Effects Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour

A Case Study Of Nigerian Bottling Company 9th Mile Enugu

57 Pages 1 – 5 Chapters8,350 WordsDownload Complete Material

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This dissertation is the product of contributions of ideas ‘ by the researcher and his supervisor. It is both conventional and similar the topic of this project, the effect of advertising on consumers buying behavior in Enugu metropolis with particular reference to the Nigerian Bottling Company, bottlers of coca-cola products, is very vast and one cannot claim to have treated all the aspects of have literature involved in this topic within this skeletal out –fit. Rather the researcher has selected and x –rayed the vital aspects of the topic relevant to the points she wants to investigate and bitterness.
The project cover aspects like the media consumers get their product message, their p perceptive of advertising message, that is, either than buy the advertised product or not. Also covered were the impact social groups and religion has on consumer buying behavior.
In chapter one and two the researcher discussed generally advertising and other factors as then effect the buying behavior. In chapter three and four discussion was centered on the methods of collecting the data and analysis. In chapter five, their were discussion of the result, implication of the results, recommendations and suggestions for further research. In the recommendations a number problems were identified and discussed. The researchers conclusion was drawn from points discussed in the proceeding four chapters.
The researcher delved into the effect of advertising on consumer buying behavior because as a management student he assumes that, advertising plays a major, role in shaping peoples buying decision and to help advertisers and manufactures, especially those in the coca –cola industry, in data mining people’s buying behavior with reference to advertising.
This wine also helps the researcher and other students to get the practical analysis of effects of advertising on consumer buying behavior.

Chapter One

This chapter covers the introductory aspect of this project work. It discuses the problems needed to be solved in the other chapter to follow.

For quiet sometime now, the rise and fall of the advertisings industry, either in a boom or recession period, is dependent on the growth of the economy and this reflects the state of any economy. Infect, many companies have come to realize that advertising. Can constitute itself into a position force in the marketing of their products. Admittedly, figure on total annual bills of the advertising industry are not easy to come by, nevertheless, it is estimated that Nigeria spends about O.O5 percent of its gross National products (GNP) on advertising. And it is hoped that this figure wire improve as we attend a greater rate of development in the business sphere.
Undoubtedly, advertising is the most conspicuous of all the businesses effort. It forms the promotional or communication program of the businessman. In a competitive environment such as ours, there is the crying need for a manufacturer or seller to use advertising to present his product or service to the potential buyers or consumers.
It is an obvious fact that advertising has in no small way helped to recognize the business worlds. It brings the consumer in touch with the producer. Ie has to be noted the advertising is a necessary social force for any economics take off and it has influenced the public taste to such an extent that product that could no be advertised have faller into disuse and what is more, businessmen who would not advertise have been forgotten.
Advertising a product is not only aim at either calling for attention or creating awareness for its products, developing and maintenance of interest, but also encourages trial or repeat purchase, or better still, ensure cognitive consonance. In order to achieve the sells objective of the manufacturer, it is the function of advertising to interpret or translate the need or want – satisfying qualities of product and services in terms of consumer needs, wants, desires, aspirations and so on.
Theme is no doubt that advertising activities is a crucial factor in marketing of product or even in non-profit or 1 ended. Organizations and it is expected to create a business environment with the direct aim of sales. At this junction, it is of interest to note that in the opinion of the researcher, advertising deserves a thought study since it is becoming increasingly important to many organization owing to mass production and distribution which widened the gap between the producers and consumers and this gap cells for effective advertising. It is therefore appropriate for the researcher to as certain the state of product advertising as it effects the manufacturers and sellers of coca- cola products and the buying behavior of consumers in Enugu metropolis.

In the course of this work, the researcher identified some key factors that wire help identify the effects of advertising on consumer buying behavior as regards coca- cola products from the Nigeria Bottling Company (NBC) in Enugu Metropolis. These are;
1. To find out if the organization (NBC) can thrive without product advertising that is, if it can contribute to organizational goals or not.
2. To find out if the individual difference of groups or person in the area in question, effect the buying of coca cola products and to what extent.
The study however, will center on the above-identified problems and such other factors, which must be discovered in the course of the investigations.

The main purpose of the study is to find out.
1. Whether advertising influence people to buy and consume coca-cola products?
2. The effect of advertising products through the media.
3.The effect of advertising in individual psychological variables that had to consumer buying behavior.
4. And finally, to assess the effectiveness of advertising on consumer buying behavior as it relates to the consumption of (NBC) products.

The scope of the research will cover Enugu metropolis. Hence our main objective will be to determine the impact advertising makes on consumers resident within Enugu Metropolis at any point in time. In the discourse, we shall examine it from dimension, namely, from the standpoint of the bottlers [who are the advertisers] and from the standpoint of the consumer [who are the object in this researchers]. We shall move further to build up our view from the economic disposition of the consumers, the effect of media on consumption pattern; advertising and socio –cultural factors; and finally measuring the effectiveness of advertising. The choice of this center is not unconnected with the rate at which the consumption of coca- cola products is, in other parts of the country.

In a research of this nature, it is necessary to state how advertising helps manufactures, wholesalers and retailers increase sales and also. Increase production with this in mind and taking cognizance of the fact that advertising is how an accepted power in the business world, generally, a number of pertinent `questions arise on the economic and benefits of advertising in the area specified. The under listed questions were raised as a guide to carrying this research.

1. Has advertising alone been an influential source of information about products?

2. How has awareness creation through the mass media been effective?

3. What other factors. Influence the buying and consumption behavior of consumers towards coca- cola products?

4. To what extent has advertising been engaged by the Nigerian Bottling Company bottler of coca- cola products?

5. How has the application of advertising effected the productivity level of the organization?

This study wire help in finding out the effects of advertising on peoples buying behavior whether people patronize the Nigerian Bottling Company because of the advertising campaign used, the brand qualities, reasonable polices or its availability when and where needed.
Analysis and knowledge of this research by the case study or any firm wire help it come up with not only an effective advertising program, but also efficient program that wire ultimately leads success.
The study is also a welcome development since it seeks to know if it is worthwhile for advertising to spend that huge sum of money on advertising or not.

The researcher met with some difficulties in the course of this study. Foremost amongst them is the vast nature of the Enugu Metropolis, which was inaccessible to the researcher due to financial constraints and time constraints.
There was also the hindrance caused by the un- co- operative attitude of some respondents in answering the questionnaires.


Table of Contents

Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
List of table

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
1.8 References

2.1 Review of related literature
2.2 Origin of Advertising
2.3 The media
2.4 Characteristics of Advertising that affect consumption.
2.5 Consumer behavior
2.6 The communication process
2.7 A review of Nigeria Bottling Company
2.8 Reference

3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample size and sample procedure
3.5 Instrument for data collection
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Method of the collection
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.1 Presentation and Analysis of data
4.2 Summary of Results

5.1 Discussion of Result
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Implications of the Research findings
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestions for future Research
APPENDIX I sample of introductory letter
APPENDIX 2 sample of questionnaire

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