Effects Of Cooperative Learning Strategy On Biology Students Academic Achievement And Retention In Senior Secondary Schools

Jigawa State, Nigeria

112 Pages 1 – 5 Chapters27,212 WordsDownload Complete Material

The Effects Of Cooperative Learning Strategy On Biology Students Academic Achievement And Retention In Senior Secondary Schools Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)

Aims and Objectives

The objectives of the study are to:


  1. determine effects of cooperative learning strategy with models on the achievements in biology among Senior Secondary Schools science students.
  2. investigate effects of cooperative learning strategy with models on retention of biology among Senior Secondary Schools science students.
  3. determine effects of cooperative learning strategy on the achievements in biology among Senior Secondary Schools science students.
  4. investigate effects of cooperative learning strategy on retention of biology among Senior Secondary Schools science students.
Research Questions

For the purpose of this study, the following research questions were raised and answered.


  1. What is the effect on the performance scores of students taught biology using cooperative learning strategy with models (CLS + M) and their counterparts taught using cooperative learning strategy (CLS) without models?
  2. What is the effect on the performance mean scores of students taught biology using cooperative learning strategy with models (CLS + Model) and their counterparts taught using teaching method without models (L)?


  1. What is the effect on the performance mean scores of Students who taught biology using teaching method with models (L+M) and their counterparts taught using teaching method (L) without models?
  2. What is the effect on the retention ability of Senior Secondary Schools biology students who were taught using cooperative learning strategy with models (CLS +M) and those taught using cooperative learning strategy (CLS) without models?
  3. What is the effect on the retention ability of Senior Secondary Schools biology students who were taught using cooperative learning strategy with models (CLS + M) and those taught using teaching method without models (L)?
  4. What is the effect on the retention ability of Senior Secondary Schools biology students who were taught using teaching method with models (L + M) and those taught using teaching without models (L)?
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