Impact Of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) On Radio News Reporting

5 Chapters
39 Pages
4,121 Words

The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized radio news reporting, profoundly altering traditional practices and enhancing the dissemination of information. Through the advent of digital recording equipment, journalists can efficiently capture and edit audio content, ensuring timely and accurate news coverage. Additionally, ICT facilitates real-time communication and collaboration among reporters, enabling swift information gathering and the coordination of remote interviews. Social media platforms and online streaming services further extend the reach of radio news, allowing for interactive engagement with audiences and the amplification of stories beyond traditional broadcasting boundaries. Moreover, ICT tools such as data visualization software empower journalists to analyze complex datasets and present information in compelling formats, enriching the depth and breadth of radio news reporting. As newsrooms continue to embrace technological advancements, the symbiotic relationship between ICT and radio journalism evolves, shaping the landscape of media consumption and fostering dynamic storytelling practices.


1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Scope of Study
1.7 Significance of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms

2.1 Introduction
2.2. Review of Concepts
2.2.1 Communication This term
2.2.2 Broadcast reporting
2.2.3 FM (Frequency Modulation)
2.2.4 Radio
2.2.5 ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies)
2.3 Review of Related Studies
2.3.1 Broadcasting
2.3.2 Evolution of Radio Broadcasting
2.3.3 The Evolution of Radio Broadcasting
2.3.4 Definition of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
2.3.5 Types of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS)
2.4 Theoretical Frame Work
2.4.1 The Technological Determinism
2.4.2 Diffusion of Innovation Theory
2.5 Summary of The Study

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3. Population of the Study
3.4 Sample and Sampling Procedure
3.5 Description of Research Instrument
3.6 Validity and Reliability of Gathering Instruments
3.7 Method of Data Collection
3.8 Method of data Analysis

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Discussion of Finding

5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Conclusion


1.1 Background of the Study

Broadcasting has been at the forefront of many technological changes, mostly in digitalization and enhancement of existing technology. For example, digital technology now permits listeners to obtain traffic information and news per se, while listening to a cassette, compact disc or radio station etc. (Church Akpan 2006).
We are all living in a changing world, and over the past many ears we have been conditioned to accept changes in the way we think and relate. Thus, communication between the peoples of the world which sounded utopist before is now becoming a reality in or very eyes giving practical meaning to Marshall Mollohan’s view of the world ad a global village interlinked by communication technologies, (Mc Lucan, 1964. P47)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are electronic machines and devices. Their application have both computing and communication capabilities. They range from physical devices like digital cameras, tape recorders, computers, sensing devices, scanners, mobile phone, etc to cyber space-the internet, software, teleconferencing, satellite etc. Their application is broad and cuts across all interpersonal and mass communication media, giving more power, robustness and veracity to their operations and performance. More thane ninety years after the world’s first broadcasting station were pounded, radio is still the most persuasive, accessible, affordable and flexible mass medium available in cities, urban towns and rural areas. It is often the only mass medium available to majority of the people.
The application of information and communication technologies into broadcasting especially radio broadcasting is therefore designed to boost and enhance qualities of broadcast
programmes. Most importantly has been the digitization of radio signal, innovation programming and live reporting from any corner of the world.
It is also believed that the business of radio broadcasting has been elevated with information and communication technologies application. This informs why this project is undertaken with a view of finding out what information and communication technologies have on broadcasting, taking the Atlantic FM, Uyo, as a reference point.

1.2 Statement of Problem
Most researches on radio reporting have their focus on coverage of particular events of general interest and critique of programmes. This is so because it permits a close scrutiny of the output of radio stations. Today, with the addition of the profit making bias to the business of radio broadcasting, news and other programmes are seen as products which have to be packaged well.
Atlantic FM, Uyo, is a newly established radio station in Akwa-ibom State. However, it is certain that it applies information and communication technologies in broadcasting functions.
Thus, this research seeks to find out the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) on Radio News Reporting.

1.3 Objective of the Study
The objectives of this study are:
1. To find out if Information and Communication Technologies are used by Atlantic FM, Uyo in it broadcast reporting.
2. To find the extent ICT is been applied in broadcast reporting in Atlantic FM, Uyo.
3. To find out impact of Iformation and Communication Technologies on the output of broadcast reporting in Atlantic FM Radio, Uyo.
4. To make recommendations on the use of ICT on news report.

1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were formulated;
1. What is the extent of the application of Information and Communication Technologies in broadcast reporting of Atlantic FM, Uyo?
2. Does Atlantic FM, Uyo, make use of these modern Information and Communication Technologies in broadcast reporting?

1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following research hypothesis will be relevant to this study
H1: Atlantic FM, Uyo, makes use of ICT in radio new broadcasting.
H0: Atlantic FM, Uyo, does not make use of modern ICT in radio new reporting.
H2: ICT application will improve the output of radio news reporting in Atlantic FM Uyo.
H0: ICT application will not improve the output of broadcast reporting in Atlantic FM, Uyo.

1.6 Scope of Study
This study is restricted to only the radio services-The Atlantic FM, Uyo. The findings and its results can only be used to determine the impact created in other radio stations where information and communication technologies are employed in broadcasting of programs.

1.7 Significance of the Study
The findings as a result of this stud are expected to provide information that would help radio broadcasting improve with the use of ICTs as well as provide insight to Atlantic FMs management. it will also help the team make necessary amends in the positive direction where they are found to be lacking behind and equally provide model for researchers and institutions of higher learning which will serve as reference point.

1.8 Definition of Terms
The definitions of terms were operationally defined
This is the process of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another.
Broadcast Reporting:
This is the journalistic act of sourcing, covering, working, editing and presenting news on the radio.
FM (Frequency Modulation)
It is the type of radio broadcast service in which the frequency varies in a manner corresponding to the sound of the voice/music transmitted which is one hundred and eight six thousand miles per second. It was found in the 1930s by Edwin Armstrong and is allocated in the very high frequency (VHF) – the part of the radio spectrum from thirty to three hundred megahertz.
It is a telecommunication system by modulation and radiation of electromagnetic waves.
Information and Communication Technologies this is a set of technologies used in accomplishing modern radio communication without face-to-face meeting.

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Impact Of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) On Radio News Reporting:

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has had a profound impact on radio news reporting, transforming the way news is gathered, produced, and disseminated. Here are some key ways in which ICT has influenced radio news reporting:

  1. Faster and More Efficient Reporting: Information and Communication Technology tools have significantly expedited the process of gathering and disseminating news. Reporters can use smartphones, tablets, and laptops to capture and transmit audio recordings, photos, and videos in real-time. This enables them to cover breaking news stories more quickly and efficiently.
  2. Remote Reporting: Information and Communication Technology has made it possible for journalists to report from remote locations. They can conduct interviews and gather information from anywhere with an internet connection, which is particularly valuable for covering events in challenging or distant locations.
  3. Digital Audio Editing: The digitalization of audio editing tools has enhanced the quality of radio news reporting. Journalists can easily edit and enhance audio recordings, improving the overall production quality of news segments.
  4. Multimedia Integration: Information and Communication Technology enables radio news outlets to incorporate multimedia elements into their reporting. This includes embedding audio clips, images, videos, and interactive graphics into news stories, creating a more engaging and informative experience for listeners.
  5. Social Media and Citizen Journalism: Social media platforms have become valuable sources of news and information. Radio stations can monitor social media for breaking news and citizen journalism reports, incorporating these into their broadcasts or verifying them for accuracy.
  6. Audience Engagement: Information and Communication Technology allows for greater audience engagement through social media, online forums, and interactive apps. Listeners can provide feedback, ask questions, and participate in discussions related to news stories, enhancing the interactive nature of radio news.
  7. Data Analytics: Radio news outlets can use data analytics to better understand their audience’s preferences and tailor their reporting accordingly. They can track which stories are most popular, when listeners are tuning in, and how long they engage with content.
  8. Archiving and Retrieval: Information and Communication Technology tools enable radio stations to archive and easily retrieve past news segments. This is useful for reference, research, and historical documentation.
  9. Global Reach: The internet and digital broadcasting have expanded the reach of radio news reporting. Stations can now broadcast to a global audience, reaching listeners in different parts of the world.
  10. Cost Reduction: While there may be initial costs associated with acquiring ICT equipment and software, it can ultimately lead to cost savings. Information and Communication Technology tools often eliminate the need for physical media and reduce the costs associated with traditional broadcasting methods.

However, it’s important to note that while Information and Communication Technology has brought numerous benefits to radio news reporting, it also presents challenges. These include concerns about the spread of fake news, privacy issues, and the need for journalists to adapt to a rapidly changing media landscape. Despite these challenges, Information and Communication Technology has fundamentally transformed the way radio news is produced and consumed, making it more dynamic and accessible to a wider audience.