four:
4.0 Data Presentation And Analysis

4.1 The Price And Percentage Of Product Sold In Different Period.
4.2 The Price Of Product For Different Marketing Period.

Chapter Five:
5.0 Discussion And Conclusion Of Results

5.1 Discussion Of Findings
5.2 Conclusion Of Study
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Implications Of The Findings
5.5 Suggestion For The Further Studies
5.6 Limitation Of The Study
5.7 List Of Table


1.1 Back of the study

The concept of pricing dated back from the pre-colonial era when the barter system of trading was still in co-operation. During this period, the price of goods and services were usually determined in equivalent goods or services. That is, an individual in need or wants of a certain product, will search for another individual that posses what he desires and at the same time is willing to accept what he has in exchange for the other.
However, after a long period of practicing the barter system, the associated limitations were discovered. These includes, lack of coincidence of two different products and most time the problem of durability of transportation of the exchanged items.
Due to the above stated problems, the system of pricing knows as “monetary system of pricing” was introduced to take care of the above-mentioned problem and enhance practice of sales, during marketing business, trade and other transactions.
Within this context, the concept of effective pricing in over research issue of deliberation and how this has contributed to sales, using lever brother Nig. Plc Lagos, as our reference point.

1.2 Statement of problem
The present research topic posses the following problems. Firstly, the problem of determining the actual market prices of different products.
Secondly, the problem of abnormal high prices, that are usually introduced by greedy marketers.
Thirdly, the problem of high cost of raw materials that often creates high price situations.
Also the research topic presents the problem of selling below actual price due to excessive negotiation between the customer and marketer.
Finally, the problem of increased cost of production, that often causes unexpected increase in the prices of commodities.

1.3 Purpose or Objective of the study
The present research topic is carried out to achieve the following objectives.
Firstly, to educate marketers on the importance of accepting market prices of products as the way forward towards improved sales.
Secondly, to expose the various elements that determines the prices of various products.
Thirdly, to educate the prospective buyers or target markets on the need to equate price with quality of products when they are presented with these products.
Also, to showcase pricing as an organizational centered initiative rather than human centered initiative.
Finally, to create opportunity for marketers to enlighten their customer about the various price specification for their products which will help to kick-start the process of selling.

1.4 Research Questions
During the course of this research work, the following questions were, raised and answers.
(i) To what extent has price contributed to the profit maximization of the marketing organization?
(ii) What are those factors that determines the price of a given commodity?
(iii) What is the role of the marketing organization in determining the prices of their commodity?
(iv) To what extent does inflation and deflation affects the price of commodities?
(v) What are the implication of abnormal increasing in prices of products?
1.5 Hypothesis
The following hypothetical statement were tested during the course of the research work.
H1: Lever brother Nig. Plc Lagos operates an effective pricing mechanism for their products.
H2: Research has also shown that effective pricing is one of the tools that is used by the said organization for strong competition in the marketing environment.

1.6 The scope (Delimitation) of the study
The scope of this research work is effective pricing inb the marketing and sales of organizational products, with special reference to Lever brothers Nig. Plc, Lagos.
The recent investigation that was conducted in the said organization shows that it posses the features for the discussion of the concept of “effective pricing”

1.7 The significance of the study
The present research work has the following significance:-
(i) If creates the opportunity for appropriately defining the concept of pricing as it affects marketing activities.
(ii) It provides the basis for sales promotion.
(iii) Pricing concept enables prospective marketers to understand the degree of profitability realizable from various products.
(iv) The research work exposes the various parameters/concepts that determines the prices of products.
(v) It also educate marketers on the concept of price fixing and implementation.

1.8 Defining of terms
During the course of the research work, the following terms were applied and they are defined as follows:-
Price, cost of production, profit, sales, marketing, marketing environment, competition, market price, government policies and inflation to mention but a few. Briefly defined:
(i) Price: This is the monetary value of a given commodity, at which it will be purchased.
(ii) Cost of product: This is the total cost of acquiring and transforming raw materials into finished products.
(iii) Profit:- This is the financial reward that is accruable to an organization after marketing their products.
(iv) Sales: The exchange of product for money.
(v) Marketing: The exchange of a given product at a given price, place and promotional situation, between the marketers and the target market.
(vi) Marketing environment: This is the environment where marketers and buyers interact to achieve their respective objectives.
(vii) Competition:- This is the situation where the marketer struggle with other marketers to take the lead in the marketing environment.
(viii) Market price: This is the market monetary value of commodities.
(ix) Government policies: This is the decision or resolutions of the government concerning the fixing and implementation of pricing.
(x) Inflation: This is the abnormal increase in the prices of commodities. Which makes few commodities been cased by too much money.

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Effective Pricing An Essential Factor In The Promotion Of Sales:

Effective pricing is indeed an essential factor in the promotion of sales for businesses. Pricing plays a crucial role in determining a company’s profitability, market positioning, and its ability to attract and retain customers. Here are some key reasons why effective pricing is vital for promoting sales:

  1. Competitive Advantage: Pricing can be a significant competitive advantage. Setting the right price can make your products or services more attractive to customers compared to your competitors. Whether you choose to compete on price or offer premium pricing with added value, your pricing strategy can help you stand out in the market.
  2. Customer Perception: Pricing sends a signal to customers about the quality and value of your products or services. If your pricing aligns with customer expectations, it can positively influence their perception of your brand and lead to higher sales.
  3. Revenue Maximization: Effective pricing strategies can maximize revenue by finding the optimal balance between price and sales volume. This involves considering factors like price elasticity of demand, production costs, and market conditions to set prices that yield the highest overall revenue.
  4. Profitability: Pricing directly impacts a company’s profitability. By accurately assessing costs and setting prices accordingly, businesses can ensure they cover expenses while generating a healthy profit margin. A well-thought-out pricing strategy can boost profit margins without relying solely on increasing sales volume.
  5. Customer Retention: Price consistency and fairness are essential for retaining customers. If customers perceive your pricing as transparent and consistent, they are more likely to return for repeat purchases. Loyalty programs and discounts can also be part of an effective pricing strategy to encourage repeat business.
  6. Market Expansion: Pricing can be used strategically to enter new markets or target different customer segments. For example, offering lower introductory prices or discounts for new customers can help expand your customer base.
  7. Product Life Cycle Management: Different pricing strategies may be appropriate at various stages of a product’s life cycle. For example, introductory pricing may be used to gain market share during product launches, while premium pricing can be employed for mature or niche products.
  8. Promotions and Sales Events: Effective pricing is critical for running successful promotions and sales events. Discounts, bundles, and clearance pricing should be carefully calculated to attract customers while still maintaining profitability.
  9. Adaptation to Market Changes: Markets are dynamic, and pricing should be flexible enough to adapt to changing market conditions, such as shifts in demand, inflation, or changes in the competitive landscape.
  10. Data-Driven Decision-Making: In today’s data-driven business environment, companies can use analytics and consumer insights to refine their pricing strategies. This enables businesses to make informed decisions based on customer behavior and market trends.

In conclusion, pricing is a multifaceted aspect of business strategy that significantly influences sales and overall company success. An effective pricing strategy considers various factors, including cost structure, competition, customer expectations, and market dynamics, to find the right balance that maximizes sales and profitability. Businesses that understand the importance of pricing and invest time and resources in developing a sound pricing strategy are better positioned for long-term success in the marketplace.