Environmental Consequences Of Improper Solid Waste Disposal In Nigeria

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This study was carried out to examine the environmental consequences of improper solid waste disposal in Nigeria using Ikotun, Lagos State as a case study. Modernization, high standard of living, increase in population, technological innovation and excessive urbanization over the years has drastically contributed to the generation of municipal waste, through industrial and domestic activities. Due to inadequate waste disposal method, improper dumping of refuse in unauthorized places is now the order of the day in the country, both in local and national level and penalties that are placed on defaulters are not been effectively carried out.

This study investigates the effect of improper solid waste disposal and environmental issues associated with the management of solid waste in ado-odo Ota Government, Nigeria. Primary and Secondary data were used for the study. Primary data were acquired through structured questionnaires administered to a sample of 300 respondents which was randomly selected from each local government area. The Questionnaire was administered based on the data elicited from the respondents were analyzed through non-parametric method of Chi-square. Three (3) hypotheses were formulated for this study which was all rejected; showing that improper dump of Solid Waste had significant effects on Environment, Health, people’s attitude and practice. Secondary data were acquired from desk review method; information on environmental issues emanating from poor management of improper solid waste was obtained from literatures that are relevant to the study. The results of the findings obviously show that several major streets, open spaces, and even water ways are been used as refuse dump sites within the local government. The major environmental issues resulting from improper disposal and poor management of solid waste in Ota are physical nuisance of the waste to the environment. Generally, the study shows that soil, air and water pollution in the study area are caused by both pathogenic and chemical elements from these large amount of solid waste that hit some of the market places, abandoned land/building and major streets. Therefore, this paper is aimed at assessing the environmental risk of solid waste management during pandemic in Ado-Odo Ota LGA, Ogun State

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this study is to know the state of solid waste disposal, methods and environmental issues relating to such disposal along drainage channels and other environments.

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To establish the current situation of solid waste disposal in Ota local government area during pandemic
  2. To identify the method of waste disposal within the Local Government
  3. To know the environmental issues associated with the management of solid
  4. To analyze the whether there is significant relationship between environment, health and peoples’ attitude towards solid waste disposal
  5. To know the contribution of the local and state on solid waste disposal
Research Questions
  1. Do solid waste properly disposed along drainage channels within the Local Government?
  2. Are there any benefits that can be derived from waste?
  3. Does Solid waste a major environmental issue?
  4. Does the quality of waste disposal services satisfactory?
  5. Does method of waste adopted work for the resident living within the Local Government?
  6. Is it good to bury waste than to burn it?
Chapter Five

Generation of solid waste along drainage channel globally is attributed to man’s daily activities and the effects are inevitable. However, there are measures that can be adopted to make our environment better and safe to live. Unlawful solid waste dumping in Nigeria must be stopped; markets for recycled materials should be encouraged and financially supported by both government and private stakeholders. There is urgent need for Nigeria government to implement policies that can promote measures to prevent generation of wastes. Human health and the environment need to be safeguard from unsanitary conditions caused by improper solid waste disposal that has always lead to pollution and outbreak of diseases.

Improper solid waste generation, disposal and management in Ota is a serious issue because of the environmental issues these waste brings. From the findings of this study, it was observed that improper dump of solid waste in the society has several effects on individuals and as well as the society at large. These effects range from its negative effects on environment, health, and also people’ attitude which will have multiplier effects on the present and future inhabitants of the area. Improper dump of solid waste causes infectious disease among people, contamination of food and water, air pollution, sharp objects and chemicals illegal disposed thus causing harm to people. It also serves as breeding sights for disease vectors. Improper dump of refuse causes environmental degradation, soil pollution, creates harmful soil that is bad for crops production, environmental mess and poor environmental hygiene. People’s attitude such as refusal to pay waste management bills, laziness, violation of rules on refuse disposal and also some people may not be able to pay for waste management bills. All these could be described as the effects and causes of improper refuse dumps in Ota. While the Government has good intention to tackle the problem of environmental pollution within the city, it has a very low political will to back up its desire. This has manifested in the poor funding of the institutions charged with this responsibility.

The paper concluded that the management of environment of Ibadan city is a function of the concerted efforts of the three agencies charged with the environmental sanitation especially the Ogun State Solid Waste Management Authority. It is a capital intensive project that are closely associated with adequate manpower and the government should consider the care of the environment as a social service, otherwise Ota local government will continue to remain as the city of refuse in Ogun with its attendant health hazard. Also, the creation of Ogun state which has been thirst for will go a long way to solve some of the environmental problems presently facing the city.
To prevent this ancient city and the commercial nerve Centre of Western Nigeria from environmental deterioration, the following recommendations are to be attentively looking into:
i. There is the need to look into all legislations regarding waste management with a view to stream lining them so that there is a comprehensive and clear role for all the agencies, various tiers of government, as well as the public including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and community associations.
ii. There should be public enlightenment on the dangers of improper dump of solid waste to the general public.
iii. Citizens should be made to pay a realistic fee for waste services in return for the guarantee that indeed these services will be provided.
iv. Residents should contribute to the environmental cleanliness by adopting attitudinal change from improper refuse dumping along the street and as well as the median strip of the highways
v. Severe Sanction: Weekly and Monthly sanitation should be enforced .This will assist in cleaning up the environment.

Table of Contents

Cover page
Title page
Approval page

Chapter one
1.0 introduction
1.1 Background of the project
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Aim and objective of the project
1.4 Purpose of the project
1.5 Research hypotheses
1.6 Scope of the project
1.7 Research question
1.8 Project organisation

Chapter two
Literature review
2.1 Overview of the study
2.2 Concept of improper solid waste
2.3 Concept of environmental health impact
2.4 Improper solid waste management systems
2.5 Best way to start in nigeria
2.6 Possible measures of solid waste disposal

Chapter three
3.1 Materials/methods
3.2 Study area
3.3 Research design
3.4 Sample collection
3.5 Results analysis

Chapter four
4.0 Test and result analysis
4.1 Results and discussion

Chapter five
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 References

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