The Impact Of Effective Marketing On Business Activities Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The days of easy trading has long since disappeared and successful companies are characterized by their ability to recognize and to apply research techniques. Particular interest has centered on marketing research which has proved valuable to many companies and organizing marketing tactics. Chapter one introduce the topic of the write up, the statement of the problem, the aim and objectives, the significant, statement of the research question, scope and limitation and definition of key terms. Chapter two entails the literature review, source of marketing research, importance of the marketing status of the research and as well as the impact of marketing with references to the case study. Chapter three entails the research design, research population, sample techniques, validation of instrument, ways of collecting data and method for data analysis chapter four entails data presentation and analysis as well as the problem hindering effective marketing with reference to the case study.
Chapter five entails, summary, conclusion, recommendation and references.
Historical Background Of Doyin Investment
Doyin Investment is a subsidiary of Doyin group of company; it is located at kilometer 13, Asa dam Road, Ilorin, Kwara State. It was incorporated in 1984 as the first indigenous detergent industry in Nigeria.
The production of detergent started in December 1985, the head office is in Lagos and the chairman Managing Director is Prince (DR) Samuel Adedoyin, he is a native of Agbanu in Kwara State, and he was born in Lagos state in December 1935. a simple, diligent, dynamic, shrewd an d philanthropically business man who combined these rare qualities in was that differentiate him from his pears in industries and commerce.
He started his business ventures as a petty trader and with God Grace prudent Management of resources, commitment to excellent quality and resilience, is today and industrial giant of our time. His business interest spans manufacturing, Real estate, banking, hospitality industry ad the energy sector. The group has five (5) subsidiary producing houses hold (FMCG) product.
One of the subsidiaries won an accolade doe being the best seasoning manufactured in West African.
Presently, Doyin investment labour strength is 100% indigenous. The company has different department which includes;
Accounting department
Marketing department
Production department
Purchasing department
Administrative department
Doyin investment has five factories producing as follows:
Glycerin plant
Sulphonation plant
Sodium silicate plant
Soap plant
Detergent plant
1. Glycerine Plant:
The glycerine processes is a bye- product of the soap plant to produce glycerine industries, it is also used by tooth paste. Medicament industrial etc.
2. Sulphonation Plant:
The plant was commissioned in mid 1989 and produces a basic raw materials detergent using linear alkyl-benzene which is purchased form the petroleum industry, Kaduna, Nigeria.
3. Sodium Silicate Plant:
This plant produce product which is used in making raw materials for soap and detergent, it is also use for making batteries textile etc.
4. Soap plant:
This plant produces vogue toilet soap, bold, ground (laundry tablet soap) and clean soap.
5. Detergent Plant:
This detergent plant produces soaps and detergent, the brand names are flash, wash rite, supardeal. All these brand names have won the NIS award for good quality.
Doyin investment Nigeria limited Km 21, Lagos Badagry Express Way, Okokomaiko, Lagos State.
This company manufacturers building and paint materials. It also produces courant (dyes) for the soaps, detergent and car paints.
This company also located at Lagos State with the following plants:
Tea plant
Milk plant
Beverage plant
Maize Plant
Plastic bag making Plant
Doyin pharmaceutical Nigeria Limited, Plot 5, LS DPC scheme Km 2, Badagry Express Way Amuno Odofin, Lagos State. These company was incorporated in 1989, began production in the same year.
Presently, it has staff strength of almost four Hundred (400) seventy Percent (70%) of who are engaged in the several pharmaceutical plants. This factory is located along Badagry Express Way Lagos State, on a 201, 000 Sq Inter land area, it is operationally engage in the research, development manufacture and distribution of ethnical and over the counter drugs.
Facilities in the factory include:
Air handling system
Multi-gas channelization system
Power handling system
Water generation and treatment facilities with one of the most advanced water distillation system in the world phamastil.
A Doyin form, Agbamu, Kwara State each of the following owing plants in the company has the following product;
Pharmaceutical plant: Manufacturing pharmaceutical syrups, ointment and injections.
Bottled water plant: Producing “PRIME” table water in the size of 50Cl, 75Cl and 150Cl.
Carbonate/flavor drink plant: Producing the various juice drinks for the “PRIME” brand with the following flavours.Orange
Prime cream soda
Fruit juice: Produces Prime with the following variants; Apple, orange, mixed fruits etc. the products are packed ELOPAK cartons with unique screw on caps for easy handling.
Pet bottle plant: This plant produces PET BOTTLE for all plants in the factory. Also there is a potential of molding, bowing PET BOTELS on commercial scales.
1.1 Background of the Study
Doyin investment is a subsiding of Doyin group of companies. It is located at Kilometer 13 Asa Dam Road Ilorin, Kwara State. It was incorporated in 1984 as the first indigenous detergent industry in Nigeria production of detergent started in December 1985. The head office is in Lagos and the chairman/managing Director is Prince (Dr) Samuel Adedoyin presently the labour strength of the company is 100% indigenous. The company has different sections which include Marketing Department Accounting Department, Production Department, and Administration Department.
Marketing has been defined by different people in different ways. According to Phillip Kotler (1980) “marketing consist of a set of principles for choosing target markets”. Measuring their needs, developing wants satisfying product and services and delivery them at a value to the customer and a profit to the company.
Marketing is generally defined as the activity directed at satisfactory customer needs wants though exchange transactions in the market. It is said to begin with generation of product or services ideas and ends only when the firm has made certain that the customer is really satisfied with the product of service provided.
Marketing is relevant not only to economic institutions such as manufacturing companies, wholesaler and retailer but to every organization that has something to offer for sale e.g. doctors, administrators, lawyers, accountant etc.
The first thing to observe about marketing is activity. The whole marketing process is concerned with the flow of goods form farms, forest or mines to mills and factories and form there to different marketing units. Warehouse, wholesalers and retailers store. This continual movement of goods and service is an economic system’s attempt to meet people’s needs and wants.
Marketing research on the other hand is the systematic designs, collection of analysis and reporting if data findings relevant to the specific marketing situation facing the community. Marketing research asks questions about competitions, economic trends technological advances and other numerous factors that make up the business environment. It is as well used to obtain information the present and future trends of the firm’s activities. This will help to formulate good policies for effective planning of marketing programme. For a company to function effectively and efficiently, the marketing department cannot be neglect sine the aim of marketing is to match all organization resources with the wants and need of all final consumers.
For some years in Kwara State, there has been on during by manufacturers of the alarming at which sales has continued to drop. Te reason for this could be caused by many factors which are interwoven. Unfortunately, marketing research has not been given enough attention. This quite up evaluates the impact of marketing on business activities in Kwara state taken Doyin investment as a ca study.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This topic is needed in any business activity because effective marketing on business activities a case study of Doyin investment is to shed more light on the important of marketing for the profitability of an organization as well as knowing how to improve the sales of the company’s product, whether the research will lead to the total or partial reformation of the company’s product, whether it will control the activities if workers in the company, etc.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
There are different purposes for writing up this study. Thus, it will be explained below;
To identify the problem facing business organizations.
To identify the effectiveness of marking research on business activities.
To correct the lapses on marketing activities of the business activities.
To ensure that business organizations of firm ensure that the consumer is really satisfied with the products if serviced provided.
1.4 Significant of the Study
Marketing research has vitals role to play in every establishment especially in the area of selling and distribution of goods and service produced by the establishment. This study which is an impact of effective marketing on business activities a case study of Doyin investment will significantly allow many sectors to benefit such as:
1. The Producer:
They participate in the sector by offering goods and service to the product market. They first go to the research market and buy the proper mix of the producer research on their own part; they seek money (income).
2. The Consumers:
They participate in the sector obtaining the producer, needed form the product market and exchange their money for the product or service needed. They get their money by going to resources markets for income (wages, rent, interest).
3. Labour (skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour):
They participate in this sector by ensuring that all productive resources are efficiently and effectively utilized for good production of goods and services. They seek money and it is gotten form the wages of salaries earned form this process.
4. Government:
The government major role is to provide certain service to consumers and business firms and to finance; these services by collecting taxes form those participants. The services are consumer information, education, protection, preventing anticompetitive behavior. etc.
1.5 Research Problem
In formulating research questions, through a dynamic reasoning and thinking, the writer was able to come up with the following questions:
Can any organization strive without an effective market research?
Can any organization satisfy her customers without effective marketing?
Can effective marketing improve sales of product of an organization in the society?
Can effective marketing lead to total reforms of a product in an organization?
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study will look at the marketing research as being carried out by the researcher and the organizations at large in Doyin investment. The major difficulty faced by the researcher is the collection of data since private organization believes in confidentiality. It was also difficult to get the care officials of the company for interview. They were erratic and reserved about discussing the issues of their organization for fear of mix-quality them, as a result of the duration and financial commitments involved in this researched it is limited to only one establishment when is Doyin investment.
1.6 Definitions of Key Terms
a. Marketing:
This is the creative management function which leads to promotion of trade and employment by assessing consumer’s needs and initiating research and development to merit them.
b. Marketing Research:
It can be defined as the systematic and objectives search for analysis of data and information relevant to the identification and solution of any problem in the filed of marketing.
c. Effective Marketing:
It can be defined as the means whereby all the activities f a business are down together to a common goal with the gull cooperation of other department like production, research and finance.
d. Marketing Policy:
This involves the appraised of any factor in order to decide the broad principles, which the company is to follow.
e. Marketing-Mix:
This refers to the combination of policies and procedures adopted form time to time by a company in its marketing programme.
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