Funding Of Public Library Services

A Case Study Of Anambra State Library Board

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The study is on funding of public library services, a case study of Anambra State Library Board.
The study was presented based on nine objective and research question as follows to determine the sources of revenue to the Anambra state public library system. To determine the adequacy or otherwise of the sources of revenue to the funding of the library, to ascertain whether the public library is properly automated and computerized to provide in-and-out clear fee base services, to know if the public library system is properly organized and staffed to provide SDI fee-based services to find out if there is the existence of library tax fund in aid of public library funding in Anambra State, to ascertain whether local government councils contribute to library funding in Anambra State, to highlight the importance of endowments, grants, gifts and donations to library funding, to determine and highlight the importance of the payment of library development fee by secondary school students in aid of public library funding and to identify and proffer solutions to other inhibiting factors to public library funding in Anambra State.
The survey method of investigation was adopted in which questionnaire where used as instrument for data collection. Frequency/percentages table were used for data presentation and analysis.
Analysis of data collection shows that the library under study is funded majorly by state government, the sources of revenue to the library were not adequate, the library is not automated and computerized, the library is not well organized and staffed to provide SDI fee base services, the library has no tax fund to support its funding, the library receives much of its fund from the local government and that the secondary school students in Anambra State do pay their library development fund.
Premised on the above findings, the study made the following recommendations, that the state government should ensure adequate funding of the library and the government should change its negative attitude towards libraries and the people of the state should be made to understand that the library is there own and as such should help in financing the library.
The study hopes that the implementation of the above recommendations would bring some positive results to the library development.

Chapter One

The public library is established to serve the generality of the residents of the community a town where it is located. Compared with other. Types of libraries, it has the most heterogenic type of clientele as there is no restriction as to who can use it.
The public library due to the nature of its clientele and services according to (Odim 1990) must be really accessible and its doors open for free and equal use by all members of the community owing to this it stocks all members of information materials to assuage the information needs of these heterogeneous clients to face the challenges of the present day ICT.
In view of the foregoing (Edoka 1992) opines that “libraries are shaped by changes in demands for information societal noims, as well as changes in appropriate techniques” the realization of all these demands a huge financial outlay from either the government a whosoever that is the sponsoring body. It is therefore not surprising when (Edoka 1992) again reiterates the level of responsiveness to these matters is often determined by several factors of these factors funding occupies a prominent and usually decisive position”. As we move into the 21st century, it is perhaps the most serious problem facing libraries in this country.
The fact remains that the vision of high caliber professional staff in the libraries has often produced lefty plans for enhanced information services building design or modifications collection development, required new technology has all remained a mere, paper work because funds cannot be found for their implementation.
It cannot therefore be denied the fact that the library is invariable a part of a wider organization especially an aim of the government under a board. However the board is not self financing, but greatly depends on the men sponsoring body. Based on this, (Kantor 1986) has opined that “the funding of the public library is propnetor and should take full responsibility for its funding.
According to Nwokocha (2004) the state government through either the ministry of education or information as the case may be is the chief financier of the state public library, while the national library is funded by the Federal Government. But he laments that due to the numerous services provided by the public library and demand made on it that the tax payers money allocated to it is often grossly inadequate.
The public libraries, he opines, is a social information institution that is non profit making that needs adequate financial support from the parent sponsor which he identified as the government. The government has other competing needs that it uses tax payer’s money for. Above all, the library is not profit yielding institution which makes its needs and demands on government be relegated to the public.
Other avenues that have been sources of revenue to the library are endowments, grants, gifts, and donation have became occasional rather them regular sources. As such, on libraries are always going cap in hand begging for attention and financial sponsorship.
It is the contention of (Edoka 1992) that this ugly situation does not exist in the advanced and Asian Countries, he reveals that in some of these countries, the libraries are highly automated and computerized. That they are able to provide fee based services lick provision of type writers. Duplicating machines and photocopying machines, the library should in turn also use them for commercial purposes. The rigoius of commercial photocopying demand that any library therefore that would take up this service should augment with big photocopiers. Other departments are also well organized and professionally staffed to also provide SDI fee base services. He has equally revealed that there exists in these places library tax fund from companies, country counals (LG) library contributions endowments, grants, gifts and donations from friends of all library and library development paid by secondary school students.
In view of the foregoing, it is the intention of this study to empirically verify the existence and contribution of Edoka’s revelations above to public library services funding in Nigeria as it applied to that of Anambra State solution would be proffered to identified problems of funding.

It is useless to talk of a library without funds to meet daily demands made on it by clients and take care of staff salaries and other Sunday needs. Unfortunately, however, the funds are not there due to the fact that the library has only one sources of revenue, and that is the government.
It has not been properly automated and computenze to provide in and out door fee based services. It is not properly organized and staffed as to provide SDI fee based services, either, furthermore it chees not enjoy any library tax fund, no contribution from local governments, nor endowments, grants gifts and donation. There is no payment of library development fee by secondary school students
The application and workability of all these to the funding of public library service at the Anambra State Library Board has, however been ascertained. This study will therefore empirically investigate the application and workability of the above and make recommendations based on its finding.

To determine the sources of revenue to the Anambra State public library system.
To determine the adequacy or otherwise of these sources of revenue.
To ascertain whether the Anambra State public library system is properly automated and to provide in-and-out door fee base services.
To know if the Anambra State public library system is properly organized to provides SDI fee based services.
To find out if there in existence tax fund for the public library in Anambra State.

The study is on the funding of public library systems in Nigeria with particular focus on the public library system. Anambra State. The study will present a literature review with information gathered. Primary, secondary textiary and of cause the electronic sources analysis and findings.

This is quite a unique area of study in Library and Information Science. It creates a new vista in the area of financial management in library. With the aid of the study, library managers would now adopt the proactive dynamics of inward looking in savcing funds for there libraries.
The study will also save as a good reference tools or source of information to students and scholars who would want to replicate this work.

In he course of gathering data for this project questionnaires will be used to get information on the attitude of government towards library.
This is with the view of finding out what they think about the funding of Anambra State Library Board.
Some of the question will be open-ended while some will be closed ended in some instance both open and close ended responses will be used to gather information.

Following the creation of more state in August 1991, old Anambra State was splited into Anambra and Enugu, Anambra State inhented all the libraries within its area of junsdiction and establishing the headquarters at Awka, the State Capital, the headquarters was formally housed in a private building. At present, it is housed in a building originally meant for chemistry laboratory of Government Technical Collage Awka according to the Depity Director, Nnebuwa (1999) some plots of land have been allotted for building of befitting libraries at Onitsha, Abagana and Nnewi branch libraries at Ajah, Ateni, Amichi, Ihembosi, Ozubulu, Ekwuluobia, plains are going on towards opening a new branch library at Adazi Ani.
The Anambra State Public Library Board is situated at ifite Dunu, it also comprises the state centre libraries at the Ifite-Dunu, Uli, Umunze, Nsugbe, Oberon and Igboawam. Behold the populous heat land centres, Oko Okoja, Onitsha, Nnewi and Awka. There are four communities libraries at Ajah, Ihembosi Nkologwu and Amichi and the Ihembosi community library were officially commissioned on 3rd November 1981 and 8th of December 1981 respectively.
Anambra State inhabited all the libraries with in its area of jurisdiction and establishing the headquarters at Ifite Dunu in Abagena Local Government Area. The headquarters was formally housed in a private building, at present in its housed in a building originally meant for chemistry laboratory of government technical college Awka.
According to the Deputy Director Nnabuwa (1999), some plots of land have been allotted for Anambra state public library board. The board has three divisional libraries at Ajah Atani, Amichi, Ihembosi, Ozubulu, Ekwulobia. The boad also has book depots at Awka Ekwuluobia and Onitsha.

Information and reference services, junior library services, special services, services to the physically handicapped and the house bound. The board is operating under the new library Anambra State public library board.

Anambra State public library have five divisions presently initially with in 1988 civil service reform. It had a divisions then the provision are:
Public library services division which include the following sections, school library and extension services, branch libraries and the handicapped library. Divisional librarian under the director in charge of public services and technical services heads it.
Technical services division: This division is in charge of processing, acquisition and distribution of books and information resource (it has cataloguing classification and acquisition units).
Finance and supply handle the financial issues budgeting and supplies.
Business service division: For generation to revenue to the board support, support the government allocation. It has printing and bindery as it is main units personnel division handle all personnel marthers, Anambra State public library board is perastatal under the ministry of education and has 35 staff in its pay roll, it has a board of seven members.


Table of Contents

i Title Page
ii Certification
iii Dedication
iv-v Acknowledgement
vi-viii Abstract
ix List of Table
x  Table of Content

1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Historical Background of Anambra State Library Board

2.0 Introduction
2.1 The Concept of Public Library
2.2 Objectives of the Public Library
2.3 Services of the Public Library
2.4 Sources of Revenue to the Public Library
2.5 Problems of Funding Public Library Services

Research Procedure and Methodology
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2 The Population of Study
3.3 Sampling Size and Sampling Technique
3.4 Data Needed for the Study
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
3.5.1 Questionnaire
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection
3.7 Method of Data Analysis

Data Presentation and Analysis
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Distribution and Return of Questionnaire
4.2 Sources of Revenue to Anambra State Library
4.3 Adequate Sources of fund to the Library
4.4 Automated and Computerized System of the Library
4.5 Proper Organization and Staffing of the Library System
4.6 Library Tax fund in aid of Library Funding
4.7 Local Government contribution to Library Funding
4.8 Importance of the funds to the Library
4.9 Importance of Payment of Library Development Fee
4.9.0 Suggested Solutions
4.9.1 Summary of Findings of the Study

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion of the Study
5.2 Recommendations
Appendix I – Letter of Introduction
Appendix II – The Questionnaire

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